olWSbi, hmlioir fndaiJ Mp,2% 1999- 7 SO UR -READERS WRITE Gretzky a memory in a littie boy's heart Dear Editor: sbared bis gift w Watcbing Wayne Gretzky an television As hard as th Fniday, Apr. 16 announcing his reûrement ta make for Wt was an extremely emotional event ta wit- yet ta see the ness. endeavours. He has become a hausehold name ta Canadians and sameone we can be truly praud of. I would like ta share a story with yaur You nev readers of haw Wayne Gretzky taucbed aur lives. o c u On April 27, 1993 my 35-year-ald hus- Dear Editor: band died of cancer. That falI, bis camps- I arn writing ny bosted a golf taumament and named it know about a The Dan Aibin Memorial Golf Friday, Apr. 16. Taumnamrent. Let me star A few weeks after tbe tournanient, a cal- Schaltz. Wben league of my busband played golf with a bone marraw Wayne Gretzky. ivle îht Wayne noticed tbis man wearing a base- Mno bail cap witb the inscription, 'The Dan Oun tb a Aibin Mernorial Golf Taurnament' and O h i asked wha Dan was. athers, went ta Wben Wayne heard the story of how in haçies ta sont Dan was diagnosed witb terminal cancer, one tbe way De died witbin eight weeks and left a wife and Guess what, three young children behind, he signed the alang witb tbat basebaîl bat and asked that the biait be Wben I beai j delivered ta my cbildren. We wiîî neyer matcb for sont forget tbis very tbaugbtful and kind ges- feeling I bad (ai ture. migbt be able tc Over the years, we bave sbared this stary Sa, I arn un w Ounrguesti. However, this signed bat name is nat on has not becorne a trapby in aur borne, but and a little bloo, a gift tbat sits in my san's roorn beside bis You neyer k dad's picture. just save a life. During tbe past six years we bave watcbed Wayne's career flourisb as be ICanada's Leading Lawn Care U.FREE LAWN ANALY 'itb the world. is mreiement decision was; ayne, I believe that we are bcdý to corne in his new Rita Aibin-Curtis Milton er know when Id sa ve a lite this letter to let people phone caîl I received on tby bringing up Deidre she was sick and in need of transplant, I became very îe committee alongside Liz f the clinic, I, like so many give a sample of my blood eday be able to help some- idre was helped. that day came on Friday phone caîl. rd that I was a potential eone, 1 can't explain the ~d still have) ta know tbat I help save a life. ging you, please, if your a list, give a few midnutes now, someday you rnigbt Paula Dubras Milton !aeiisDl s Individuai Services Avaiabie eFuit Lawn Care Programs AT 12 0 usonfertilizing, Weed and insect Contrai Programs Same Day or Next Day Service Catis We use oniy Government Certffled Produots "1DEDICA TED TO MILTON e CAMPBELL VILLE *BROOK VILLE" Cali: 878-4999 C»mmnit liingNorth Halton Seeks Your Suppo;rt 7bis is your invitation to join together through membership to create a caring and supportive community in wbich to enhance tbe quality of l4fe for people witb developmental dîsabilities. Membershlp fe $15 per year for one aduit in a household, $10 per year for eacb additional adult in the household. Name: Address: Telephone # Returu t« Communty Lià.ng Nortb Hatton, 62 Park Aoe., Georgetown, ON L76 42) The Canadian Champion welcomes letters to, the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise, and reject letters. Letters çnust be signed and the address and the telephone number of the writer included. Mili Ietters toai: The Canadian Champion, Box 2,48, Milton, Ont. 19T 4N9, or leave them at Our office, 191 Main St. E. '99 Nissan Sentra XE '99 Nissan Altima GXE The Nissan Enjoy the Savings Event -40111110 'Flt.,PDILic.eMm.6.75%Fmmingavail"OAC.Spýiallw"pmlmguonmqmt.Swd»WrfýdeWils. M JK JK JK JK il I&IKIKIK IK M JK JK JKIKIK JK JK JK JK ALA&JLJK.P,