22-Tse Canadien Champion, Tueaday, April 6, 1999 --Ia requires COUNTER HELP Ail Shits. Paîd training. Uniforms supplied. Apply in person to: 575 Ontario Street 80 Market Drive 8501 Hwy. 25 North Discount Car & Truck Rentais is currently seeking fuli-time counter representatives and fuil-time car attendants for their Milton and Georgetown locations. Applicants will be required to provide a full 'G' licence wists a dlean driving record. Thse successfssl candidates will possess a neat appearance. enthusiastic attitude and be capa- ble of providing a high level of customier ser- vice in a fast paced growing environment. Become part of thse Discount teaia' Please bring resume in person ta: 45 Ontario St. N., Milton or 354 Guelph St., Un 23A, Georgetown Atmn: Stephen Lund %4eUoodaDiry To Vour Health. OWNER OPERATORS REQUIRED Fer dellvenl the GTA and Southeara Ontario Our client, Neilaan Datr, is seeking organized entrepreneurial individuals to deliver ita quality dairy products. lThe qualified individuals must possess: " AZ license * Esperience in dairy or food-related business. " Flexibility to accommodate various schedules * Clean abstract " Secondary ScIsool Diploma or equivalent experience * Customer service oriented and interacts well with others * Computer skills a definite asset * lamiliarity and experience with off Ioading and use of material Isandling equipment Juin a progressive and cumpetitive compasy where expertise is rrwarded seitb a comprehensive compensation package as well as a lease ta own equipment option. Fax reaurnea to, Bob Hardie 416-253-6034 Local area buainess la accepting reauâmea for a truck driver/crane opera- tor. Local runa - home every night. Some yard work involved. Must have Clasa A license with dlean abatract and verifiable experience operating heavy trucka and truck mounted crane. Hoiat- ing ticket a definite aaaet. Competitive rate and benefits. Fax reaumne ta: 519-853-1324 Wanting te Hire? Advenue In T'he ChampIon Phone 875-3300 IPOER. REIVERSU & CARTERS Mus ae goodt commisnd; fee th Egis anuae, gondirprna ils and a sod e e l apeara n c. FOrkv lit toern il kowedg (Mf84umer 8 Pi ase ax esue nal ceien : (905) 32-03 We sIsak all sesloapy bol05n821l7185 qu allflEdK a b e culionae TRACTR RIER DCRIVNERS Wxerene aokng fort responhae motd Divasted, Mntusaei inodviu bcommnofteenls art ofe ghway Dtrvera ks aqird - nAZ Liense.Nv FritExperienceorderclearane an asbet. Mleae a und ia ratiene Io (90i) w632-7 y Minim to e 2 h yarsl bithway oerin. strin atfe i Currentabtact equie TRACTOR TRAIH RUC RIVERS 156 Tre lokn oesnswaymoiatd Con onour te em. r Iodn.o eupentilble ntucati che/bnk stf. Wxin to orke cailrhftancdngst Mienimmod eashgwy.xeine God orin oniton bfit n MEURDALL __________ &SAIG RC RVR WIMPY'S DîNER ix looking for experi- enced lino cooks. Competitive mages and flexible hours mith a busy summer sson ahead. Please cail 875-3222 and ask for Frank for interview. Oakvilles Premier Salon & Spa requires as EXIPmaca STYLISI Wilb soi leso rIras 2-4 vears exp. We offer mure irîci: a solid bene- fit package an an asso- ciation wiih Casada's largesl salon chais. Please cuiS Judy ai (905) 338-3333 ta arrange an interview licence ((re of infractions) Who are nvailable tn work port-lime flexible hours drivisg vehicles froc sur maie facilify et Pearson Airpori tfo ur Avis locatios sn the GrenIer Toronto Area. Stnrtisg wage is S7.35 Pei boni. Yoa are invited ta attend Our Open House aI 1 Cosvnir Drive East (corser of A4. Resforth), Etobîcoke, af either 10 ai.m. oî 3 p.m. everyday befwees April 56 asd April 9ý, witb your Driver's Abstract. For more information piease contact Lina Rots et (416) 213-4287. LOOKINO FOR A NEW CAREER? We are looking for key people to expand our Financial Services business in Ibis ares. Experience nol necessary. We wili train. Please sesd resumne lx: C. Taylr 2349 FaIris fluest, Ste 213 Burlingue, Gn, Lii 2E3 TRAVEL CONSULTANT Beeline Travel, Geor'getown, requimas an experienced Travel Consultant Cail Madeleine (905) 873-2900 or Fax resumne f0 (905) 873-3102 HEALTIl Food Store (Miaaiaaauga/Oakville border) requirea part-Ume sales persan. Knowedge of in- duatry a muat. Fax resume 905-333-1293. MACHINEYPASMLE ANDIIE SUMICNTRATORS 476Mode d. aor i reieta nd W bFax.n 1-55-38-9089 SatNo phose ie 8*85 CO-IIUTOS ership.e mufacomuer oferf asmtd aveechiefen comuicans sIsie lwrgt/mchn asmlr lasepoiyr byo resme t 47 u Mr ege., avle L 6 3W4 etFax (905-38-3521 NoO & phonMAeR pallos. pla or we Moqrdidaey foruradayTeaday idy trbuk day Benefiput bae afmper mota. an ave tomalle- comiatons & i.Fredysygonet moatseeN tim em.Cme i Ie em Phane 905-875-42M3. -3 -w« B. Dowofown avil uft ce. a uldn utm in . a U amrae focous ilcodin a consoi Phoe ra-ch5-e93. If iis ol ae asli 3ou pea frard our resumeound salar rowge u: cacPu sfwr Donon aei of52,ce.Gkllshvr 487rin t he Rd., Gak ill ha L direct anespneruti furl imey rucptiacont. Respansdiistitie tnti includ onoi dae Sohpinnia & r een of mtralada the rhlepoe mnnim Plusse andpond y a or nPra a Unit 612 4 13WI Rnrr Muy ficelt n lto n T 5A (No pon mi lIb cetd PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER PROGRAM At Community Care Training Contras Burlington Campus a division ut Canadian Therapeutic College COPEE Seek emsploymantfrtram YOUR TRAIN-I 1 Hosptels PARAMED 1111111s I RPN's Required immediatley. Assignmenlo in Hulasn Currenl registration & vehicle required. Fax resume to 847-1038 We lhank ail applicanîs for appiying, bal only those seiecled for an interview wilI be conlacled. We are an Equal Oppoitunily Employer URGENTLY NEEDED In Oakuille, Burlîngton & Milles arga HAJILTH CAMt AIDS & HOMlE SUPPORT WORKIERIS LEVEL M &II 1111 Personal exp. considered W. Gfor -Choice of Assignments/ Hours Fer interview cail 847-1025 or fax resume te 847-1038 $3000-$35, Cars mant- ed. 905-457-5713. Stop car thett, sait ta licenaed recycler. 905-457- 5713. i fl in - Lon iTcii C ro ciisio AUTO INSURANCE. 7 MONT1S e Medical Service Agenciei Dent rates for mont dn-m Clssesvers lncluding higher Evening Clse imta. Cati Warren, 519- Start May 31, 1999 853-4284, 905-270- Placement Assistance. 1555. Financial Assistance may be1w yu available for those who quallfy * i o Il IhiCllle o l TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE A weli esfablished distribufor ut specialfy valves, instrumentations and contrats bas an immediate opening for a Technical Sales Person witb at leasl 5 years indus- trial sales experience. A Self-starter ih proven sales record relafed f0 our indusfry wifh tIse major induofriai accons fhroughouf Hamilton and fIse Niagara Penninsula, a must. Posiftion otfers compeifive compensation package. Plesse forward your resumne in complefe confidence: Proces & Steam Speclaitles Unit 1 - 2180 Dunwln Drive, Missiastauga, On, L5L 1 C7 Fax: (905)4828-9716 E-mail: procatem@gt.iga.net Product Administrator Tbtoat Thresds Apparel iona progressive importer of Men's & Ladies Fasion Accessories represenfing tIse Canadian Sales & Marketing divisions for top designer labels, If pou have fhese qualifications, we wulcome your resume. * Must have SSGD/ OSSO or Iseter " MS Word & Excel tuperiesce " KnowvIedge of Business Vision is a definite assel Respxnsibilies include: management, order enry ut inventories. Prime candidate woold welcome the invoivemeni ix develop ihis division fhrough axalysis. Position offers a diverse scope ut communication wilh cusiomers, sales agents & upper managemosi.Thern is poienlial for future adoancemeni for self-siaring mndi- viduais weuh eocellent feue working okilis. Forward resume 10: THROAT THREADS APPAREL, INC. Fo:9t5-6t1-t433 Email:ibroai@nelaccess.xs.ca CORPORATE CONTROLLER Quint Industries lnc. lu a privately hefd corporation wvith a strate- g ic plan for growth in thse foundry industry. As Corporate Controlfer, you miii oversue plant operatians in Belleville and St. Catharines, Ontario working tram the St. Catharines head office. Thse ideai candidate wili: *Have a profes sional accounting designation; B e a key team member reporting directty to the president and CFO; *Have manutacturing experience particuf ar y as tl relates to, factary costing applications; B e able ta demonstrate communication and leadership akilis; *Want to contribute ta the planning and financial management aspects of s growth ariented company in s handson manner. Please resond in wvriting wixh your resumne toa HORNE & CO., Chartered Accountants 855 Brant Street, BurIington, ON L7R ZJ6. Attn: Teresa Emerson (Na Telephane Callo Please) DAYCARE available. Full tire daya. Wood- ward & Wilson. 876- 4978, HOME Day Care by ex- p.rened reg. nurse. Edctonal aclivities, crat, nutritional snack. Call 854-0579. WILSON DRIVE/Robeit Baldwin. Lunchlsnacka provided, piayground in comples. Lots of actMv- tbas. Non-smoking envi- ronment. Tracy, 693- 8768. ADAPT nom oflers ouf- patient treatment for problemi gamblng. For an appointment cal I 693-4250 or 639-537. P RE G NA NT? Decisions to, make? Cali us mare hene to listen. 875-1245. Looking for a NEW ,Career in Heaith Care?, 'c d