'4 ---ÇrfM9 GýÈhaMn Ohaiplon; -FfldE4y7 Apnil-23,199 $100 SAYS WE CAN TURN RUBBER INTO GOLD. tEAGLE F-lt EAGLE CA' REGATrA' WRNLER AS' Ultra-permonance Tourinil performnce Ail-around value LimbI trlck radial Spring Car Care $32 This service include.: 1. Luba, ail change and ail Aliter repiocemnent ta keep yaur S 2. Taping p af ail fluids, including brake, wvindshid, anti- ON TA R 0'S 3. BeIt ightening far imnpraved dniving perfarmance, as L E1 4. Faur wheei ire ralafian CLE * 5. Tire inspectian far cuts and snags and adjustmnent of air For the air pressure. we breatho.* 6. Battery inspectian and cable ightening. 7. inspect frant and rear brakes. OfIso vahid for nmta cars and liehi trucks ai pariicipahing readara unfil May 23, 1999. GBMSca"a077601 Plus enter ta win a day at the rack driving a Formula One. Eam 1 AIR MILES" reward miles for every $8 spent too. 'But hurry into a participating retailer for detalis, offer ends s May 1 st, 1999. Dealers may seli for leas. *An off"ca mairk cf the Provarce cf Ontario used efilh peritsasn Gocdyar supporte Oflaio'a Drive Oeae Progrein ai selecled dealers. Cal Dealer loi deteila. HH.4 INCLUDE: TGW e Bicycle Rack eTow Bars & Draw Bars lui eWiring Kits Classic II eih Dîstributing Hitches Hitch Security Locks - ls Il& 1 ClasseLow Profile Design Cmlmnsthe slyling of Iodayis vehicles Remiovable Drawbar Elimînates banged or bruised shins Sea atore for déala Custom Designed For each vehicle make, Model and year Schools recognized f or good earth work Two Milton schools are being recognized tor their comînhlrnent to the environment. Percy Merry and St. Peter's were to receive Blue Pianet '99 awards Monday (April 19) as a kickoff to Earth Week. They were to be honoured by World Wildlife Fund Canada and Halton Region during a ceremony at the Ontario Place Cinesphere in Toronto. Percy Mes-ry students recently began a widespread compostisg program, have made a numbe 'r of renovations around thse school in order ta conserve energy and continue ta maintain an indoor garden. Other initiatives include aggressive recycling and an adopt a whale effort by the grade twos and threes. Meanwhile, St. Peter's continues ta be involved with the SEEDS Learners in Action support prograi - and has reached Earth status by completing 1,000 environment reiated projects. The school's efforts over the years have included litter-leas lunches, wormn composting, tree and fiower planting, active recy- dling and financial contributions to environmentai protection groups thacsugh variaus fund-raisers. HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD REQUEST FOR PROPOSEL #99-01 Proposai, clearly marked as 10 the contents wilI be received by the bord until 12 noon local flm WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1999 Reqes fr Proposai documents may be obtained at the Purchaosing Department, Administration Centre, 802 Drury Lane, Burlington, Ontario, U7R 3Y. Documentation wili be provided free of charge. For any information about the proposai contact Frank Crouchman, Manager Purchasing Servces, (905) 632-6300, ext. 136. Fred L Sweemey X .U L» FiL cremenm Direct e etw Ieileemeu, Paréesle Services Joyce r3avollne Savoline wants to hit polis By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Theoe are an awful lot of doors in Halton Region. That's something Joyce Savoline is expecting ta learn in her campaign ta becomne Halton's firat publicly elected regional chair. Since Halton Regian was created in 1974, the chair has been appointed through a vote of regional councillors. Ms Savoline, who came ta the job in 1994, has been hoping ta change that ta a vote of thse people. That's thse way she was used ta worldng when she served as a Burlington council- lor for 12 ya. Then, she saw herseif as an extension of the people she represented. "It was great. What makes the job worthwhiie is how ail of us work together ta make this a good place ta live," said Ms Savoline. She made those feelings knawn when she was re-appointed as regionai chair in Se.e THERE COULD on page 14 PECK ' F PRO ONAL, RWCE Ail Eks Stripd d& Re 1ished to 1ar Specialists Quai Workm ih/ 1 -32-1 4, NEWLY RENOVATED TOWNHOUSEI Spacious 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom tawnhouse. New cabinets, carpet, piumbing factures, etc. Bronte Road backing on ta escarpment. 5% down = $800.00 monthiy mortgage pay- ment. cau 908-257-3973