MLTON ~ICUMR Jo. Deoni Deoni puts off his trial Catholic sehool Trustee Joe Deoni- who faces fraud charges - put off setting a trial date last week while he obtains court documents. I Ontario Court (general division), Mr. Deoni's lawyer asked the judge to give him time to receive tranacripta from bis recent preliminary bearing. Crown Attomney Bian O'Mara didn't object and the judge agreed to grant tbe request. Mr. Deoni, wbo was acclaimeri in 1997 to the position of Milton achool trustee (English) for tbe Catbolic District Scbool Board, was ordereri to stand trial following a preliminary hearing Marcb 25. He bas elected a trial by jury. He was charged last March with fraud over $5,000 following a two-month Halton Regional Police investigation. He wiIl now retum to court June 7 to set a trial date. Lsfetors 6 Datolns 19 Sports 20-22 Classitied 23-26 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE vBear care Trhree-year-old Victoria Smelko listons ta her teddy bears heartbeat durlng a vislt ta the Wellness Faie Teddy Bear Hospital Saturday at Milton Mail. The concept behlnd the teddy bear hospital was ta show chlldren varlous aspects of medical cars so the hospital snvironmsnt would be less threatenlng should they visit. Ses page 8 for more photos. Welfare plan moves into private realm By KIM ARNOTT Special to The Beaver The Tories' mandatory work-for-welfare pro- gram is expanding to the private sector in Halton. Under the new schemne, announced Thursday by Minister of Community and Social Services Janet Ecker, businesses that hire welfare recip- ients will be given money to cover training and supervision costs for up to six months. -Mhs expansion is going to help more people get back to work, it's that sim- pie," said Ms Ecker wbile making the announcement. "We're responding directly to requesta we' ve received from municipalities andl peuple un welfare for more opportunities." Halton is only the third community in tbe province to expand tbe Ontario Works programn into the pi- vate sector, but Ms Ecker said ail communities acmas Ontario will be taking part by the end of 1999. Regional Chair Joyce Savoline said Halton decid- ed to expand ita workfare pmogram hecause of the suc- ceas expenienced so far with Ontario Works. Since June 1995, Halton bas seen a 55 per cent decline in welfare recipients. "We've worked very bard at ensuning our formula is a successful one by focusing on the client," said Ms Savoline. Su far, six companies have stepped forward to take part in the program, and Halton is Iooking for additional interested employers. Halton staff will help match companies up with appropriate welfare recipi- enta, wbo will be paid a market wage for their work and wiIl be added to the company's regular payroll. Janet Ecksr The employer will receive money to offset the coats of training and supervision of the employee for up to six months. Ms Ecker said the expan- sion of the program will create opportunities for individuals who require on- the-job training to qualify for a specific position. Under the program rules, welfare recipienta will not he allowed to replace cur- rent workera or fill vacan- cies created by layoffa. The province bas budget- ed $46 million to pay com- panties involved in the pro- gram. Each employer will negotiate an individual psy- ment, depending on the training and supervision requirements of the position provided. "Halton is very proud to be one of the firat sites to implement the Ontario Works program in thia esee WIDENS on page 9 ?MPLWOODWTRIARY OSPIAon "A TRADITION 0F CARING & AFFORDABLE EXCELLENCE" FÜH Medical and Surgical Care Qualiti' Pet Foods & Pet Store Suppli es j~ 24 lior Emerency Servce Boarding and Groming fieirW 'HuseCatisf/Pickup and deivefry fo 491 Main, Street East, Milton (905) 878É84 1 1