Communing through dance With the arrivai of spring, showing scenie drives and trails and a Conservation Hialton wants to rernind large loldout colour msp that cao be hikersof a booktisacould serve as an used as a field ttuide to explore. ETr A& FRESH STIARTf. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Credit Card Problsms Lass of Job or Loved One Repossessions Major Cash Flow Problems Wage Gamisiments Evictions Persistent Bill Colletrs Jndgeýmests, Law Suita Stuent ban DelinquentTaaes Foredlosures Divorce Relatd Finonciai Probleres PADDON + Bânupsr cms b,.,.id,&L CoU us! No chnrefor iniial eooaleoion! *YORKE INC, 7 MO P Hq T)IBMUPTCY-0 1 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St.>. Milton A better solution! - trom JOY on page 9 Most danceS oIse siiple miovesneoits syishlic of ,sII life, such as circles, spirals, lines and crosses. "Every time the circle corntes together sornething is different," said participant Janette Ledwith. The only invited mile is that if mistakes are made in the dance, juat laugh. The dancing centres around musie of a variety of different cultures - Greek, Isaeli, Celtie, native Indian and Norths American contemporary. Participants adom themselves with colourful attire and sometimes use instrumenta. The fonas of dance started formally in Milton two years ago as part of an International Women's Day celebration at Hugh Foster Hall. Sacred circle dancing evenings have been held three times since then at the samne location. About 30 women attended the last gathering in March, Ms Kiddle said. The original sacred dance repertoire came fromt the work of Professor Bemnhard Wosien, a German ballet instructor and master teacher at Munich University. He travelled Europe extensively, collecting dances and music, referring to his work as 'heilige Tanze' or the hîghest or holy form of dance, which evolved mbt sacicd dance. Prot. Wosien brought sacred dance 10 the Findhorn Foundation Cornmunity in 1875, where it has been kept alive, taught and expanded. Sacred dance continues 10 be ahared within the coin- rnunity as a means of relaxation, celebration and sun- ing in with the rhythms of the group and the cycles of nature. Sacred dance traditions and repertoire also go on today throughout Britain and Europe, led by more than 300 facilitatora, many of whom have Ieamed directly or indirectly from Professor Wosien's inspira- tion and teaching. In Norths America, the network is said 10 be young and growing rapidly as more people discover the diverse potential of the dancing. The next sacred circle dancing evening in Milton will be held April 30 at Hughi Foster Hall (beside Town Hall) from 7:30 10 9:30. Admission is free, however, a contribution toward the hall rentaI would he appreciated. Everyone is welcorne. "We don't do a lot of planning. It comes together. It happens," said Ms Ledwith. The Milton Chnistadelphians invite you to corne and hear an address onl: SEVEN REASONS WHY JESUS HAD TO DIE Hugis Foster Hall Victoria Square Milton Sunday, April I8th 2:00 p.m. (God willing) HOLY ROSARY PARISH httplAv« 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) tHOLY ROSARY CIIURCH 139 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 pin Saturday 9.00 ans, 10.30 amn & nossn Sunday OURILADY 0F VICTORY MISSION Milton Heights Mass at 10:30 arn. Sunday ST. PETER'S CIIURCH Oth Line & Britannia Mass at 9:00 arn. Sunday Rev. Earl Talbot, P P SBANAl If you desire with ail your heart frlendshlp wlth every race on earth, your thouglit spiritual and positive, wIii spread: if wiii become the desire of others, growlng stronger and stronger, until It reaches the mincis of ail men." - from the Bahai writings LOCAL: ......................................... 878-0011 REGIONAL: ........................... 1-800-433-3284 GLOBAL:............................... MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-2022 10:00 a.m. -The Lord's Supper 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study What must I do to be saved? Believe on the Lard Jesus Christ and thou shaît be saved. Acts 16.30, 31 Milton Alliance Church 2850 Deny Rd. (between thse Fire Station andr Hoaspital) Tel 878-5664 Fax 878-6676 Worslnip Service (.fýiw p d 11:00 ar. Sermon Tille: "White Kmuckled Jntegrity" Sunday Sebool for ail ages 9:45 n.m. Also pleasejoin us on Sun. May 2nd as we begin our 50 Day Spiritual Adventnre entie "Promises Worth Keepimg: Resolving to live iwiat we say we believe." Services include drainas, dynamie worship themes and specio.l music. Sec "Plugged IN" on Cabie 14, Sunday, April 18th ut 4,5:30 andI 6:30 p.m. for more information) Sunday, April 18, 1999 9:4 5 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR EVERY AGE 10:45 a.m. MIRACLES WITH A MESSAGE -E FAMIL THE DAY HE WORE MY CROWN Large screen presentation with Pizza Bash to followt 6:30 p.m. r.à i r.i~ il ~'[eU 1 :CsIVI Iii ~ BU ~.1 : How To Beat Bitteneass It breaks op homes. estrassing bssbands and wives. It atienates parents and cbildren. It casses people in the workptace ta bave difficutty getting abatg. It interferes witb nnity in tise churcs. Wisat is this culpeit? Bittemens. Bitternens in snresolved nger. It resuîts in feelings of resesîment. St isoolves an attitude tisat sayn, 1 wilI sot forgive! t will sot be reconciled!" Harboring unrenolved anger carniet somte teriant ramificationt: relationally, pbysically, npiritually and emotionally. Bitternesn will enact a iseavy toîl on n pensonts life. fi dimisisisthlie potenlial for greutuens tisaI every individual ponsessen. Positive, creative sisoughsu are replaced by negative, destructive oses. Good-bearled individuals isecome vindictive as nwallow a bitter pill. Sadly many are living witb bitternesa. Tise good newn in tisat sisere in a cure! As lesus Christ bore tise weigist of ths world upon His shoalders nd wss dying opon tbe cross of Catvary, He was offered wine mixrd witb gali. That bitter drink contained a ainor sedative, and would have numised tiepais tisat Christ was experiencing. Altiougs it woald bave belped to medcate bis torture, Jesus upit out tise bitter liquid after tusting it and recognizing it for sebat it seas. He refaned t0 go t0 tise grave witb ny bittenens in bis life. Snstead, tise Saviour spoke tise liberating words: FTatiser, forgive (bema."He knew tbat forgivenesu bringo bealing. St bringn isealts. It isringt wbolenens. la there someone that you need te fessive? Don't bc like tise womn wbo was bit by a rubid dog mny yeaes ugo. St wan before tbey bad antidotes againus raisies and it meant certain deats. Wisen sise wan informed tisas tise dog tisas bit bier ws rabid, tise woman immediasely got out a piece of paper and began 10 VIOTORV DILU ONURON Has church juat been a waste of time for you in the past? Han church ever answered the real issues and questions of life such as jobs, marriage, farnilies or finance? VBC is a church where you can not only know how 10 get 10 heaven, but where you can also know how 10 handle the issues of life here on earth. Check ouI Pastor Charles Boyce Wednesday evenings on Cableworks 14 in his "lWisdlomt for the Week" segment on the cabie îv show "Plugged In!" (5:30, 6:30, 7:30) 10:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP MILTON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (separate services for cbildren 9 years andi ander) "Living A Victorious Life ly The Word 0f God Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email: RDOFHE-I MILTON e FESTI VAL 0F FASHION Corne share în a Christ centered, bible April 3Oth at 7:30 p.m. believing, friendly See new Spring/Summer Fashionsl fellowship at the Hugh Foster Hall ickets available for $1 0/person! Brown and Mary Streets. Proceeds fa benefit Breast Cancer Research & Women's Ministries! SATURDAYS ~NIGT -WEOESDA 7 .M.Bible School -9:30 arn I. 1* * 905-846-0729 compile a list of people's saines. Wbes asked about hier lit, tise wsmas replied, 'These are the people t plan to bite before 1 die"' Hsw masy people ds we know that sre like bhat? Individas who have been destroyed by bittemets? Seat bitteress! Spit it ont asd release blessisg. Forgive ose asatiter asd shlow healisg ta flow throagh yonr life. Yeu may say, "It will take a miracle!" The Lord cas. sil1 work miracles! A relatiosbip with Jesus does make a différesce! Cossider visiting a local chnrch this week, asd take the first ntep towards wboleness! Make asd a appointmnest to npeak with the Pastor ... lie ns tiere ta help yon! Submitted by Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Life Chsrch, Milton The Saivation Anny Church Milton 100 Nipissing Road, Unit 3 Pýastors: Captains Dan and Wendy Broomo SUNDAY SOHOOL - 9:30 AM MORi4ING WORSHIP - 11:00 AM Weekiy ProgrammIng for ail ages For more Information please Cail 876-2420 The Ladies Fellowship Group presents "«An Aiiegory ln Wooi" with Shepherdeas Dorothy Wight. Tuesday, May 4,1999, 7:30 pm. Dessert and Coffee to foilow. ST. CU *# 123 MAIN ST., MILTON, ONT. Ministers: Rev. Bob Hyde Rev. John Benham Director of Music Judy Hunter SUNDAY APRIL 18,1999 10:30 a.rn. Worship and Church Sohool Classea SERMON TITLE: ABANDONED NOT Dedicuton of Lift - Lobby Ritabo cutting by Susan Hunt and Leonard MeNeil Nursery Cara A vailahie Viail our Website: Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the Hill 878-2411 1ev. Dr. Mark McDermott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 9:10 a.m. - Informal Encharint 10:30 a.m. - Sung Eucharmst Nurseryj Program, 9Church School & Coffee Hour WIIEtSLCItAt5 ACCESO TIt5OUGtI PARKING sOTDOOS>ts m