Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Apr 1999, p. 12

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12 - The Canadien ChampIon, Friday, Apnl 2, 1999g School board preparing for Y2K * from Y2K on page 1 The remnainder of (li $33 2,000 wili be spent as tèllows: voice mail upgrade $60,000; transportation server upgrade $25,000; staff over- time $35,000; and special educa- tion software requirements $50,000. Vendors are in the process of reviewing the board's facility ser- vices equipment and applications, administrative software applica- tions, hardware, wide ares network infrastructure and telecommunica- tions equipment. The promise of new life The board has also sought advice tlior ils legal represcntali vo ahoul its obligations and issues wvith yen- dors and service providers. Information technology agree- ments, intellectual property issues, tax and accounting issues, insur- ance disclosure obligations, plus employment and liability issues were among the concems noted. Mr. Johnson also said board staff are working closely with Halton school and municipal partners through the Halton Information Network (Halinet) work group. Spring la finally herel 1 betieve that the majority of us look foward ta thls fine ai the year. tl la a lime of warrner weather, langer days and more oulside activitles. Spring time la alsa a tirne test represents riew Ite, new beginninga and new hope. The atart of Spring also means the celebration af Easter. It la a fine ta understand tee hope and new flte that we can have thrnugh a melatianship with the risen Lard and Saviour Jesua Christ. As the pastor of Victory Bible Church, I The goal in parsicipating in this cts)perative group is to impleinent tie moat coat-efficicot solutions for aIl concemed. In another move sparkcd by Y2K concernis, the board wiIl hold its Christmas break fromt December 24 to January 9 inclusive. The delaycd break will give the board extra time to recover from 2000 problemui before classes resume. The issue involves fears of wide- spread malfunctioning next January 1 when computer calen- dars change frm '99 to '00. believe the Lard has given aur church a vision of aeeing people's lives fuît of hope. Unfortunately, some do not ses Easter as a tirne of hope. For various reasons, there are problem circurnatances thal plague Iheir lives. Jesus ststed the fallowing in the book of John 10:10, "The thiet corneth flot, but for f0 steal, and ta kilI, and ta destroy. 1 amn corne teaf they might have lite, and test lhey rnight have it mare abundsntly.Y The Lord came f0 earth s0 He could show men, wornen and children haw ta have an FqmilyréCalition Party Nomination meeting soon Family CoalitionsParty tnemtbers ister. ested in signlng u as candidates for tise upcong Hitof t onstituencysôtina- dim isave only days to put theur naines fodrh Thse pornsinâtionmtnsetg will bc iseis TiÙsjay, Apr. 15 attse Qptlmist Centre, 311 CommesvialSt. Tise eventt will gel wndetway 1t 7:30 p.m. Tise winner ,will be thse Family abundant life through him. AIl of us will have trials at some point in aur lives. No natter how arnal or great the circumatance, Jesua Christ can heal any situation and bring a high quality of file. Because of the desire thal Christ has in seeing ail people have a futfilling fle, we at Victory Bible Church want to rnave in the direction of availing ourselves ta ail in our cornmunity that rnay need help in same of tee hard circurnatancea of Mte. Whether R la dealing with rnarriage, child rearing, Coalition Party candidate for Halton in thse next provinscial election. Thse provincial election hasn't yet been called, bt tatsanncsuncement la expected by thse Mke H~arris governý ment soon. Anyone.interested ln rnaiog must be, a inember of lise patty and côtae -con- stituency. presidelst V7ictor, Estevan at 8173-8188 by April 5. finances, dealing with grief or other diff iculties, we wanf to olter biblical based counselling at no coat. Our desire is sirnply ta sea that ail in aur cornrunity can have an abundant lite through biblical principals. We hope you have a great Ester weekend, and pray that you will celebrate the Lords resurrection this Sunday at the church of your chaice. May God blasa you and keep you. Subrnitted by Pastor Charles Boyce of Victary Bible Church. The. Salvation Arny Ciiurch Milton 100 Nlplsslng Rood, Unit 3 Pastors: Captains Dan end Woody Bmoom. SUNDAY SOHOOL - 9:30 AM MORNING WORSHIP - 11:00 AM W.kldy Programming for ail ages For more Information pleas - Cali 876-2420 HOLY ROSARY PARISH httphmwlden.ielJ-waIbmites4i.hlyrssry-.htnl S878-0535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 pro Saturday 9:00 arn, 10:.30 arn & noon Sumday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY MISSION SMilton Heights Mass at 10:30 arn. Sunday ST. PETRS CHURCH 9th Uine & Britannia Mas t 9:00 a.rn. Sunday RmEarl Talbot, P.P. SBANAl Celebrate Christ's Passion ..Good Fridayl10a.m. Reniember Christs Sacrifice in HaIy Cornrunion Easter Suuday 10:45 a.m. Thank Gad tar His Resurrection Pawerl LOVE San - 3 .au *6.30 pm «Know thou of a c.rtalnty that love la the. secret of God's hold Dl spensallon, the. manifestation of the Ali-Merciful, fh. fountain CPINN RVDDFý. 0f spiritual outpourlnga. Love la heaven's *EFHR OF * ERN EV kindy llght. the. Holy Spinita eternal breath fiat vMvffeti the human Boul." UDYM RIGA104A - from the Boho'! wnhtngs ~ I ]LOCAL: ................................. .....878-0011 HOWTO FIN US REGIONAL:........................... 1800-433-3284 GLOBAL:.............................. www.bahal.org - e MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-2022 10:00 a.m. -The Lord's Supper 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Fear not: Ye seek Jesus which was crucificd. He is not here: for he is risen as he said Math. 28.5,6 F Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the Hill 878-2411 Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott EASTER SUNDAY 8:00 a.m. - Said Eucbarist 9:15 a.m. - Informai Eucharist 11:00 a.m. - Sung Eucharist 43 WIIEELCHAR ACCEiiTHRI(UCllPARKING LOT 0(155S 123 MAIN ST., MILTON, ONT. MIiil John R.v. am To book your spot ON*Dimotor of Musicinth Judy Hunter EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 4, 1999 Religious Service 7:00 a.m. Sunrise Service at Miii Pond Direetory 9:00 a.m. Intergenerational Service 10:30 a.m. Toeditional Service C l ah SERMON:rrLElNo MoreRunours a i 878-234 Visit aur NEW Wbalte: http:Ilww.gkoblserve.net-stpaulsmitan VIciOTO MULE OHUROU Has church just been a waste of time for you in the past? Mlas church ever answered the real issues and questions of life such as jobs, marriage, families or finance? VBC is a church wheré you can not'only know how to get to heaven, but where you can also know how to handle the issues of life here on earth. Check out Pastor Charles Boyce Wcdncsday cvcnings on Cableworks 14 in uis "Wisdom for tise Week" segment on the cable tv show "Plugged In!" (5:30, 6:30, 7:30) 10:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP MILTON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (separate services for children 9 years and under) "Living A Viclorious Life By The Word 0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875.2162 St. Gieorge's Anglica Church. Lowville 7051 Guelph Line (just north of Derry Road) Schedule of Services for Holy Week and Easter Celebrations March 31 Maundy Thurs. 7:30 pmn at St. Johns Guelph Lina & 10 Sideroad April 2,Good Friday 10 amn at St. John's - A Service of Prayer and 1Meditasion 4:30 pm at St. George's The Psssion of Oùr Lord Accardisg la St Mathewleaureig Si. Georges Feival Chair April 3 Eaater Saturday 7pm at St. George's Ester Vigil an Baptism April 4 Easter Sunday 8:3Oam and 10:30 aS Sf. Georges Easter Sunday Holy Communion Sunday School and Nursery at the 10:30 service 9:30am ait St. John's Easter Sunday Holy Communion hclu: IM kevalu Cmu eliffla F. Mustai For additional Information cai the church office et 878-1361 JOIN MILTON BIBLE CHUCH FOR EASTER SERVICES at the Milton Seniors Acti*i* Centre 500 Cbilds Dr. Good Friday 10:30 a.m. Hwt idu Easter Sunday 10:30 a.m. - "Friendship with God" Separate Children's Ester Program j__ & Nursery il provided. MC .i. 876-3586 I 1' a________________

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