20 - The'Canadman Champion, Frlday, Apntl 2,1999 Date/mne Datelino is a f ree listing of comning events only. The column is available to, local community groups to assist in pro- -moting their future events. Oniy charita- ble or non-promî community groups may use this service. We cen only guarantee one issue of publicity closest to the date of the occurrence although more inser- tions are possible il demand is 10w. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905> 878-4943. The final deadline la noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items wilI not be accepted by telephone. Friday Apr. 2 St. Paul's Church Choir, under the direc- tion of Judy Hunter, presents the Rutter Requiem in memory of Gien Wicks at 10:30 a.m. The choir is joined by an 11 - piece orchestra. The church is tocated at 123 Main St. E. Cati 878-8895 for more information. Suaday Apr. 4 Halton Region Museum hosis the Easter Feast and Fetch wiih brunch at 11:30 ar. fottowed by tea from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Brunch tickets cost $15 for adults and $8 per chiid. The tes cosis $5 per person and the Easter hunt cosis $5 per child. Pre-reg- ister by catting 875-2200. Monday Apr. 5 The Milton Seniors' Activiiy Centre takes a trip to Casino-Rama in Orithia. *The cost, which inctudes transportation and a buffet, is $7 for centre members and $12 for non-members. Cati 875-1681 to sign up. Tuesday Apr. 6 The Milton Fibromyalgia Support Group meets at 2 p.m. at St. Paut's United Church. For more information, cati 878- 4371 or 878-6096. The Milton Lmiployrncnt Resour-ce Upper Middle Road). Cati 319-7966 for 500 Chïlds Dr., hosts Sensiors Cinemas at Centre, 3 10 Main St. E., hosts free work- more information. 1:30 p.m. every Thursday. Cati 875-1681 shops on writing over tetters (9:30 a.m.) The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, for this week's feature movie. and marketing yourself with a business ___________________________________ card strategy (1 p.m.). For more informa-- dion, cati the centre at 876-9828. am ava ffrl&.i -I ý 1 Wednesday Apr. 7 Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Alzheimer Services starts a free seven- week Information Series for famity mem- bers caring for a relative with Alzheimer disease. The event takes place at VON Hatton, 2370 Speers Rd., in Oakville from 7 to 9 p.m. The guest speakers address many issues. To register, cati 847-9559 or toit free at 1-800-387-7127. The Learniag Disabilities Association of Hatton makes a presentation on Project ADVANCE from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at 323 Kerr St. in Oakville. The program, which wilt staît in Juty, consiats of a six-week institute for students with specific leaming .disabitities. The pùrpose is to, prepare stu- dents for university and thus increase the probabitity of success. Register for the information session by catting 84-6905. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre Computer Club meets at 1:30 p.m. The topic is 'E-Mait'. The centre is tocated at 500 Chitds Dr. Thursday Apr. 8 The Homecraft Division of the Milton Fait Fair hosts *its annuat Euchre Party at 7:30 p.m. in #1 Hatt at the Milton Fair Grounds on Robert Street. Admission costs $3. Prizes and lunch are provided. Everyone is weicome. The Burtington chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario hotds its Support Group Program ai Port Netson United Chuirch, 3132 South Dr., in Buriington at 7 p.m. For more information, cail 634-6797. The M.E. Association of Hatton/Hlamiiton-Wentworth Support Group meets at 7 p.m. at Tansiey United Church, 2111 Watker's Line (north of 1 OTA CT Teddy bears stars of fair You've heard of the Teddy Bear Picnic, but what about the Teddy Bear Hospitat? That's what Milton District Hospital is ready to preseni from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saiurday, Apr. 10 dur- ing the IOth annuat Wettness Pair at Milton Mati. Highiighting this year' s extravaganza witi be an introduction to hospitat care for ares youngsters, roie of the hospitai in a fun and friendiy envimonment. "The Teddy Bear Hospital is a unique hands- on experience for- chitdren of ail] ages," said Trish Carlton, pubtic relations manager for Haiton Healthcare Services, the atmatgamated corporation of Milton District and Oak vil le-Trafatg ar Memoriat hospitats. Visiiors to the Teddy Bear Hospital witt iearn who witt iearn about the about areas from admitting to discharge. Atong the way, exereises on such top- ics as emergency care, x- ray and taboratory proce- dures as weit as pediatric care witl be conducted using stuffed animats as the patients. Staff at every station wili take time to treat the patient and discuss the rote of that department in the hospitat. Participants wiit receive souvenir handouts about their visit to the Teddy Bear Hospital. Back to the drawing board f or community safety zones - from COUNCILLORS on page 9 speeds on Martin Street had kept it oui of the staff s top four. "Ai that point in time it was feut that iraf- lic signais there controited speed to a cer- tain degree," he said. Mr. Maiboeuf advocated getting on with the project by passing the staff recommen- dations. Counciltor Barry Lee, who chaired the proceedings, sent oui an SOS for deferrat instead. "If anyone woutd tike to, put a motion forward to defer this, l jump to accept it," he said. "Otherwise we'ii just go over this ail over again." A deferrai would give staff time to go back to the drawing board and review potentiat test site areas. Mr. Lee's wish was granted by Mayor Gord Krantz. The motion was opposed by Mr. Matboeuf and Councilior Mr. Metanson. They were voted down by the remainder of the commiitee. Mr. Hunter promised to bring the issue up again at the next full council meeting. * AoeIE P RY * AdI R 7 Dy. aI