The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, April 27,1999 -21 Sox chase players Always the bridesmaid. neyer the teamoi, incliiding tbe bosis, wbo bride. Maplehurst overpowered 9-2 in the Shayns RIdley 4R1d1ey is player of the week Milton's Shayne Ridiey bas been namied the Mid-Amenican Conference Player of the Week for Apnil 12to 18. Tbe junior sbortstop, who's no longer takîng a back seat to bis twin brother Jeremy at the plate, batted .455 over tis recent stretch and posted an outstanding 1.091 slugging percentage to iead Bali State University to a 4-2 record. Now tbe Cardinals' ieadoff man, Sbayne went 10for-22 witb tbree doubles, one tniple and tbree borne runs on tie way to seven runs batted in for tbe week. He also scored 10 limes in the baîf- dozen outinga. This marks tbe second lime in as many years tbat tbe Rîdleys bave taken ibis pres- tîgious award. Jeremy was first to win it last season witb a 10-for-25 campaign that included tbree bomers, tbree doubles and mine RBI. Starting in ail 35 games ibis sping, pnior to tbis paît weekend, tbe BSU brotbers bave put up impressive numbers in every offensive category - particularly in the power depautiment. Sbayne bas an overail .727 sluggîng per- centage witb 11 bomers and a team-iead- ing 14 doubles. Second-baseman Jeremy - currently bîtting in the cieanup spot - bas nine dingers; plus 10 doubles and a slugging percentage of .660. The 6'T2 190 ibs. middle înfieid duo bave combined for 88 RBI and 110 total bits. Tbeir Cardinals boast a 23-12 record for top spot in MAC. LO0K for our "Easy Does It" Decoratîng Advice in today's.. MgÇÇ3 Sm Mi a 878-2629 *See our ad in tr- more than a great overnite stay. vi' svvvo'v 404'. ...., *4 1999 Mazda 626 LX-4 Lease bae on 48 molntg 000K e erEca ioee chrg $P 06wer KM 4S9 AO M ntl ametaddown/ok/ ir am nt oreg.tese pontdvryl AL130oLE-190er 357 QuèeenSco (51)83-000 94 8965 ANNA" FINAN Reglstered Massage TherapistlRefflexologlst Acute/Chronic Pain Back & Neck Pain Strains/Sprains Muscle Spasma Atbietic Injuries Ijeadaches Artbrltis/Joint Dys(unction Stress Management Day and evenlng appolntments avaliable. New Clients Weicome 550 Chllds Drive, Unît 31 (905) 691»,3713 Covered by most extended heaith care plana. Do you have concerns about... Your Childas Speech? ... Or Your Own? .We Provide [ I Speech-Language Services to Children and Aduits HALTON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE ibe a1iI~ E ~eiL5" '.OflU~ 106 Guelpli Street, Georgetown, Ontario, L7G 3Z5 Tel: (905) 873-8400 Fax: (905) 873-8158 CVO Accredited Compamion Animal Hospital 327 Oronte St. Se À Milton Dr. Jo-Ann McKinnon 875-1322 rlbmglaii oeil fxtemgionM '25 Full -qd *20 Fot Fi Jeanile 7&'4 mig à74 Psd44ee.a4 &74 PDe.1t %qe4a I To adverse YQUR professosa service Cid Kadiy Mcan 878-2341 j Zfr Catiabian Cbampoi mud '97'9-7S.S7