The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 20,1999-9a 'Banner' idea gets early political backing Musw By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Milton may soon be waving <ho flag to promote homnegrown festivîties through a new streot banner program. Events such as Canada Day, <he Santa Claus Parade and <ho Farmer's Market wouîd Iikely gel a boost from <ho program, <he Town's community services committoe hoard recontly. The project would have cîoth bannors affixod <o hydro polos which would be usod <o advertise local happenings. "Me polos would ho fitted with a perma- nent bracket foaturing a stylized 'M' for Milton. Belose tho banner, a sponsorship bar fasbionod from stroot sign matorial would provide yoar-round advertising for local sponsors. Though <ho numbers are proliminary, staff ostimated it would tako $500 <o 'own' the polo through sponsorship. About 100 polos wilI Iikely be'targetod. Installation and maintenance costs are not yot known, but <ho program is meant <o ho soIf-sustaining through sponsorship rev- enue. The sehole <bing was dreamod up by a sub-committeo of <ho Milton Millennium Committco, also known as Milton 2000. According <o a staff report, Milton Hydro bas already committed <o installing <ho brackets and changing <ho banners on <ho hydro polos. The banners would ho pîaced high onough on <ho poloes <o discourago vandal- ism. Although <ho program rocoivod easy approval at commitoo levol, Councillor Rick Malboeuf wondered if <ho bannors would lead <o a decline in sponsorships for other organizations, such as sports teams. " My own concern is that <ho, $500 is going <o take away froro othor organiza- ions," said Mr. Malboeuf. "Are we corn- poting with <hem for <bis?" Mr. Malboeuf also wondered if council should commit <o <ho banners before <ho sponsorship dollars are confirmed. j Jennîfer Reynolds, <ho Town's director of leisure services, said preliminary rosearch didn'< prediet any major stum- bling blocks for tihe program. "Some busînesses have dollars for advor- tising <bat are different <han dollars for sponsorship," she said. Upkeep and maintenance of <ho banners could ho taken care of through sponsorship Chief slams poor driving a from GLANCE on page 3 Ovoraîl crime was down, a <rond which has continued in <ho first quarter of <bis year, said Chiof Algar. Breaking <ho <rond is violent crime, which saw a sîight increaso in first three montbs of 1999. According <o statistics Canada, Halton won <ho gold modal as <ho safest commu- ni<y with a population above 100,000 in Canada. "We'ro controlling crime quito woll,rr said Chief Algar. The ares doos not fore quito as woll weon it comes <o driving. "Halton is highor <han <ho Canadian average in traffic accidents," ropor<od Chiof Algar. "That includos impaired dri- ving." Poor driving habits, not just traffic con- gestion and bad roads, are <ho cause, said Chief Algar. drollars. saic Couancillor Jo-hn Chllocr tIr, pi,,-,el ";sil k ,,. k ,.,. . 1 Il Ila as,., » That is <ho case wi<b a similar program in Richmond Hill, sehere ho works, said Mr. Challinor. "A portion of <ho cos<s of <ho sponsor- sbips goos towards maintenance," ho saidl. "I don't tbink it's a rosI problom." Mr. Challinor said bis experiences wi<h ee 'A gocd. "This is an excellent program for corpo- rations and I think it is intended for larger corporations rather <han small ones," ho said. "I< really doos add some vitality <o <ho community." Councillor Art Melanson also voted <o "Not only will it ho decorativo, but il will ho informative," he said. "I think it will ho cos< effective." If it is passed by council, staff is hoping <o launch a marketing campaign immodi- a<oly in order <o have banners in place for Canada Day <bis summor. - Control with Up-Front, Fuit Disclosure Pricing With No Aftershock. 1999 CAVALIER COUPE NO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE MONTHLY PAYMET 17îs CASH 00000 (Irici. Frei0010o $6415) '2,0SO GAS TAX $75 19 9C V LE OPRE-DELIVERY INSPECTION NO EXTRA CH-ARGE *2.2 litre L4 115 hp engine a 5-speed manual transmission PST/GDT (Il. Ie 1on0 Paynmnt) '345 SECUIRITY DEPODOT '3W0 *4-wheel anti-îock braking system e Next Generation dual front air bags TOTAILAMOONT DUE ONI DEUVERD azeaaM PASSock thft-dterentsysern rer soilr e M/F streoLicen, P.PD.A. &Admin. Fees Extra * PASLoc® teft-eterenîsystm o earspoier *AM/M streoWisa $0 domi. ieasaly payormast le e tinted glass a rear seat heat ducts * body side, body colour mouldingsSM(pute)-M"onwKy And For On1y 150 More A Month 1999 CAVALIER Z24 s2.4 litre Twin Camo L4 SF] 150 bp engine 5-speed manual transmission a 4-seheel anti-Iock braking systern aNext Generation dual front air bags sPASSLock* Eheft-deterrent systemn s AM/FM stereo with CD player e rear spoiler 9 air conditioning a poweer sunroof * tiît/cruise e16" aluminuru wheeîs *fog Iamps . ..... ... body side, body colour mouldings 1999 CAVALIER SEDAN 2.2 litre L4 115 hp engine a 4-seheel anoi-Iock bra.king systeco eNexE Generaouon dual front air bags e PASSLock' s. heft-deoerreno systern e AM/FM stiereo achild-seccrily rear door Iocks e rear Seat heat ducts a body colour mouldings a coud guards a battery run-dosen proection a Value Package - includes power door Iocks, cruise control, air COnditioning and auEomalic transomission. 1999 CHEVROLET MALIBU 2.4 latre Twcn Cami 150 hp engine a 4-speed autonnatar transmassion e 4-wheeî anti-loci braking system aNexE Generation dual front air bags ePASSLock' theft-deterrent system e air conditionisg * child-security rear door Iocks * AM/t-M stereo with cassette sTilt-Wheel' steering e body side, body coloSI ffiocidings e poweer trunk'release $17995 OWaaIsOeDac'M'DaOAr aAS $208 119995 Oee ma orad t-oc co '228 $SaceLEAsc WT 1 W PIRH ~178 ju R$15,795 36 MONTAS LEADE RATE SFITO INCLSDES FR11501 36 MONTAS DR 9F 0045. LICENCE, FURCHASE FINANCINS INSURANCE ANS UF 10 48 MONTAS TA.XES EXTRA) 1999 CAVALIER Z24 NO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE MONTHLY PAYMENT (3ReeaR0l0 kmi) 2 8otx CASA 00000 (Ind Frrghtof $45 and idrrlaxof $10) 2.090 GAS TAX $75 PRE-DELIVERY INSPECTION NO EXTRA CHARGE PST ST (InAl Ta on Paymnt) 359 SECSIRITY DEPOSIT .3m0 TOTAL AMOONT DUIE ORN DEUVERY $3,052 Licence PR.PS &. Admin. Pes Extra ars $0 doms, araill primsent sa 2Uaae tex) ss - SM5 due on d@Ulear. 1999 CAVALIER SEDAN NO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE MONTMLY PAYMENT 1208nouax Ec6oeiamOAOal£U(Ar CASH DOWNtaFmod4SswaraxA0Iye $2,120 GAS TAX '75 PRE-DELIVERY INSPECTION NO EOTRACHARGE PST/GST (ndx Paym)r '360 SECURITY DEPOSIT '300 TOTAL AMO<JNT DUE! ON DELIRY $3,063 Licnce, P.. & Admin. Fees Ecdra Wlh $0doan, mon1ty paynsont lis $269 (plus tax) - $721 due on dtlivery 1999 CHEVROLET MALIBU NO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE MONTHLY PAYMENT 12 8putx (36 ns"asWW1lu a) ~ UEo CASH DOWN<cc his7ASTuadsiooî '2,410 GAS TAX '75 PRE-DELIVERY INSPECTION NO EXTRACARGE PST/GSTiTaPiejmi '407 SECURITY DEPOSIT 13O0 TOTAL AMOULNT DUE ON DELIVERY '3,420 Licence, P P.S.A. & Admin. Pes Extra 00)00 $0 docon, monthly paymsent la $301 inlus taxi - $782 dus on delivere. We' alb tya eu maru. Corne 0100î us atlycor local dealer, on our esite at or cail us at 1-00-GM-DRIVE. NI reaces hava annual kSASSaSse iea o020,000 km, $0.12 pet cess donre. PST, EST and rsoraea rotra. NI ass hve an annolcost o.oromiig ol.t/54% prannu for CavairMu Ohrrlasseoptionsavalablr Financiro on approved GMAC creii cofly Exemple $10,Di01)t1.%/4.9 nc0 e ormiolypaymnrais216.514soM.8 er 4801000105 CostOISbori l 32.41M32. Total oigation iO$10.3W. 48411,032.32. Dom pr a lor tilde rnayb r rred. Mortil paYmaldco C o ooén wM fflydWdqo aui l owbsioriidd a rn lrs a Oriid la eau 1000 mda c CanhrCOZ R7ZOM iar 224 C oupe R7 r0aSda RllSla*o RC qoja sAro1d ti oaRooain aa cugaelisi OMM 1r9l Canl Draie Mar5r Ascdei eerù Iis a casaaiwy LidrrdOs slay iuo l0e «W fha f .Dme may alra W or bueaa. Soira aro aWis for condiiae ar deai