Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Apr 1999, p. 25

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Che@f HIRING ALL POSITIONS Diuhwasher, kitchen help, preps, cashiers, hostaus and servers. Drop Off resume or fill out application at: 50 MARKET DRIVE MILTON Requires Service Writer/Warranty Clerk/çashier. Fuil Urne positon available. Busy dealer- Ship. Experlence preferred but wili train. Contact: SERVICE MANAGER In person at 81 ONTARIO ST. N., MILTON 878-8808 TO Vou r He alth, OWNER OPERATORS REQUIRED Fer delivrls la the GTA and Seuthera Onfale Our client, Ne.o Daly, is seeking organized entrepreneurial individuals to deliver its quatity dairy products. The qualified individuais must possess: *AZ license *Experience in dairy or food-related business *Flexibility to accommodate various scbedules *Clean abstract *Secondary School Diptoma or equivalent experience *Customer service oriented and interacts useit with Others *Computer skitis a de/mnite asset *Familiarity aod esperiroce with off loading and use of materiat baxdting eqoîpuseot Join a progressive aod competitise couspany wber e expertise is rewarded witb a comprebensive compensation package as wett as a rease to aiso eqaipusent option. Fax resumes to Bob Hardie 416-253-6034 M41KIAJc1 AIL. fos-no,43! Ea5t 5i6le Mario's,' onle of thie fabter>t 3rowine restaurant chains in Nor-th America, sr now hirinq. Our niewert location in the Millcroft 5hoppinq Centre in 15urIingIton sb hirinie servers., b~ar staff, prep cooks, unre cooks, host staff andf tdihwashers. Iinterviews wiII 1ýe held !n the empty unit Iocated ýcsi1 "The 5hoe CIuV in the Milicroft 5hoppinie Centre (Upper Midd~le andl Appleby Line) at the foIIowine times,: Thurs. Apr. 1 noont - 8 p.m. Sat. Apr. 3 noon - & p.m. TELEPHONE VERIFIER Mb Cniau Cbampîoet requires a person for twice weekly delivery venification. If interested caîl the Circulation Department. 878-2341 GURAL LABOURERS Car an asset, $8-10/ir. Burfingion, Hamnilfon, & Stoney Creek. Ca/I M01nday to Fr/day C0FFEYI ASSGCIATES (905) 546-5503oR fax (905) 546-1578 Hairstylists ±RetaiI Clark EXPERIENCED! FULL & PART-TiME Excellent opportunify mifh our groming organizafion - Beaufp Suppl ulet.CALL: Burlinglon PRODUCTION WORKERS HAYWARD POOL PRODUCIS CANADA, INC., a ieadiog manufacturer of swiaming pool accessory euipmen, hou sestral openings for Production ssembero. Positions are available immtdiately for approoimaiely four aonth terni. Wageo commence af $8/hr Hoors: t:3Oam- 5pm. Contacf Allto Clarke ai (905)3829-2M3 or apply on person ai: 2880 Plymoufth Drive, OakviIIe (Wlnston Churchll/OEW> COMMUNICATIONS CABLING A growing co. in the communications cabiing field requires Field Installation Personnel A val id drivers license lu required. Experience is not necessary Please tormard resume OUOTING FILE NO. '04' 10 George ai GOS, Fax: (905) 625-0395 NALTON HEPINO RANDS Serving The Elderley And Disabled SEASONAL MAINTENANCE WORKER STUDENT ONLY POSITION Temperary (April-Sepiember) Approx. 35 tirs/wh Musi hase own transportation. Referesces & Halion Police check mili hei neqireri. NALTON HELPINO HANOS A f4* 250 Wyecrott Rd, Unit 2 Oakviile, ON L6K 3T7 or fax: 844-5656 PAID position availuble. 1 Lunchroom Super- visor ut Bishop Reding Secondary Sehool, 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Monday - Fridlay, April - June, 1999. If intereut- ed, oeil Bishup Reding at 875-0124. R.J.R. LAWN CARE. Saeking highfy motivat- ed individual. Must have a valid Ontario Drivers license. Expenience in landscaping un asset. 20-25 boums weekly. Cali 878-5737 for an in- terview or send resume to: R.J.R. Lawn & Gar- dan Cura, 7092 McNi- yen Rd., Canopheiville, ON. LOP IBO S00 FARM requires General Heip April through November and ont retired person also required for mowing grass part tirne. 878- 1011. WIMPYS OINER os looking for eoperienced lin cesoku. Competituse usages and flexible hro. with a buoy sommrrer seasos ahead. Cal 875- 3222 and ask for Fronk for interview. TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS. positions uavuiluble. Drivers & Inspectors. Vox munI have the following qual- ifications. Abilify to ef- fectively communicate both mriffen and oral, good work ethica, be sef-rnotivated, capabili- ty of morfeing mithin a tearn environeent. Pieuse oei John Parm or Cathy Kadlik (905) 875-2915. Fax #905- 875-3219. TOOL & OIE MAKER position. 4 day mork week, Monday -Thura- day, Tuesday - Fdda~ 10/boums/day. BeneZt chinery & Dieu. Fniendly easy going afisosphere. No lime dlock. Corne join tht tearn. Phone 905-875-4293. youri IClassifiedsl 18-364 Tht Gsinadian Championý FnidRJAprâ 2, 1999--Mi Classes starting sooni gComputer Systemns [Micçros Network Adminîstrator o le right «M~ "» ce a ~c.. ..-r ru 95)542-0755 Ext. 245 ACCOUNTING POSITION (Fufi-time) Applicanis shouîd hase a soîid 3-4 year accousntxng background milh knowîedge oi Accpac Plus software and a strong background in cash flow management. Downiowo Oaksilie office. Reporting f0 the omner, pou wilI hase direct responsibiîtiy for the company's financial, accouint- isg and administrative fonctions ixcîuding consoli- dated msxfhîy fisascial sialemeols cenlraîîy and aI the braoch lesel. If Ihis position appeuis 10 you pieuse forward pour resumne and saîary range Io: Box 6152, c/o Oakville Baver, 467 Speers Rd., GakIli, On LOK 3S4 BAYSITTER nteded FORMER daycare olter uchool. Bronte & teacher offers quality Laurier orea. 3 chiidren. care, weekly trips to A couple of dayu par M.C.Y.C. for play & wtek. 878-0676 - craffu. Breakfast, lunch DAYCARE avoulable. & snacks otfertd. Bus Full urne days. Wood- transportation to & frorn mord & Wilson. 876- 0.V. uchool avuiluble. 4978. Reterences. Coul Shirt- WILSON DRIVE/Robert ~' 87-2112. Baldwin. Lonch/sxacks provided, pluyground is HO .ME Day Care by ex- complex. Lots of activi- parienced reg. surse. ties. Non-smoking exi- Educational activilies, rosment. Tracy, 693- croits, nutritional 8768. snacks. Cl 854-0579. St. Elizabeth's fi . ýt Visiting Nurses' Association (SEN) SEN is a leader in providirig innovaI ive community healfh & support care since 1921.- We offer compefitive salary and benefits as welI as excellent opportunify for personal growth and education . Applications are now being accepfed for the following part-tîme positions: Registered Practical Nurses (RPN'S) & Registered Nurses (RNtS) Ail successful candidlateg will be currently registered with Ontario College of Nurses. A valid drivers license, current CPR certificate, reliable transportation and availability f0 work flexible hours is essentiel. RPN candidates will also possesa medication and asepuis certificates. Please submit resume in confidence by APRIL 9TH. 1999 TO: SEN, Human Resources 698 King St. W. Hamiltonj Ontario, L8P 1C7 Fax: (905) 522-5579 We fhank ail applicants in advance but oniy those selected for an interview will be contacted. No tefephone calis piease. SEN is an equal opportunity employer. A member of the St Joseph's Health Gare System. Local area business is accepting ADMIN ASSISTANT/ reoumes for a truck driver/crune opera- CSO E EVC tor.Locl rus -homeevey niht. Persos for BronIe based indusîrial sales csmpanp. Some yard work invoived. Must have Excellent oral, mritles and clerical skilîs. Proses Claso A license with dlean abstract and Microsoft Office experience a must. verifiabie experience opurating heavy Sesd sr fax resume f0: trucks and truck mounted crane. Hoiat- The. Manager ing ticket a definite asset. Competitive P.O. Box 488, Oakille, Ontario, L6J MA8 rate and benefits. Fax reoume to: Fax (905)-827-61 40 519-853-1324 CABLE TV TRANSPORTATION OPPORTUNITIES !Vow HIring For Inside Suies /Dispatch Undegrou d lNre Customer Service/Office Cierk Undegrou d Wie 2energetic self-starters required. Placement. Good knowiedge of Windows 9.5 Trenching and Boring and Word 97 Mail Resume Ia: a definite asset. Kim Stade (905)846-3040 Box 86066 1011 Upper Middle Road West «ý1 Oakville, Ontaria L6H 5V6 TRAVELSpringikidge Farm han an exciting opportunity for an office per- CONSULTANT son interested in working with a growing focal] Beeline Travel,Georgetown, raques an icornpany. Responsibilities include bookkeep- expenriced Travel Consultant ing, reception and telephone. Caîl Madeleine (905> 873-2900 Appiicsnt shouid knom Business Visions or or Fax resumne to <905) 8734310 Simply Accounting, Windows 95, Word & Excel. Please Fax resumne f0 878-4150 95 MONTE Caro. 80,000 km. Excellent condition. 87-3260. AUTO INSURANCE. Btut rates for mouf dri- vers includixg higher nsks. Cal Warren, 519- 853-4284, 905-270- 1555. Claified Ielephonel 875330 MILTON Derdist Office; iookin i for a pari Urne CDA/DA. Must b e Harp certffied and have Abel knowfedge. Fax re- sume toi 905-878-7928. "JOBS Avallable!" If you are between the age of 18-30, ment fuil- trn boums and a cota- pettive safary ... cail the JOV Program. (905)333-3499. Spon- sored by Human Re- sources Deveiopmenî Canada. ADAPT nom offers oui. patient trealment for probleus gambling. For an appointmient cail 693-4250 or 639-6537. Decioloons to make? Cul un we're hure f0 listen. 875-1245. THIE Milton Singles Ltd. Dinner & Dance Club. Esery Sunday, 5pus- llpm ut Milton Optimiut Centre, 311 Commer- cial St., Milton. (905)878-9740. AGON New ln town? *G.emlng arl.d in 3 months or more? -Having a baby? -Establishlng a new business? PLEASI CALL US: Cemmunlly Welceme Linda...54-1563 Marilpo ..... 875-0519 Bridai Shirlep . ..87-7046 Baby Tracy L. .. 76-4330 Buslaern/pralssloa Pal ...n76-4040 $3000-$35, Cura munI- ed. 905-457-5713. Stop car theft, sel f0, licensed recycler. 905-457- 5713.

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