Report backs the original decision to close baby ward By IRENE GENTLE The Champion An independent review has determnined that Halton Heatthcare Services did the right thing in temporarity clooing down the matemnity wsrd at Mitton District Hospitat. 'Me review was undertaken by Dr. Ken Milne, chair of obstetrico and gynecotogy at the University of Western Ontain and vice-president of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecotogisos. -The maintaining of an obstetrical programn without the services of an on-site consultant obstetrician-gyne- cotogiot woutd in my opinion not he a sustainabte pro- grann," Dr. Milne wrote in his report. In order to re-open the ward, a fult-time obstetrician should he on board at the hospital, hie added. Further, hae suggested that one or two family physi- cians with an additional year of obstetries training he recmuited to round out care in Milton. Asked if hie felt the report haeked up the decision by Halton Healthcare to shut the doors to the ward, chief of staff Dr. Lomne Martin reptied "It sure does." The ternporary etosure of the maternity ward tast November led 80 some consternation in the communi- ty, said Dr. Martin. 'There was a lot of anxiety, absolutety. That's to be expected with the loas of a service. The recommenda- fions contained in the report are very positive and sup- port the actions taken 80 date." Dr. Martin contactedl Dr. Milne last December at the requent of the Halton Healthcare board. Halton Healthcare runs the amalgamated Oakville Trafalgar Mernorial and Milton District hospitals. At that time, the hospital had closed its maternity ward after the previous full-time obstetrician, Dr. Sushil Suppal, opted not to renew bis contract. The review by Dr. Milne was issued in February and released to the media last week. That release cornes on the heels of a recent announeemene that a new obstetrician-gynecoogist has heen hired for Milton District. Dr. Sandeep (Sandy) Sharma witl begin futl-time pracoice at Mitton District in Octoher, effectively re- opening the matemity ward. In the meantime, Milton women witt continue to receive care se hospitals in Oakville and Burlington. Hiring a futt-time obstetrician brings Milton one step ctoser to the ideal obstetricat service, said Dr. Martin. Recruiting underway Preferahly, Milton wnuld have two futt-time obste- tricians working in town, he ssid. They woutd be comn- plemented by family doctors atso practieing obotet- ries. Recmitment efforts are already underway 80 bring famity doctors with obstetrico training into town, said Dr. Martin. "There are ado in the ait major journats," he con- firmed. "We've had some interest. Candidates are comiùng out and seeing the town." Though there are fannily doctors with an interest in obstetrico in Milton, there is no way of knowing how many witl practice in that field once the matemnity ward reopens, said Dr. Martin. "It's a bit uncertain at this time. There will be sorne but we don't know how rnany. We're really going to have to see when the ward opens." Active recruitment for a second fuli-time obstetri- cian wilt likely be hetd off for a few years, said Dr. Martin. According to a Halton Heatheare report dated tast October, expected population growth in Milton wilt likely create a need for a second obstetrician by 2004. That report estimated that 490 babies will be deliv- ered in Milton in 2000. With population growth factored in, that figure is expected to increase to 580 by 2004. The ýCanadian Champion, Tuesday, April 13, 1999- Job netwarking ini Georgetown The .Georgetown Networking Club Meeting§ involve presentations from meets every Tuesday from 9 to 10:30 experts in the business wortd as wett as arin. ai the <Jeorgetown f-turn Resource assistance wiîh job searchilng. Centre. For more information, cati 877-4639. SEPARATED m DIVORCED? Semînars recommended by professionais since 1989, & ysur age & situation. Enjoy sate social avents. Attend written up in the «Star", include Inw, Ietting go, self-esteemn FRE REIi Apr. 20 & 22. Save S3 with la.U heaithy relationships. Hear new friends, mmg.Lim &NMfta!. early registration. Cai let3311-9879 ntîe The Board of Directors O of the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) of Halton is pleased to invite CCAC you to attend an H ALT ON OPEN BOARD MEETING April 21, 1999 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Halton Regional Police Building Pickett Room 490 Chilcis Drive Milton, ON L9 5G2 HIGHLIGHTS 0F AGENDA StmategicDimotons oftthe çAC of Halton, 1999-2001 John Burkus, Board Member For further information, cali: Linda Ferras at (905) 639-5228 ext. 8921 or Slon distance dial 1-0810.000 Future meeting dates and locations to be announced. IL- mm à Main -Thora PS~ Mon -F ....... ... T.e ... Saturday~~~ - - --t------mm, s