14 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Apnil 23, 1999 There could be a race fior regional chair ini next election e trom SAVOLINE on page 4 1997. In her inaugural speech, she asked council to provide a motion for the direct election of the regional chair. "It was the first thing out of My mouth," she said. "I just feit that the time had corne in the evolution of the Region." Thse appropniate motion was muade and the provincial government peti- tioned to shlow the change. It appears they have listened. Municipal Aftairs Minister AI Lecach has iniorined Ms Savoline that lie will try to introduce the necessary legisia- tive amcndmcnt when the Spring ses- sion resumes in late April. If il goes through, Ms Savoline could find herseif in a race ta be regional chair in the next municipal election. "Confirmation to me will be when the legialation is passed in Queen's Park," she said. "But they're begin- ning the proceos." Ares MPPs are keeping an eye out for the amendinent, said Ms Savoliine. "Wc're watching," shte said. "Ail our MPPs are watching for it, whenev- er it hits the books." *A democratically elected chair is crucial due to changing times, said Ms Savoline. "Lt is appropriate given the magni- tude of the issues, and because 50 much of the property tax bill is coin- ing to the Region," said Ms Savoline. Since 1997, downloading shifts lisse chsrieed nIe lac e ol lie re.'ronal property tax bill. Today, about 50 per cent of that bill is for regional services, up from 17 per cent just two years ago. Being duly elected could give Ms Savoline a bigger voice on issues such as development and taxes, she said. "Given that I could campaign on certain issues, I could also speak to those issues," she said. Back in the days when she was a councillor, Ms Savoline earned hier voles lie liard way slîgginig froi door ta door. She intends to do the saine thing now. "Lt was knocking on aIl those doors, every single one," she said. "Lt will be an enormous undertaking." Lt is also costly. An election carv- paign would likely set a candidate back about $70,000, said Ms Savoline. Currently, only four regional chairs in Ontario are elected. w/- Marel Auto~An Ge0neral Repar Lmd. Acrodited Emissions Test & Ropair Facility *Allgamenaf *AirCondlloulaig a Frhaasf Lloeaad SatefylaspesfloaStation a SerWeing Ail Makes DItDomastlc à limportsa *Tune-ups ONTRI 'SJ * rakas Comuputer Dlagioutles À 1 386on WhedDnu, Rve. E., ReDrUnit * Ail Clutch & FaDrgvie ~ Differential Sevice àiHelm-th K ins loi* im F~ronte St.i, Unit #11Dri Fre 18a THOstO FOAur UNIT Drve Doi * 875-1572 , AVANTI O McCormack AUfeeTOa Sec Auto t Serices *COMPUITER DIAGNSTICS *TIRIES JOHN MCCORMACK *COMPUTER WHEEL BALANCING COOUNG & HEA11NG LICENCED MECHANIC a DOT Inspection Station a Rust Proofing LIFETIME EXHAUST AND BRAKES a Computer Diagnostics e General Repairs COMPUTERIZED VEHICLE COST HISTORY e Air Conditmonmng e Tune Ups -SHUTTLE SERVICE e Brakes * WE CAN BUY VEHICLES AT THE AUCTION' ASK FOR DETAILS. 85 Steeles Ave., Unit 6 0)909 NIPISSING ROAD 878-29L52 r 7 -0870 m a Tire sales SENTINEL & erke AUTOMOTIVE Major & Minor Rapa s * Tune Ups vanu Air Conditioning - Brakes - Engines * Diesel ,/ 'Z=IANO Eshaust - Safety Inspecioans - Towing lm~~fUiA *Marn nRapars -e n ; = Hg-edhServ'ùe yh Od-aswned Vaue _£ja1! aha.m 342 Bronte St. South, Units 12 & 13, Milton 555 Main St. E. 876-4788 878-8086 4bMifton bimpuni Car Cnr DIV. 0F GERRUD INO. Specialists on Volkswagens * Fuel Injection & Diesels service Wu*7LLTEDcentre Speaializing in - FUEL INJECTION -AUTO ELECTRIC &CHARGING -AUTO AND TRAILER WIRING SYSTEMS * DELCO BATTERIES -TUNE-Up & EMISSION CON- - BRA<E SERVICE VMADD gives cops new van to help curb drunk driving Halton Regional Police are proud own- ers of a new RIDE van thanks ta MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) Halton. The donation marked the culmination of a year's worth of fundraising targeted specilically for the purchase of this vehi- cie. "The MADD volunteers worked very hard ta pay for this van and the Halton Regional Police Service is very proud to have received it," said Sgt. Frank Phillips. "The van marked in RIDE colours and with the MIADD logo will serve as a trav- eling bilîboard and remind people that if you drink, don't drive." The RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) programn focuses on educa- tion and enforcement of the anti-drinking and driving message. H-igh profile activi- ties include the annual Christmas season blitz of roadside spotchecks. If was about a year ago when MADD became aware that police needed fa replace their RIDE van, so, the organiza- tion resolved to buy the necessary vehicle through a variety of initiatives. These included volunteering at Milton's Springridge Farmn over the Mother's Day weekend and during the Oakville Waterfront Festival, sponsoring a chil- dren's tennis-a-thon, selling fantasy vaca- tion tickets, car washes and the compila- tion of recipes for a cookbook. During MADD Halton Awareness Week, volunteera sold MADD buttons at five different area.GO stations. During MADD's annual Red Ribbon Campaign, volunteers spent countless hours in various shopping maIls for saven consecutive weeks selling red ribbons. Rural dlean-up 1heIp, wated Volunteers are needed for thse upcom- Consultation Conittee. ingRul Road Clean-Up. If you are witing to help'organize thse "Our s-oads are a mess," said Jean dlean-up of a section of your road, cal Woods of thse Nassagaweya Comnunity MsWoods ai 854-2107. (r Milton Comnmunity Nursery Sehool is hasting an OPEN HOUSE Tuesday April 27th 9:30.- 11:00 arn & 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Interested in Registration for Fall 1999? - ISOLS - SAFETY INSPECTIONS I àCorne check out our programs. GERHARD & -AUTO AIR CONDITIONING I " 17 Wilson Drive g 123 Main Street East, RUDY 538 Main St. E. 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 I Milton (St. Pauls Church) <905)6878-5330 Milton 878-7221 [_ ~ 878-9167 J(905) 878-7007 ~Our Purpose Our. lasting purpose is to provide quality care ta dedicated enthusiastic familles for the purpose of maximiz- ing their health. To iacrease the poteatial in peaple's ]ives So they cao experience lite t h fullest, naturally. Dr. Angelika Koeth CHIROPRACTOR Cal 878-5165 Chiropractie & You seminar Monday April 26 from 7-8 pmn. If you wluh bo attend cati Carolyn 878-5165 LWy] Elîsabeth Hibbert B.Sc., D.Ch. Chiropodist-Foot Specialîst *Corns * Calluses * Warts *Heel & Arch ain *Os-thodc Management *Diabetic & Arintic Footcare *Su'ical Ca-e * Nail Case *Pediaric Assessent: