Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Apr 1999, p. 29

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GARAGE SALE 8AUDY A.M L 17OO S8UD A PRIL 17OO 581 HOLLY AVENUE GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 17 9 AM -1 PM 33 PITFIELD ROAD, MILTON GIGANTIC INDOOR GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, APRII. 17, 1999 8 AMT02 PM 4231 Derry Rd., West af Appteby LUne Antiques, Coiteclibies, Hausehoid Treasures and much, mach, more!!! i VOLUNTEERS NEED- ED - We need Votun- leurs. Come have your picture laken ix front of aur Europesn motif 1oi help us win a European Vacation ta bu donsted la, chanity Cati Maria aI The Travet Bureau, Lo- biaws, Milton Market for detaits. 693-9393. COUNTfRYSTYrL: DO. NUTS requires Counler Heip, full lime, mid- ntghls plus affemoon & weekend part lime. Pisas cai 87-4441. FO0D SERVICE heip required for High Schooi Cafeteria in Milton. If in- Iemested piesse beave a message wilh Roxane aI 416-255-6131, ext. 297. SPRING Pricu Break!! No GSTl Want a great new look an your fumituru? Givu Fieldsa scatI. Soaa f rom $590 Lovoseats from $487. Chairs frorn$198 Seri ior Discounts. Fields Custom Uphlsisering. 875- 4427, 9-9 dsily. WORKOUT bench wilh treeweights, exercise bicy- cle, antique fnidge, pine table, tour chairs, malching hutch. Beat Offer. 870-1235. NOTICE TO INTERNMENT RIGHTS HOLDERS IN MILTON EVERGREEN CEMETERY Ail artIticial tîowsrs musI ho removed from Ihe csmsilery gruunds prier Io Aprii 18, 1999. Any arlticl fiowers lift on the grounds after fil dais wiii be rsmnoved and dlspassd of by tbm cseilery staff. Byiaw 8.6 4 . Mes ,CuOOL CRAFT SALEI E. OVER 80 TABLES Concord Transport' ation Inc. bas immediate openlngs for DwnerlOperators and Company Drivers for both team and single. Sign on bonus! excellent pay package rrsp program diue eoit pay fUe1ec.ono.my bo n us safe driving bonus fuel &toli cards supplied persnlized 24 hour disýpatch commitmerlt to more ho me turn- e w.'. '-exh ange cap on fuel rdedti ée driver advÔcate à- WAREHOUSE POSITIONICLIANER Importer af Europuan 5kin Care Producta ls taaking for a sett-motivalud, energelic & dependlabtu persan ta become part af a fast growing business. Il you have experience in order processing, stock preparalian and gen- erat warehause & cteaning dulies, as wett as being an exlrernety retiabte and hardmarking individua, send your resumne tai: S11L-SPECIAIL LABORATORIES LTD. RO. Box 279, 290 Branle Street S., Milttan, Ontaria L9T 4N9 or Fax ta, (905) 878-3729 or drap off in persan aIt aur front desk. A wett estabtished painting cantracting company requires experienced fulltlime cruw teaders and professionat peintura; for custom residentia prajecîs. We offur a competilive psy plan, a leam oriented work environment and strang job securily. Pisase respand in confidence by fax ta: 905-878-1061. Milttan manufacturer seeking persan for fuit tîme emptoyment. Applicns it have god mechanica akitta and a vatid drivers licence. Company miii train for this entry tevel position. Fax only resumnes to0 905-78-0344J Connnunity Living North Itaiton EMPLOYMENT OPPOitTUNITY Regutar part-time and casuat relief work available-supporting people in Milton and Halton HuIs ta hecome in- votved in their communities. We are looking for enthusiastic individuats who are invotved in community groupa and enjay meeting people and trying new things. Experience in sup- porting peopte in their own ho mes through other agencies woutd be an as- set. Security clearance witt be required. Successful applicanta wilt be required ta work evenings, weekend and over- night shifts. Please send resumne tmmediatety la: Shelley Wolf Human Resourcea Community Living North Hatton, 62 Park Avenue, Georgetown, Ontario, L7C 4Z0 (905)873-8181 Pluaso contact Helen or Kathy at (905) 660-3000 or 1 -800-367-4292, Monday la Friday, 8:3Oam to 5:OOpm or fax rusumes la (905) 660-7501 or mail ta: 400 Cruditstonu Raad, Unit # 5, Concord, Ontario L4K 3Z3 Visit aur Website et: www.concordtrans.com COMMUNICATIONS CABLING A growing co in tht communications cabling fieldi requires PRDJECT COORDINATOR Coardination nI bath toao and national installations. Cable Assembler Personnel la-hause mlg. aI cable assemblits & harnossos. Expenienoe is not necesxary Plusse forward resume ta Mary at CCS, Fax: (905) 625-0395 Lacal transportation ca. has amoediat n eningo lar: PART-TIME NIGHT BILLERS Shift commencing 5:00pm, Monday-Friday FULL-TIME RATE CLERK Days, Manday-Friday Transportation top. an assel. Forward rtsomos la: TCT Logistics 1221 North Service Rd. E. Oakvills, Ontario 16H lA7 HeIpDESK Technolagy Corporation ta North America's fasteat growing deveiop- er af heip desk software appilcations. Dur clients include Fortune 500 campantes, hoapitls, financial institutions, communi- cation giants, ail branches af the armed farces and The Executive Office aI the President af lIhe United States. Located in Oakvilte, we require: " WebMasier/NT System Administrator " Visuel Basic Programmera (Analysts) " Internet Marketing Strategisi " Technical Support Ropresentalives " Customer Service Representatives For delaits on position requirements and application pracedure, please visil: VWWhelpdesk-i.com - EXPERIENCED Watt- er/Wailress wanîed for Breezy Restaurant, good wages & lips. Ap- pty ix persan la Breezy Comers Restaurant 1480 Hwy. 6, Norlh Freetton, 905-659- 1556, ask for Nide or Mark. PART TIME mature, f riendy, dependabte persan far Videai store. 3 days per week. 4 pm- 8 pm. Wiilltrain suitabte appicant.' Applications availabie aI Vtdeo Shut- dle, 26 Chartes SI., Mil- tan or cai Bian at 875- 2500. HAIRSTYLISTS WANTED styitîss Excellent wage and benefil package r -Full and par t lime positions *Some management positin havatcai van. lcationsly e DZ DRIVER Roertncrted. (905) 825-244 TIONSd Avaiate Con- stct i Campany. qe fo n repsr aI Mi rexpeence) - enceLLctan TrafaPOS- garON40 Avae. Pluss Wstton CrcpanByv. or caot (905)52-1966 He5tp, eperiencet/ev uît. py i persn wth ru-6 sume a: Lanhim p Nurseries, 6711 l-wy. 25 S., Milaon. e Metroland Printing, Publishing and Diatributing in Milton hos an immediate opening for an experienced Telemarkeler ta loin aur aales luam. As a motivated self -starter winh a proven telemarkuting background, you wiut bu respon- sible for tht co-ordinating and selling of numer- oua fuatures and sections. You muaI bu able ta mark undor deadlines, and understand how ta jugglo numerous toaka. We offer: " a base aalary " lucrative commission package " stable wors environmenl Please forward resume by April 20,1999 Attention: Bill Begin, General Manager Irbe Cattabtait Cbanio 191 Main St. E., Milton, ON L9T 4N9 MOVING SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 17 START B A.M. 479 VAINIER DRIVE CANADA'S OLDEIT a LARE8T Outdoor Antique Market GCelebrating 40 yrs ANTIUE MRET Apr25-oct 31,-99 *0pen Sna s -4pm **Located S. of Guelph. Take Hwy4tl touaxit #299, Rd #46, Go North 1.5 mi tnwards Guelph 10 Aberfnyte. (519)763-1077 FLEA51E RECYCLE THIS PAPER The Canadien Champion, Friday, Aprit 16, 1999-29 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS (Evening Shift, Mon-Thurs) Very busy Service Departmenit reqaires additional personnel bo join our team. Saccessful applicants must have experienice and good communication skilîs. We aller: *Excellent pay Training allowance *Group benefits Shitt premium (evg) *Retiremeot pension Plan (RPP) *Excellent work envirooment For an interview pleaso caîl: Dave Partridge or Dave Styles (905) 542-3673 or fax resumne ta (905) 542-1787 Meadawvale Ford 2230 Battlefard Rd. Mississauga, ON L5N 3K6 Jobs 5e a Jobs nusil Jobs samaliss lacý Full lime *Part time e Weekend Positins Availuble eMaterial Handlers * Machine Operalors &Driver's Heipers eLifI Truck Operalors *Reach Truck Operators eShippers Receivers *Packagers eDader Pickers @Assemblers *General Labours lnteresled applicanîs may apply in person: Mon-Fri, between 7am-4pm 3500 Fairvlew St, Unit B-5 (1 block west of Wulker's on Fairview) JAKE'S LIVE BAIl Immediate positions available for: LUNCH SERVERS- Moniay te Friday This position requires enthusiam and an oolgoing persnnality with an ability In wnrk in a bosy, team oii- ented envirnment. Il yns passons these qualities pieuse brlng your rume ta Live Biltta the attentin of Joule, 950 Walkers Line (beside the Traoelodge). 6 3 9-4 0 8 41 HALTON COUNTRY INN'la currently seeking posi- tions for the following: Golf Course Maintenance. Fuit & Part rime employees nuuded. For more infor- mation plusse caI Veasi 876-3018. LABOURERS requirud for Lsndscspe Construction Farm. Steady work - long hours -toi atart immudiate- ly through ta Christmas. Previous experience woald bu an assul, but nat mandatory. Phonu 905-854- 1368 between 9 s.m. & 6 p.m. LOCAL tumberyard requires a Genural Labourer for warehause and oulside work. Appty by calling 905- 469-0446. PART TIME Night Position aIsa Wamens Trualmunt Centre in Milttan. Haurs midnighl ta 8:00 s.m. Knowtedgu & uxpurtence in thu field af addiction an assut. Fax rusumes ta 875-3635. PART TIME positions avattabtu in Store Staff. Osys, eveninga & weekends. Appy in persan ta: Presto Pool Products, 305B Stetus Ave. Es, Miton. RESTAURANT Service Company requires part timu/faîl lime Drivers wilh reliabte Fuît Size Pick Up Truck. Insîsîlers also ruquired. Na usperienco re- quired as on the job training pravidei. Potential for fuîltlime emptoymenl as company espanda. Ctll Jae aI 1-800-387-8624.

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