10 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprul 13, 1999 Biôod donors are needed The Hailiton B lood Centre needs 1:ý30 to 8p.m. your help 10 help others. Supplies are A blood donor cl i e takes place a, the that they need Milton Seniors' Activiîy Centre, 500 Cali 1-888- Childs Drive on Thursday, April 15 fxtsm more informati low and organizers stress a good turnout. 871-7201, ext. 4253 for ion or an appointment. V Line in the sand is to be drawn for local speeders 0. *à 3% CashBack Mortgage. A awk ep 3%/ CashBack. That's what we give you when you give us your mortgage business: Cear. And to the pois That's the message behinc 3% CashBack Mortgage. Get a mortgage with a competitive interest rate fi Canada Trust. Then we'Il deposit 3% of your mortga principa, in cash, into, you account upon closing. On $150,000 mortgage that's $4,500 to use however you wish. And there s no upper limit. nt. Simple? Absolutely. Helpful? iOur We think so. And it's an offer supp3orted, as always, by the Canada Trust tradition of Oui knowledgeable, professional, personal service that walks you ge through the mortgage process r step-by-step. a In an age of increassingly ,, impersonal banking, it's reassuring to know that borrowing cao be this comfortable. The sky's the limit on our 3% CashBack Mortgage. So talk to, us about one today. 1AL-800-887-8551 VISIT A CANADA TRUST BRANCH OR CHECK OUT www.canadatrust.com *Some conditions apply, ask for details. Offer can be changed at any timne, without notice. By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Town counicil is speeding up a plan t0 slow down aggressive dri vera. In as little as a month, four community safety zones wilI be up and running in Milton after a committee decision to defer the issue was overtumed at council recently. Soon, Woodward Avenue from Briar to Joyce, Wilson Drive 10 McKenzie, Campbellville Avenue eaat of Guelph Line to, Wheelihan Way and Martin Street from Main 10 Woodward Avenue will become the town's pilot community safety zones. The subjeet was revived by Councillor Wally Hunter, who said il was council's responsibility to gel the show on the road. "This item is an ares which I didn't think should have heen deferred," hie said. "We should gel on with il expeditiously." At an earlier community services committee meet- ing, a wrangle over which areas should become safety zones led 10 a temporary canning of the matter. Changes 10 the Highway Traffie Act mean munici- palities may declare certain areas community safety zones as s tool 10 curb aggressive driving. Under the new miles, speeding fines can be doubled in these zones, although demerit points remain unchanged. Though staff had originally suggested that Lower Base Line be considered as a safety zone, Martin Street would make more sense, Mr. Hunter told coun- cil. "Logic dictates that we have a lot of sehool children there. I think that should be our primary focus," hie said. "inm not saying that there aren't other areas 10 consider but this is a test area - now is the opportuni- ty 10 address it." Councillor John Challinor suggested that Ontario street fromn Main t0 Laurier Avenue be a safety zone. Senior's homes, achools and chronic speeding are aIl hallmarks of that strip, he said. Ontario Street is 100 large s road 10 be considered for a ssfety zone, responded Mr. Hunmer. "I don't want 10 complicate the issue, that's what happened a1 committee," he said. "Ontario Street is a four lane highway. From my understanding, the intent of the Province was not for major thoroughfares." Councillor Rick Maiboeuf also objected 10 tuming Ontario Street mbt s test zone. "Police do not have a problemn wiîh Ontario Street," hie said. "There are no accidents on that rosd." Other counicillors agreed by voîing down the sug- gestion. Also voted down was a pitch by Councillor Ron Furik 10 continue defemrng the item. Staff should have enough lime 10 select the Most appropriate areas, hie said. "We're ail over the map with personal areas," said Mr. Furik. "There' s no question in my mind that Martin Street should be in there, but what is the hurry?" "For goodness sake" rought to you courtesy of and c ùumù cbain~o A j F