24-The Canadien Champion, Frlday, April 9,1999 Classified MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AMV - 5:00 PM %Ailstones See Todays Champion for aur new "Mîlstones "section. To announce your special event, call Tue Champions Classified 50 Years of Lwrme 111 Mmm HASSLEL, San & idia ne (nea on-r stn aarprud ta announce th Ibhofte sala nvslo oza. Jon, Fray Msrchy 26h2, 1999 ai 5 m '1a:a Hasaild, ii Ilian . Grandson faJore & Joy eanero Hasselldill and Mlaria Clmnasiton) arsnr pd Eeanor Jhenstane arivBa- last N.r rsond Michael Aeandr walomed by.u5s Kare. onaunmdy, Maintyh, 9aunai 3Kst7 ad b uncilale s &i casnd Kys ar spiabnk yoSrt ta Dr.sto Be Hunie and Dr. merdo L&D nurses Jante Hasafft ai oap Mitnret Hpial sn JospGeorant o&pJeanl. sletadMd COLUNG, Alvin Emerson (Former Vice Presi- dent of The Royal Bank ai Canada> - At Cradit Valley Hospital in Mississauga, on Monday, April 5,1999, Alvin Calling of Oakville, beloved bus- and of the laie Joan (nea Mitchell). Loving ta- iber ai Debarab and ber busband Colin Brighton of Mississauga and Sandra Calling of Edmon- ion. Also lovad by gîrandcbildren Erin, Jessica and Nicholas. Dear brother ai Elwaod and bis aife Mary Colling af Carnpbellville, Eilene and bar busband tie laie Keib Millar ai Budingian and the laie Lome Callinq and bis wile Joan ai Milton. Ha aill be sadly missad by many niaces, nephews and friands. Funeral Service wil be ThomNs an Jhoani Cumminga esiing api tha DILLOW, Ronald - Peacefully et Oacville Tratal- grHsiaon Tuesday, April 6ih, 1999, Ronald Dillow aOakville, formefyâMiton, beloved bus- band ai the laie Betty DilIaw. Dear brother ai Doreen Bareham, Daraihy Patierson, Jayce Coxe, Thelma Laniz and Shirley Lyons. Prede- ceased by bis sister Mary Rice and broibers Wallace. and Kennetb Dillow. Sadly missed by many nieces and nepbews. Resiing ai the J. Scott Earty Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milton froin 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Friday. Funersi Service wili be beld on Saturday ai 12:00 pin. Crematian to follow. In lieu of flowers donations to the char- iiy ai ones choice would be appreciated by the family. HENR, JAMES WILFRED <Jin) - Peacefully ai the Milton District Hospital on Wednesday, April Ith, 1999, James Henry of Miton beloved hua- band of Pain Henry. Loving father of Lindsy and her fiance Scott snd Blythe and her fiance Ke- vin. Sadly missed by his nieces Kelly, Janel, Tris- ta and Tiffany and their families. Predeceased by his parents James Wilfred and Edna Mary Han- ry.Resting atthe J. Scott Early Funerai Home, 21 James Street, Milion froin 6 - g pin. Fniday. Funerai Seivice wili be beld on Saturday ai 3:00 pin. In lieu of flowers donations to the eoracewsy Baptisi Cburcb or Cansdian Cancer Society would be appreciated by the family. MARTIN, Phyllis Mary (nee Hobsan) - Sudden- ly on Mondsy, Apri 5, 1999 in ber 85th year, ha- lovad %vite ai the laie Frank A Martin. Lovingly re- membarad by children Pbyllis and ber busband Richard, James and bis ie Muriel, Marlyn and bar busband Ed, Paul and bis wife Maria, Tom and bis aile Pst, Jobn and his wife Sue, Arlane and ber busband Blair and Ann and bar busband Jim. Also loved by 33 grandcbildren and 20 gresi grandchildren. Sadly missad by bar sisiar S talla MeLuglin and fsmily and many othar relatives and friands. Pradeceased by baedugia Bar- bars and ber sisier Edna Paacock. Sibmta one tram aur ioucb but flot froin aur hearis'. Fu- nemil Mass aul be baki on Friday, (today) April 9tb ai11:00asm. aiHaly Rossry Roman Caihol- ic Cburch. In lieu af flosiers donations to the Heari & Siroke Foundation would be appreciat- ad by the family. Arrangements ibrougb the J. Scott Eaify Funteral Home, 21 James St., Milton. I - - PATERSON, Dorothy Putridea - The family of 1oah ae son a o t tank ail wbio came ta hthesvce nta thase wbo sent condalenc- as and expressions ai sympatby on the lass aisa dear aile and mather. Speoi thsnks ta, the staff ai Hamiltoan General Hospital, Emergenc & t C.U. ta Reverend Hsrvey Self and the stsff ai BaxIer & Gies Funeral Homne. MAK ou r d & Beer ags nosavale r 11 Ont le Stdrehol itonr, Ontl 2. Forinfora io 87u6-3322. ojct - 1-uuriu, Luniios mmn Hand knit .Brown & - orange. Near Sear's store in Milton. Cai 878- 2341. NEEDED PITCHERS SECRETMIES WE.EK AM'iI 19-23 for men's Fasibali League, Wednesday & Flower say il besi Sunciay nights. Ifinter- 487 Laurier Ave. 878-288 ested oeil Jody, 878- CYMBROSKI, Bill - Passad away Apnil 6,1994. Wbila you dear Bill, rest and slaap, Vour loving memory 1 wili slways keep. Your loving wlfa Colleeon. SHIELDS, James - In loving mamory af a dear busband, laibar and grandiaiber aho pasaad swsy twenty yeas aga iodsy, Apnl 9, 1979. Lite goas on and yesrs go by, But lave and memnories neyer dia. Always remembered by vile Sybit and iamily. Un Memoriama in the tarin af Sdanaitans ta The Canadien ( Cancer Saciety are deeply appre- cîated. BIG GARAGE SALE 643 LAURIER AVENUE SAT. APRIL 10 A.M. - ? Naihing Sofd Eariy, Sorry Rla Market dlosura, collaciables, antiqlues, evarydsy items. Good kida laya too. Beai affar takes an aid «Partnara Desk" MLI AMILY I GARAGE SALE SAT. APRIL1 I199HEMLOCK DRIVEI 88A..M-12 NOONI Conr rfs ietos ahr< oe Il pc Queen Anne, C he rr yw o od , Diningroom sel. Brand ne, sth11 packaged, cosi $11.000. sacrifice $4500. 905-567-4042. 3 SINGLE wood garage doors, lracks & hard- ware încluded. $150 each. 905-319-1150. BED, black wroughi iran csnopy, Oueen oribopa- dic mattrassif rame. Neyer ondcosi $1,200. =srio $490. (905) 567-4042 BUYISELL. Siair lifts, parcb lhua, alevatora, scooters, beda, etc. Sul- ver Cross, 847-5504. FREE Estimatea.Got woby chairs weak apringa tired looking woad finishes? We do il al. Custoin wood rafin- ishing snd fumiture re- paira. Fields Custoin Fumiture. 9-9 daily. 875- 4427. KING BED. X-tbick Orfhopedic Pillowtop, set/& trame, stili in plas- tic, cosi $1.500 sali $625. (905) 567-4042. POOLS SALE, 16 fIl. X 24 hl. a.d. retangular aboya ground Kayak Pools. lncluding docks, tencing, lier, 2 laddera, ssnd ter, pump & ma- tor etc. $5,995. 1-800- 668-7564. SIT ON IT - Don't Sut In It! Replacement oain for cushions. Residantialicommercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9.7 days/weekl 875-4427. SPRING Price Brakl No GSTl Wsni a gra nea look on your fumi- ture? Giva Fieldsa s oel. Sofas tramt $598. Love- sesis tram $487. Chairs from$198. Senior Dis- caunts. Fields Custoin Upholstering. 875-4427, 9-9 daly. LCOME* AGON " New in town? * Geting married in 3 aontha or more? " Havlng a baby? " Establishlng a new business? PLEASE CALL US: Cemmality Welcame Linda ..t54-1563 Marilyn..875-0519 Bridai Shirley ..... .878-7046 Baby Tracy L....876-4330 Basiness/Proessional Pat.... 876-4040 SPRING in the Cauntry Open Housa (Acion). Sunday, Apnil il, 1999 tram 1-4 p.m. Limiiad Edilion Art Prinis and Collecliblas. Bataman, Black, Kingsland, Lum- bars and mare. Caîl (519) 853-2493 for infor- mation and directians. VECKMAN'b iroles- sional Service. Decks slripped, retinished in your colour choioe. Ca- dar Specialisi. Laleal lechnology. Quality w or km an s hip . (905)632-1074 ;a"ý