Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Apr 1999, p. 6

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6 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, April 16, 1999 +OPINION TH AAIA CHMPO Box 248, t Milton, C (905)8 EditorialI AdvertisingI Classif Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Bill Begin Rob Kelly Karen Croass Teri Casas Tim Coles 91 Main St. E., The Canadien Champion, published every Tuesday and Friday nt. L9T 4N9 a t 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), os one of The Metroland Printing, Publishing & Diotributing Ltd. group of sub- !82341 urban companies which incîtides: Ajax / Pickering News 8-2341 dvertiser; Atbiston HeratdlCourier; Barrie Advance; Brampton Guardian; Barlington Post; City Parent; Collingwood / Wasaga Fax: 878-4943 Connection; Eatt York Mirror; Etobicoke Guardian; Georgetown lndependentj Acton Free Preso; Kingston This Week; Lindsay This ýax: 876-2364 Week; Marltham Economist & Sun; Midlarsd / Penetanguiobene Mirror; Mississauga News; Newmarket I Aurora Era Banner; ied. 875-3300 Northumberland News; North York Mirror; Oaksitle Beaver; Orllia Publisher Today; Oshawa I Wftitby I Clarington I Port Pernj Tbis Week; Peterborough Tbis Week; Richmond H-ilt I Thornhitl / Vaughan Associate Publisher Liberal; Scarborough Mirror; Uxbridge I Stofftsitle Tribune; General Manager Today's Seniors. Advertising is accepted on the condition that. in the exeat of a Editor typographical error, that portion ot the advertioing opace accu- Circulation Manager pied by the erroneouo item, together with a reaxoxable atlowance for signature, witt not be charged for, but the balance of the Office Manager advertioemnent wilt bu paid for at the applicable rate. The pabtioher Production Manager reservet tht right f0 categorize advertioemrento or decline. c 'operis a lame idea I treally wise for Halton Regional Police, in concert with other nearby forces, to push for a helicopter? Probably flot. It's a glamorous toand the money could likely be better spent on front-uine officers. The thinking among police brass appears to be that the aircraft will cut down on the number of police pursuits. Well, maybe. But will the public really be any safer? When one watches television tapes made from helicopters in other jurisdictions, fleeing criminals seem to, pose just as much hazard to law-abiding motorists. They careen along highways, smashing into other people's vehicles, cutting people off, in often vain attempts to, elude the helicopter. Crin-fnals generally aren't known for their intelligence, and they're usually desperate, and they often don't care who they hurt. So they aren't about to roll over and surrenderjust because a helicopter is hov- ering nearby. Besides the fact the roads won't be appreciably safer, there is this to consider: How effective will a helicopter be as a crime fighting tool if it is shared among three jurisdictions -- in this case Halton, Hamilton- f Wentworth and Peel? Who is to say it will be available when needed? The provincial govemrment is throwing money at this test project, but that hardly means it's especially worthwhile. The provincial gov- emment is throwing money around ail over the place in a crass pre- election campaigil. The Tories just want to latch onto a high-profile law and order issue to, boîster their position for the upcoming trip to the ballot box. Rob Kelly OUR READERS WRITE Harris'ý so-called new money is really old hat Dear Editear: Recently 1 had to take my two-year-old son to emor- gency at Milton District Hospital. Duo to the unknown nature of bis ilineus, I thon had to take him to Oakville-Trafalgar Memonial Hospital bocause Milton no longer haa a pediatrician on cail. The 40-minute trip to Oakville was otroxoful and this was thon compounded by the fact that the hospital bas only one pediatricias on catI. It took an hour-and-a- haif bofore ho was finally seen by the doctor there. Some of the equipment wasn't working properly, mombers of the nursing unit were trying to ho in two or moro placos ut tho same time and one doctor waa trying to help a steadily increasing number of young patients. The treatment and concern my child received at both facilities was tremendoua and those nurses and doctors demonstrated groat compassion under vory trying circumstancos. My point? We koop sooing in the modia how much monoy ix being pourod into the "improvod" hoalth sys- tom in this province. Wo are bombarded daily by announcemonta of now funding. Don't forget that ail this "now" monoy ix juot rofilling the huge bobes created by the Harris govoro- ment's more massive cuts over the paot two years. What is being put back into tho systom now ix stili less that what was there in the firat place. If you want to ueo the results of this "new" money, spend a few houra in an emergency waiting moom. 'he rooney iu nowhere in sight. I know, I was there. Syd Read Moftat It's harder and harder to gtet good advice these days I like listening to those radio psycbology shows. It can ho entertarning hearing other pet> ple's problemu. The real problero, as I see it, however, ix that often you and I could have dis- pensed witb botter advice. A lot of the time I thixak they just don't get it. They don't listen, wbich ix a funny thing for a psycbologist not to do. The only show I actually like, hosides Frazier, is Dr. Joy Brown. She's good, and I don't feel like yelling at her to amarten up after every caIt. She seems like a regular person, and I actually learn something by listening to her. She aoks questions, gives callers a chance to explain themselves, and gîves advice that a regular per- son could actually use. aI other words, she actu- ally helps people. One other female radio psycbologist is so out to lunch, in my opinion, that I think she could actually use some help hersoîf. Her advice ix often ridiculous. .The other day, a divorced mana with children wanted to know how to help bis girlfriend's chul- dren hoUter accept hiro, as well as bis own chil- dren hotter accept ber. The doctor said that chil- dren have a difficuit rime with such a thing and that if be and bis girlfriend were most worried about the cbildren they should each go back to their spouses. Duh. Not only a stupid suggestion, but the guy's ex-wife had already remarnied. Another radio advice person dispenses sex advice, but I just wouldn't know whether it's good advice or not. Television psychologists, or would-be psy- chologista, are aIl nuts, and I've neyer leamed a single tbing from tbem, excopt mayho that vio- lence on TV is very entertaining. And so beliov- able, too. Wo've juot seen an bour of hair- pulling, cbair-throwing, name-calling, and clotbes-ripping. 'Me bost solemnly dispenses bis advice at the end of the show, often revealing to us that vio- lence isn't the anxwor to our problems. Thank you very much, oh wiso one. The two most popular newspaper advice columnists make me oo mad, I can't read thero anymore. Two sisters, too. 1 tbink they had one bock of a messed up family. Frank discussions witb the person tbey're complaining about pmob- ably work, but if wo could aIl do that we 0 wouldn't be writing for advice. A could write an advice columo wbe gest the person abould seek therapy each letter. The funniost thing to me on tels help shows are those wbere enormot and cry hocause their husband doesr tion to thom anymore. They wore when lirst mamred and have ballo pounds. They want some sympatby, it. Thon the toars flow like a rivet reveal to an outraged audience that t) calîs them 'Tubbo'. The best advice I could give those eat leas, and spend less time feeling sorry for theroselves. Recently, a woman called the Dr. Joy Brown show and told how ber mamrage had deteriorated t e into nothing ever since their child had developed n the a srosile The doctor explained how it bappened, wby it loose happened, and wbat to try and do about it. The woman, who had hoon crying, hung up with a U M plan and some hope. ndayoy Springer would have brougbt out bis secret nd aneybody lover; the newspaper advice ladies would have re they enugo suggestod a frank discussion witb ber husband, attoer ffollowed by therapy; and the other radio poy- rvision talk- chologist would have told themn botb to quit their as women sit jobs so they could spend more time with the 't pay atton- cbild. 120 pounds I tbink I could have an advice coluron that oned to 300 helpo people because I bave the single host solu- and they get tion to any problero. Tbey key is not to think r when tbey about it, so thon it can't worry you. This took me teir husband a long time to discover, su don't take it lighily. It actually works. Well, at loast as woll as most of women is to the free advico we hear.

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