M0 - The Canadian Champion. Fnidav, April 9, -e We uis to draw your attention Io the fotoing in our current ',DEST PRICES, BEST SALES" lter PAGE 7 - Seeci Materetal Lawn Traeois. The Beetle Tratore, 0-819 illuttrat«d intle f r is Nel on Sale. Vie nué Iodnw yonr attention to he fdouing in oureufmtn -ALWAYS AGREAT SALE-Flyer PAGE 7 - IteesnarKitl48434.The DecleaeKit con witbont rnllet, netntwo as muanaea. PAGE 7 - 1le.84,l)nk Clur, 4M464 Ire 'Olynçie Dae W&W'h" n sà lNel "%qomis Dccl & Patio iar as ilatrat PAGE 15--Anwbeh Sr. la4Me S1ites 84-7EGOL Ptodéct à Noi Anidahle Sonfy, to raimcltck. wewfth uyratlafttnle thelabtqi ouument "UOTTRICESHUTCAE1ooTLOOKS PAGE29- lnanf3, E6gsPernoM ArF*lna,4-23. Copy cesis Rach $34.99 Sb" Rd:b& $».99SJ PAGE 548- Item# 12NIffllitie Win Snt4 1&7»WX Copy Readt: Set$11.99 Stannit Read: Sel,frkm $11.994 PAGE 50- Item #3, Nidelof Pt allaa Cmte Ignillon Wir Seu4sI7007X Cop Ratt: SetS$t6.99 Shonlel Readi Set, fem StU9l Wr sincerely regret osey i nconvent .ence we ,,oy have caused ' vou. * WE GRASSCYCLE! The Region of Halton in partnership with Toro and Clitfs Lawn and Garden Eguipment Limited in Oakville want to give local restdents an opportunity to try a Toro "Recycler" lawn mower for three months, FREE! To become a participant, oend us your name, addreos and phone number along with a brief explanation'Why 1 would like to take part tn the grasscycling project'. Residents currently receiving curbside yard wante collection are eltgtble. A maximum of 5 households per municipality wtll be chosen to participate. A panel will choose the best submisstons. Entries must be submitted by April 23, 199980o The Regional Municipality of Halton Grasscycling Project 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville Ontario, L6M 31 Fax: (905) 825-0267 email: milesd@®ion.halton.on.ca IIDUFFERIN AGOREGATES Earth Week Celebration AGRBSS The annual spring tree planting day is another successful event resulting from the long tradition of partnership between Scouts Canada and Dufferin Aggregates. Last year's event was a great day for celebrating Earth Week at th. Milton Quarry. Together, mem- bers of the Oakville District of Scouts Canada and Dufferin employees planted over 2,000 native tree and shrub seedlings as part of the rehabilita- tion of the quarry. W. look forward ta the 1999 event on Saturday April 24. This year will mark over 35 years of partnership between Scouts Canada and Dufferin Aggregates and the planting of over 25,000 trees in the last 9 years. We thank you for your hard work and making our Earth Week celebrations