Fridlay, Apnil 9, 1999 Chudleigh pleased, Andrew anxious f By IRENE GENTLE rThe Champion Teachers would be better able to deal with sweeping education reforms if they had a clear idea of what they were, said Halton District School Board (HDSB) Trustee Erica Andrew. Weeks after the provincial governiment released the Ted Chudleigh new secondary school curriculum, many teachers ISEPARATED m DIVORCED?1 $ Seminars recommended hy prolessionals since 1989, & your age & situaion. Enîsy sale social esenis. Attend S wrilien Up in the «Star, include law, Ieiiing go, se9f-esîeem FREE PREVIEW Apr. 20 & 22. Save S30 cliii Lul & heallhy relabonships. Hear nec fliends, mij.w.m nhgd a early registration. Cail 905-338-9879 antytinie. IVIN CA BE THS O FOTA Retum to spender. 3% CASHBACK. That's what we give you when you give us your mortgage business: Introducing the 3% CashBack Mertgage. We think its pretty catchy. Get a residential mertgage with a cempetitive interest rate frem Canada Trust. 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It is causing a lot of stress and anxiety in teachers." More professionai development days are necessary to allow teachers to bone up on the new curriculum, said HDSB superintendent Kit Rankin. Thougb teachers were given nine days a year for professional development in the past, that bas recently been trimmed to four. Reinstating the five chopped days would go a long way toward helping teachers get up to speed on tihe changes, said Ms Rankin. "On terms of weeks and monthns there will be enough time (to be prepared)," said Ms Rankin. "What's miss- ing, as far as what thse Ministiy can do, lis PD days." A new emphasis on student comprehension is one change teachers must adapt to, she said. In the past, the high school curriculum was a general guideline that zeroed in on what teachers should teach. In the revamped version, the onus shifts slightly to what the student leams over thse course of a year. "TIhe new curriculum is set up by what students are expected to know and be able to do," said Ms Rankin. "If your focus is on the students, you have to have a real focus on assessment and evaluation." mhat doesn't necessarily mean an increase in testing. Instead, the Halton board will be looking at a variety of ways to measure how well students are understand- ing course material. "There's more than one way to assess," said Ms Rankin. "We'll be looking at a whole range of ways." Since students have different styles of leaming, the Ministry has separated core subjects, such as matis, English, geography and science, into applied and aca- demic classes. Before entering grade nine, students will be asked to choose between applied or academnic NDAY, APRIL 12 AT 10:30 AM A A u M t M0a Ziewf-9:00- nu_ he Agrieultural Hall, Milton Fairgroundsnds, nt s featunng rbRobert St., Milton n xc nt r - es Ch raýte t th lu ion ni r it Selling contents from Two Oakville Estates with inclusions féaturing Il g oa muýh ý)re stilig v a an excelle a 1A an v P nmitivesý Decor ýtýes ent assortinent of Antique and Contemporary Fumishings, i e ti ell "on 4 "30 elling content Lighting, Moorcroft Numerous Royal Doulton figurines, Character Te s_ ýs lum_ viiq M gsý China, Giasý S'ý 1 b ni ' Fil Mugs, China, Glass, Sterling and Silver Plate, Primitives, Decoratives Iland much more. Detailed listing available. « fiirt tl an e po M shmgý; JOI e 0 s Royal Doulton 'gurm ' a and ni Dcr 0 v' u1t Ternis: Cash, Cheque with 2 p"s I.D. No reserves, no buyer's premium. mi _ Cash Cheqi lace 1 It M 'cro te'For funW sale or consignmont Info., Fax or Phone:rgro af Co JON MEDLEY, AUCTIONERac F h M « MS (905) 878-2647twnt M The Dance Shoppe 775 Main St. E. Milton 878-1488 a' s, Here We Go Agiain Another 8 Weeks 0f... COUNTRY UNES DANCMING FRIDAY MIGHTS CAPRIL 9T11 TO MAY 25THi 7:30 pmn - 9:30 pmn k for 8 weeksl S$700 pay as you goi classes for English, math, science and geography. At the end of the grade 10, they will be required to choose a 'destination based' course load. On other words, students wili decide if they want to, focus on following high school up with entry into col- lege, university or the work force. "They choose then grade 1l and 12 courses based on tise destination they're going to," said Ms Rankin. To prevent kids from following accidentai dead ends, options are available to switch streams in mid- course. "Tiough they make a choice in grade nine, 10 or 1l, tisey stili have an option." Halton North MPP Ted Chudleigh said Ontario ils just stepping in lime wits the reat of Canada thanks te the new reforros. Under the new system, students entering grade nine this September will graduate with a full diploma afler completing grade 12. Before the reforms, students were expected te have an Ontario Academic Credit (OAC) year under their beit in order to, attend universisy. Despite shaving a year off the program, students will stili need 30 credits to graduate. 'Mat's no different from under tise current five-year program. "'This saves the student a year of education and the iniserent coss to, the system are less by one year," said Mr. Chudleigh. a se CURRICULUM on page 17 Bank of Nova Scotia HOME BUYERS SEMINAR See our ad in Tuesday, April 6 Ç(O1TÇ X((ONHIH ÇK j Numtbers Don't Lie! TMX TIME IS HEIRE! (905) 876-4130 Fax: (90)5) 693-8751 J -i Have You Always SEnhance Vour SAppearance? New Ia the perfect Urne. 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