10 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 20,1999 Who are ni yoG callingo THE JOHN DEERE 4100 AND 790 OFIFER BIG TRACTOR FEATURES ONLY $199p.r month* When it comes to performance at a price you can afod take a look at the compact 4100 and 790 tractors. Like their bigger brothers, these tractors boast ail of the ffeatures you've come to expect from John Deere. And here's the best part. Either tractor can be yours for only $199 a month! LOOK AT THE FEATURES WE'VE PACKED IN! 4100 790 ENGINE 20-hp, 3-cylinder 30-hp, 3-cylinder liquid-cooled diesel liquid-cooled diesel TRANSMISION Sliding gear/collar shift, Sliding gear/8 forward/ 8 forward/4 reverse speeds 2 reverse speeds (Hydrostatie available) DRIVE 4-wheel drive 2-wheel drive STEERINO Power Manual PTO Mid and Rear PTO Rear PTO (A wîde range of optional attachments are available.) Remember, these pnices end on May 31, 1999 so0 take advantage today. We'd be glad to show you what junior can do! MILTON Halton Grounds Care Equipment 1589 Steeles Ave. E. (James Snow Parkway & Hwy. 401) (905) 878-8121 (905) 868-2121 For tronton model 4100 <gear drive, flot including optional attachments), basent on sallins pnice of $13.599 Iess $3,245.20 down pay mient. Taxes, setufi annt freight charges are entra. Balance of $10,353.80 f0 be financent with 60 monthly paynoents of $199, totaIîng $11.940. Basent on 5.75% 419f, tire foul cost of borrowing wriI be $1,586.20. For tractor montel 790 (gear drive, flot incIonting optiona attachments), baset on selling pnoce ofi $12.819 Iess $2.465.20 donen parynoent. Taxes, setufi and fneîght charges are entra. Balance tif $10353.80 ta be finaoce w55h 60 monthly pa5nnents of $199, totaling $11,940. Baset on 5.75% APR. tire fll cost tif bonrowing wiII be $1,5%6.20. Ail transactions subject to John Deere Crecit afppmoxal. tome restrictions mai apl. This pnogram ernts May 31, 1999. AIR MILES» is a traxtematr of A55 MILES Intemnational Holdings N.. tisent nder license by Loyafty Management Groop Canada toc. aed John Deere Crent. AIR MILES' means AIR MILtS' reword miles uniess fine coroet requires othenwise. NoTI tINt RUNfr LIKE A Dt±îsLO .JOHN DEERE -CREDIT YeaLesee re dforBayuigdie [te « . Date/mne Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The column is available to local community groups to, assist in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groupa may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest to the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand la low. Notices for Dateline should be hand- ed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Tuesday Apr. 2Ô The Ontario Association of Superaninuated Women Teachers, a non-profit organization for retired women teachers, meets at St. James Anglican Churcli, 6029 Old Church Rd., in Caledon East at 10 a.m. Meeting events include payment of annual fees and a parade of wedding gowns. Lunch costs $10. For more information, contact Irene Spencer at (905) 793-2696. A men's stress and anger manage- ment group meets at the Harrop Cottage, 345 Steeles Ave. E., at 7 p.m. The event us free. For more information, caîl 878-8161. ext. 1. Ask for Hedi. Wednesday Apr. 21 Nassagaweya Rural Watch meets at Brookville Hall ai 7:30 p.m. The topics are home security, local break-in details and road safety initiatives and concernas. Ali are welcome. Milton Wheels to Meals hosta a Ion- checon in the Loblaws Community Room. Transportation and assistance can be arranged for those that require it. The cost is $5 for a hot meal. For information, caîl Mary at 878-6699. Ladies are invited to attend a neighbour- hood CoITee 11mw fmom 9:30 to Il a.m. at Allendale Auditorium, 185 Ontario St. The special feature is Milton Suzuki Strings. The guest speaker is Grace McGrath. The event is hosted by the Milton Christian Ladies Coffee Hour. Admission is free and babysitting is pro- vided. The La Leche League of Milton meets at CHERIS- Family Resource Centre, 540 Childa Dr., at 8 p.m. Women intereat- cd in information about breaatfeeding are welcome. as are babies. The topie for inlormal discussion, led by accredited leaders, is 'Baby's Changing Needs'. For more information, caîl 876-0772 or 876- 3322. Tbursday Apr. 22 The Canadian Mental Health Association begins a six-week series enti- tled Anger Management. Participants more DATELINE on page 19 "For goodness sake"l is brOught to you courtesy of Hallton Healthcare and zbe Caiaba (ain