10 -The Canadian Champion, Fniday, April 16, 1999 Cho reýý-ographer copping two awards a rarity Photo by GRAHAM PAINE The Dance Shoppe owner Ruth-Ann Hill recently won twa awards for choreography - said 10 b. a great feat at the young age af 26. By KAREN SMITH The Champion Ruth-Ann Hill admits that she has accomplished something out of the ordi- nary. "Lt doesn't happen very often," said the dance instructor in an inten'iew with The Champion after winning two choreogra- phy awards in an international competition at age 26. Late last month at the On Stage America Dance Competition in Niagara Falls, New York, two dance numbers - Sweet Nothîngs and Swing Kids - performed hy junior and senior Dance Shoppe students won hest choreography. Wtsat makes the feats so unique, accord- ing to Ms H-ill's colleagues, is Chat iC's rare to wîn a choreography award at such a young age and level of experience. "Lt was exciting," said Ms Hill, who stareed dancing at the age of 8 and has heen teaching for about nine years. Owner-operator of The Dance Shoppe on Main Street East, Ms Hill developed the Cap arnd jazz routines, picked out the dancers and chose the costumes and music. Then nine students ranging in age from 6 to 15 years in each of thse two groupa took Chemn to the stage. She said the judges scrutinized how weII Che routines moved around the stage, Che level of difficulty for the age group and how cleanly and sharply the performances came off. Meanwhile, Dance Shoppe students took home numerous awards in individual and group categories for various routines. Among them, Sweet Nothings won lirst in petite smail groups and Swing Kids took home second in the intermediate/senjor small groups category. Students Meaghan Liske and Nicole Walter won first in petite duets for Trickle Trickle while Lindsay Lafleche was tops in the intermediate/senior solo. Many others also won swards. Singing seniors wanted for shows Talented seniors wishing Co take centre stage can now audition for this season's Royal Bank Seniors' Jubilce. Lt features more than 1,300 performers including singera, dancers, musicians, comedians and more. To arrange an audi- tion, cail Richbumn Entertainment at (416) 962-3819 or send your name, address and a description of your act to 260 Queen's Quay West, Ste. 2805, Toronto, M5J 2N3. Saturday, April 11h 12:00 nu Prevlow 0:00 2400 Laketiore Rd. Wt Oukville 905-409-0043 1 o DIv1iON Lois Pentium Computers, Hard Drives, Monitors, Network Hubs & Cards, SCSI Items. Motherboard & CPU Combos, Memory, CPUs, Keyboards, Mice, Speakers, Sub Woofers, CD Rom, DVD Drives, Scanners, Modems, Cases, ATX & AT Power Supplies, Motherboards, Barebone Systems, Fans, Tape Drives, DAT Drives, Adaptec 2940U Adaptors,_ ISA, VLB, PCI & AGP Video Cards, ISA & VLB I/O Cards, Cables, Targus Notebook Bags, Remote Keyboards. Used Office Furniture. Ail Items Guaranteed - Parts Galore! Terms of Sale: 25% deposit day ot sale. Balance payable by Wednesday after sale. No items may be removed until payment in full is received. AIl Sales final - AS IS, WHERE IS Cash, Major Credif or Debit Cards, or Certitied Chýques Acceýpted. "For goodness sake"l is brought to you courtesy of Ilaltont Healthcare and 4Lbe Canabian Ctampion