'0 ý- 1'h. baHdln iCharhÉod,' liièdag, Apnf13, 1999 COMMENT I LIKE'MILLENNIP "MiLL.Nt4IO' FOR W 4U. War remi*nds -us to value AN FOR~ HA our freedom of speech nu The opinions expresseti in today's stories surrounding the war in Yugoslavia may anger some people. A Milton couple native to Belgrade say they believe ail reports of Kosovar Albanians being forced from their homes in a massive government-ordered, vio- lent deportation by Serbian police are false. They say NATO bombings are acta- ally what's driving them out. However, we believe most of the news reports they disagrce with are accurate and what's happening is genocide ordered by a ruthless Yugoslavian president leading the Serbs down the wrong path. No malter what the history between Serbs and Albanians dictates, these actions are unacceptable. Though we strongiy disagree wîth the opinions of this couple, we defend their right 10 voice themn without persecution -- a freedom thousands of Canadians fought for and secured. This couple's views are interesting. Despite the fact that there are consistent reports of Serb crimes against Albanians and the bombing campaiga is backcd by 19 countries, the couple stands behînti faith in their people andi seems willing 10 risk life and iimb with them. I$ c We wouid also like to hear from any area residents of Albanistn descent and ) the famnilies of any Canadian miliîary service people involved in the conflict. As this war continues with no end in sight, and as ground troops may soon become part of the equation, many more people than Albanians, Serbs and Americans coulti be adverseiy affecteti. Karen Smith *O UR READERS WRITE Our best naturel resource - Wounteers Dar dtoi National'Volunteer Week will be fom April 18 to 24. Commiinties ace»ss Canada "I cele- brate. Thie week is set aside ta thaxak anti' hononor otar consxuniîy's unsung heroes -- the peophle who donate lime and ener- gy la iaeip their fellow citizens andi the causes they beieve in. Eveey day, volunteers take.time from their woak. lesure anti homne'life to vol- unteer their talents anti energies 10 solve pratales in theïr communîties. As we approach a new centsaty, we are confronteti ly tnany challenges that strain our capabilities as citizens anti test catr character as conwaunities. Witbotet aur volunteer spirit, Canada watsld neyer of grown 10 nationhoati. Without the conceni of individuals for others ini neeti, we woulti not have the innumerable public anti private progranis tievoteti ta, makinig a difference. In observation of National Volunteer Week .I encourage eveeyone ta join with aur thousantis of volunteer community groups in celebrating volunteers -- aur greatest naturai resource. inky Mark, M. P. Chiet opposition criti, Canadian Horitage *THE CA jADwM I CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadien Champion, published every Tuenday and Friday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 ai 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 <Box 248), is one of Thre Metroland Printing, Publishing & Dintribating Ltd. groap of sab- (905) 782341 urban companien whtch incluee: Ajan / Pickering News (905 878- 341 dvertiser; Alliston Herald/Courier; Barrie Advance; Brampton Guarclian; Barlington Post; City Parent; Collingwond / Wasaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connection; tEast York Mirror; Etobicoke Guardian; Georgetown lndependentl Acton Free Press; Kingston This Week; Lindsay Thtis Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Week; Marfoham Economisi & Sun; Midland / Penetangaishene Classified: 875-3300 Mirror; Minnissauga News; Newmarket I Aurora Era Banner; Northumberland News; Northr York Mirror; Qairville Beaver; Onillia Ian Oliver Publisher Todîy; Oshawal/ Whilby I Clîrington / Pnrt Perr This Week; Peterborough This Week; Richmond Hill I Thnrnhill I Vaughan Neil Oliver Associate Pablinher Liberal; Scarborxugr Mirror; Unbridge I Sînuffville Tribune; Bill Begin General Manager Today's Senors. Advertinlng in accepted on the condition tirat, ix tht event nf a Rob Kelly Edutor typagraphical error, that portion ot the advertising space occe- Karen Cross Circulation Manager pied by the erroneous item, togefirer with a reasanable atînsence TeriCass 0ýceMangerfor xignature. will not be cirarged fer, but the balance osf tire Ted asea Offie Maageradvertisemeet wlll bu peid for et the applicable rate. Tire peblisirer TIas Celles Production Manager reterses the nlgft to1 categorize edvertisements or decline. WatchDog editor catis for firing of senators Dear Editor: A few weeks ago a federal court in Saskatchewan convicteti Senator Eric Bemtson of criminal fraud, for divcrting $42,000 from leginlature expenses 10 his private companly. He was sentenced 10 serve one year in jail1 ant 1 repay the $42,000. He is currently out on bail. This conviction increases the number of convicîed criminals in the Senate from onc 10 two. Last year, Senator Michel Cogger was founti guilîy of xccepting a $218.000 bribe 10 influence the federal governmenî to purchase $45 million in computer-assisted translation services. Both convicteti politicians were appointeti by then Prime Minister Brian Mulroney as Progressive Conservative senators. Both Bernîson anti Cogger intent 1 remain in the Senate until ail judicial appeals bave been heard. They bave the support of the Senate leadership anti Progressive Conservative Party Leader Joe Clark 10 do so. Yet both senators still earn their $75,000-a-year salaries as convicteti criminais. We think the Senate shouiti quickiy dismins the twa senatars. That such people in aur Upper Chamber cen xtli work anti draw bigh salaries speaks little for the way poilics aperate in Ottawa. We arc asking Canadians la write icîters of pratest ta Joe Clark anti the Senate leadership ta have the îwa senatars fireti. For mare informnation about tbis praleal camn- paiga, please write la us ai WatchDog Newsletler, 247 Leedis Drive, Fredericton, N.B., jE3B 4S7 (or e-mail us at dmurrell@unb.ca). David Murreil, editor WatchDog Newsietter Organ donation has its rewards Dear Editor: Octaber 28, 1996 is a day that wiil] neyer be forgalten. That's the day aur son Chris became an argan donor. Chris, the grantison of Myrtle anti Eiwooti Gullis of Milton, was hit by a car whiie crassing the street in York, Penasylvania anti suffereti a seriaus heati injury anti was now brain deati. There is no grealer sorrow than losing a chilti, however we were able la tarn aur tragedy into tri- umph by donating Chris' organs anti helping others in neeti. Since thal lime we have receiveti letters from four of the tive recipi- ents anti il bas brought us greal jay anti comfort ta know thal these people are now heailhy anti truly enjoying a aecond chance at life. The reai reward is knowing thal a part of oar son Chris will byve an. April 18 ta 25 is Organ Danor Awareness Week anti as a volun- teer, I urge evetyone la lake a few moments andi discuns organ dona- tion with your family. Sign a danor card. You neyer know when you or someane close ta you may neeti help. For more information, cail 1- 800-263-2833. Maurice and Dianne Dalton Port Elgin, Ont Pud by Steve Nease