23 - Tha Carnadien Champion, Fniday, Apnil 2,1999 Boys will be boys when it cornes to violence in hockey *fron UTS EASY on page 21 war of sorts wiîls Port Elgin that also spre.îd out- side the arena. And there have been other off-ice incidents, including ibis year witb Georgetown that didn't involve tIhe players. So, why does it happen at ibis particular age - boys 16, 17 and tuming 18? Well, thse popular answer is hormones. The old boys-will-be-boys explanation. Another thing that happens is that a lot of the fans are the samne age as the players because they can get to the games without their parents and can ait together. Ostensibly tbey're there t0 cheer on their bud- dies, but il doesn't take much for il 10 escalate mbt something more. Perbapa a sort of my-tuwn- versus-your-town type tbing. And it's funny wbo gets the blame. It's always the other guy. One Port Elgin parent talking about the situation a few years ago vebemenîly blamed absolutely everything on Milton. Anybody fromn Milton, bowever, would bave blamed the entire mess on Port Elgin. So, go fig- ure. I gaine one, the Milton teenagers wbo were sitîing together were well bebaved tbrougbout the garne. liey ssete tîîgti hîîg the Osixiwa goatie, but even parents of visiting players bave done that to Milton during the season. The Oshawa goalie responded thse smart way. He ignored tbem. Wbat bappened at the end of that gamne isn't entirely clear, but some Milton teens were 100 close to the Oshawa dressing room and il went from there. The Oshawa players could bave ignored themn and notbing likely would have bappened, but that's an awfully difficuit tbing 10 do. TMe samne could be said for the Milton players ignoring the Oshawa fans. To best undersîand wby tbey don't, you'd pmobably bave 10 have bad your own experience. And you'd have 10 remember when and if you were 17 and playing hockey. Tbere's a certain amount of pride, of course. Nobody wanîs 10 look like s wimp in front of their teammates. Plus, the adrenaline can atari 10 flow and the blood start t0 boil. It's easy 10 forget about the gaine and why you're actually tbere. Jt's easy 10 Bantams sweep series e from AA MINOR on page 22 Their season finale - whicb completed a low scoring, highly competitive series between these two league rivais - fea- tured tight officiating, which created a lot of extra-man rushes and quality scoring opportunities tbrough much of the after- noon clasb. Minor bantams Milton's AA minor bantamas engineered yet another second period uprising to trimi Brampton 6-5 at Memorial Arena and dlaim the tille with a best-of-tbree sweep. The Centricut-sponsored club went unbeaten ihrough the entire Tri County playdowns. Four goals in the second, including three by season finale standout Darryl Tielemans, proved to, be the difference. Penalty trouble in tbe first and final frames kept their opponienta in the hunt until the bitter end. Providing the heroics was Mike Winiarz, who notched the eventual gamne winner midway througb the third period on a nifty upatairs backhand. It was bis second goal of the night. Assisting on the play were Kyle Buntîil and Mitchell Boisvenue, whose character and physical presence were a major part of the team's success ail year long. NEWLY RENOVATED TOWNHOUSE Spaclous 3 bedroom, 3 bathroomn townhouse. New cabinets, carpet, plumblng fixtures, etc. Bronte Rond backîng on ta escarpment. 5% down = $800.00 monthly mortgage pay- ment. $131v000 Ne - PUimS Cail 905-257-3973 whieatt Funei, Antdy goainse and Juili a Riccill pottd goa nume one captain Paul Szafer delivered mobust per- ç fonmances. HEART Goaltender Mike Fratarcangeli stopped AND STROKE 27 shots, and made big pad saves down FOUNDATION the stretch, to close out the season in style. 1.NKb"l Ice Creami Cakes for ail Occasions OW -Cones -Sudaes -Shakes - Gourmet Coffre & Desserts S0UNDAE 1427 Main St Milan 8634 -lIse Creaas Cakes for anl Occasions No4 Mpp,.a. MCanes *Sundaes *Shakes *Gourmt Coffree&Dessert 1$500 OFF4 1 Ie Cream n' MoeANu CARE IIesItU.ýy Living Senmar Dr. Ray Wagner, MB, CII.B, FRCP (C), MRC, Path (UK) lectures on how to UNDERSTAND AND BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSrWTEM and add longevity and vigour to your life also featuring Vegetarian Cooking witb lifestyle educator, Sandy Grant, editor of natural health magazine, Three A. M. Today, and author of cookbook, Eden s Plate Sunday, April 11, 1999, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Upstairs at Loblaws, 75 Nipissing Road, Milton Cost: $1O/person To retgister or for more information, cal 19U)> 875-871 or 190) 79-5997 «ComE, LEARN How ro ENHAICE VOUR sENVSE 0F WELL-BEING AND ADO LIFE TO VOUR YEAFIS, NOT JUST VEARS TO VOUR LIFEI- 0; forget everytbing, actually. Caîl il you want. As a midget hockey player on at 10 Milton's, t remember exacîly However, the long-termi feeling of v mately was much more satisfying moments of retribution because slasbed us. But, il sure wasn't easy at This year's midgeî Winterbawks of admiration for doing juat that in and four of their OMHA final se Oshawa. A couple of limes you could sec to get int it, but they held back for the sake rtf [ie teatin, 'hihi s Miat i( ail cories dosx Il te. There was a large Milton contingent ai that gamne in Oshawa, as well, and îbey deserve some credit for keeping cool - or for ai lest being he smart, since tbey were outnumbered so badly. n h There was just one group gab-fest between peri- ods. loose 'e lton adulta, 10 their credit, were con- cre ihkeeping the peace. In Milton, for gamne four a section was roped off and there were police ai the gaine. It was clearly a deter- ice rage, if rent, and a wiae move. Perbapa the moat poignant moment of the similar team wbole Milton-Oshawa affair was after the sec- how il feli. ond gamne. vinning ulti- Afler the dusi had settled and order restored, a tban a few young boy, perbapa five or six, stood alone somebody agamnat thse wall, crying. He was finally noticed limes. by the Oshawa coach, who I assume was bis leserve a lot father. He went over and seooped bim up in bis gamne three arma, and you'd bave 10 figure hie wss saying ries versus aomnetbing like: "Hey, it's going 10 be okay." Wben you bave lime to tbink about it, tbat's hem itching the way everybody would like il. Champion carrier Matt Phillips Accepted his Easter Basket from Champion Circulation Manager Karen Cross. Matt was the lucky winner in the Champion Carrier Easter Draw. AMn DAMTC