Join the CLINTAR W>Team Canada's Iargest and fastest growing year- round groundskeeplng services company. Do you enjoy the great ouldoors? CLINTAR watts XYU for Ifs expanding OakvlIe/ Burfington'Groundscarel Snow Service" Team. CLINTAR ls in search of fulitime experieeced Laedscape Maintenance Professionals... profit from a good Income. If this sounds interesting we warit you t0 cali CLINTAR ai (905) 847-64 NOTHAMRIA' MOS D I C CHI SALOSRQIE We offer great commissions; career advance- ment throughout North America; flexible worc hours an a old bnftprogram. TO ARRANGE FR AN INTERVIEW, PLEASE CALL: Qakmille & Waferdown Cali Kym: (905)849-8808 Oakville Cali Det: (905)849-4490 Mississauga Cail Sandy: (905)821-7185 îiwVN]SE g..~E We are looking for esillisiastic and flexible WINE SHOPPE SALES REPRESENTATIVES for our locations in nf OIULIAU, Jobes- fsr. " a very compvliie houif y rt * an inoenlive progran * a great leam elviroomeil s edcaion en fine vines, sales and leadershiip Were looking for parI-lim sales represeelatives who possess supeilor cuslome service skilîs, and have a desire te leam and advance. TN qualifiai indivithial viii be willieg te woifc days, eveeleas aid/or uta- kends an needed. Th Wine Shoppe wdll ta accepting restants uebil ffli, 1US. Please drop or mail your resumrete 10 l Uh iqps WalkeÉs Place- 3305 Upper Middle Road, Budinglon l.G.A.- 511 Maple GroveDrive, Oaliville Mile »e thavka a pphcant ia appy~ »emil! only mM e #pobase under caosider*in. lTe ê$'ne Shappe asksIY lano aSpnses liemia*eby ffioe PERSONNEL EMPLOYEN UPIRTÙUNITY il! LIONT and HEAVY PACKAGING WGRK >» DAY SHIFT 8AM To 5PM a- FULI-TIME >- OAKVILLE AREA >- NEED SAFETY SHOES >-REFRIGERATED ENVIRONMENT ýFOOD PROCESSING 3POSmOif AVAILAUI contact SaaiortepM, TOday at (9w5) 586-1600 flL*ppiy In'prone 1 City Centre Drive, Suite 710 Misecue, Ontario. CANADIAN + RED CROSS NMEM*KM in mule, , mson, IIIIIiiheu a. sis Camphribe »Wg saéleibeffipaclage 41UY11511 Desire te souk wilil comueily heatlh crs service; Avaulabie te share non-tradilional bours, evgs & vimds; Exp. uddeig vithe eidenfy le conimueily sellieg; Ac=es Io lraispotatontveicle; Esc. Communication aid orgilzabonal sluills; HSII, HSIII, HCA, PSW ai al. Somn trmining provided. DWPU flWS Personal care; Social aid family support Laudryr Childesue; Camgive relief; Housviiold mnagemnent Meal planning aid prep. APPICANTS, ARE INVITED TO APPLY IN PERSON: 676 Apptieby Une, Burlinglon JOIN DUR WINNING TEAM! THE DUNY GROUP bas the following openings in crur Buriington tacility. CI MACHINE OPERATORS CI SHIPPERI RECEIVER CI GENERAL L&BOURIERS Competitive wages - Benefits - Profit Sharing Contact Mr. Gregg: Tel: (905) 639-2503 *Fax: (905) 639-2555 ,E-DITIsu- Required for Oakviile Company. * Clean drlving record requlredi * Sonne heavy lftin * Fuli-time Monday-Frlday *o$11. -$14. lhour Cali Bian (905)-t47-7200 Dakvilit's Premier salon & Spa requires an EXPERIENCED STYLIS With not iess dma 2-4 yrs exp. Mte otter more inci: a SONi bene- fit package an as asso- ciation witii Canadas largest salon Chain. Pîtase cail Judy ai (905) 338-333 te arrange ai interview ntl^-U ices Ltd. Full bine cafe- teari osons aviiable. 2106, betwaan 10Oam & 2 pin. Ast for Dave. SOUS-CHEFS, Une Coolta, Prep Woulcers, Servere, Cashiers. FuI/st a. Raumer. or Bian Farrell at thla Farin Museum, 905- 878-8151, ExI. 13, Mon- day-Fddalt 9 -5 p.m. Retail Saï 24hr/ee Harris Statn Apply lip Reaume ta Mr. 182 Maln. Hairstylists ±RotaiI Clerk EXPERIENCEDI FULL & PART-TIME Excellait opportaiity vibi Our groving organization - Beatty Supply Dutiel. CALL: 634-nu Barlinglon TORONTO AUT AUCTIONS. POSibonsf avaîlable. Deivers & inspectors. Yeu muet bave thle foawng quaI fifcatiins. Abillty te ai- fectiveiy communicata xhot writtee and oral, good work ethica, be self-mobivstad, capabil- ty of workig wifluin s tai envlronmant. Plasm cal Jaihn Pane or Cathsy KudIRk (905) 875-2915. Fax 0905- 875-3219. le Clerk k, Daps ionery Ltd ltsof wtth -Steve Bonin Sf. MIon TRAVEL CONSULTANT. Bseine Travol, Georgetown, raquues an epane Traval Consultant 1 Cal Madeleie (905 873-2000 or Fax naeume te (905) 87343102 Service Technologist Canadien lnk>et Systema, a leading dîstributor of industial equipment lacated in Oacville, le seeking a Technaiagist for is Ontaio operation. Reportlng ta the Service Superviser, the candidate should be a graduate technologlst of Computer Electroics, Electronica or Electrical systema, possess a high degree af self- motivation and brlng a positive attitude ta the position. Experlence In the prlnting lndustry la an asset A camprehensve package lncluding sslery, benefits and car ailowance la offered. Repiy in confidence ta: Canadien Iniejet S yscterne DIrector of Technicei Service 2751 Covenfry Roed Oakvîile, Ontario L6H 5V9 Fax: (905) 829-1842 PARTS MANAGER A Mississauga company, maving ta Oakville area, currently has a special opportunity avalable for a self-starter fe, advise customere of repair options, source parts and selI ta accaunts in Ontario and Eastern Canada. Candidate muet have parts knowl- edge in the area of mobile and heavy- luft crane systeme and feai comfort- able with the use of computers. Excellent compensation package and incentives. Please fax your resume taI: Cropac EquIpment et 905470-7184 CIVIL DRAFTER Our consuiting engineer flrm has a fuiltime apening for an expenienced Municipal Design Drafter. Applicants shouid have strng Autocad drafting skiils wiith af ieast two years' experience in drafting of subdivisions, plus compietion of a cii technoiogy program. Attractive psy, benefits and work environment. Fax or send your resumne taI: Human Resources Manager G.M. SERNAS & ASSOCIATES INC. 141 Brunel Roed Melsauge, ON L4Z 1 X3 Fax: 905-690-6499 OUALIFIED ACRYLUC FABRICATORS Full-time. Choice of12 shifts: 7:30am-3.3Opm or 3:3Opm-1 1:30pm. Experience & carpeiltry skills are ai assei. GaIrville location. Cvii Robert: (9l") 339--2125 enw lac, a lealg owmafacturer ofjkcb/epckagimg in North America, reqalrer mepoarlbk experienced Pes Operalorsfor our printlng departuee n a ourDBarllnihn Plastics DIvisIon You mus[ exhibit strong ineer-personai ekMts and have a good mechaînical aptitude along wli 5 ho 10 years' experience le Dexographic process prinfing- If your qualifications met dieue requiremnenis aid you are looldng for s cballenging carter opportumtcy wid, an excellenî mage and benefits packae, please apply ln wnuing or attend in person to fi11 oui an application Io: Masiiager, Humus Resoarces Dosa, lac. 2360 MAcfoweil Rond Fmc (905) 637-1066 leur luc. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 30,1999--25 A financial services C SEE eP O T NTE company located in Oakville, Ontario is look- Bilingual CSR ing for a Senior Ac- *excellent communication in both French a couinfg Officer and an Engblh irequhed, basic Comue "' Intermediate Account- Reception adslr elieet *excellent communication, MSWord & (905) 339-347. &W me" "J088 AvalIable" If' contct 11101111 oruneyou are between the Tel.(9" 04es23ages of 1-M, MMt iti- Fil=(OU d 419tie heure aNid a com- Fsx (05)94-4419peMlle Salaer... cal thle ww~hseepuiaLe. _*B~c JQY Prorn (905>333-349.Span 1sared by Human Re- Gien MIEs Co-Op sources Development requires a Part-lime Co-rds'nator Canada. Reqahremeats: Experience with bookkeep- moearr ing, budgets. Computer skilis, Administrative skiliI, dealing with volunteers, board of di- 1Opporttsitee rector. Strong communications skilis. Dem- ion rad pgei onstrated ability ta work independently. PMease send résumét to: Mesu: Htrlng Committee Clen Mil Ca-operative Homes mnc. 23 Danieis Court Ceorgetown, ON, L7G 5C3 - OFFICE HELP Oe fll time and ane part-time Sec- retarlullReoeptlonlit positions are currenty available in an extremely busy Real Estate Company. Haure avallable include daytime, evenings, & Saturdays. Responsibilitles indlude an- swerieg telephones, pagleg messag- es, bookieg appointmants, preparing offers and pracessing listings Rai Es- tate office experlence preferred. Muat be Computer literate. Pieuse reply by fexIng your résliumé f0: (905)877-1571 Sprlngrldge Farm has an exclting apportunty far an office par- son lnterestsd le worldng wltti a growlng local oompaly. ilesponsblles indlude booldceep- lng, reception and telephane. Applicant shauld know Business visions or Sipy Accounbing, Windows 95, Word& Excel. Phase Fax reurne fo 878-4150 RECEPTIONIST FULL TIME 1 PERMANENT and dspwndabhîly air@ à muse. S onsf hu- mour lusà dnle aset Pliamas fax rasouns: (90)8I75-378 TRANSPORTATION OPPORTUNITIES Inside Sales /Dispstch Customer Service/Office Clerk 2 energetic self-starters required. Good knowledge of Windows 95 and Word 97 Mail Resume te: Kim Stade Box 86066 1011 Upper Middlc Road West Oakvillc, Ontario L6H 5V6 The wofld leader in professional employment placements has: *Temp *Tom-Perm oPart-Tirne Burlington, Oakviiie & Miiton *Receptionist @Accounting Clerks oAdmin. Assistants *Data Entry Cierks oCust. Service Reps. $10-12/H $11-1 3/H $11-1 4/H $11-12/- $11-13/H Knowledge of Word. Excel Powerpoint ls an asset. Subinit resurné f0: Tel: (905)6842-4173 Fax: (905)6842-6468 r. r. LOCAL Rai Estats 0f- bloa reqtares part bine evening and waekenda raceptianiet. Computer aed meal estate expari- ece wauid be an aseet Plase dmop aume at 388 Main St.E. Millton, Ont. No phlone cells OCCASIONALIPart lime Receptionlat for Medical afie. Fisible hours. Apply ta Box #2312 , e/o Canadien Champion, 191 Maie S.. itres LOT AMO aiter admeti. Bronte & Laurier ara. 3 childre. A couplae ai daye par weer 878-0676 DAYCAAE avalable in reaemnce a ssPe ceti 876-4135. DAYCARE available. Full bine days. Wood- ward & Wilson. 876- 4978. ADAPT eow abfers out- patient trestmeet for problei gableg. For an Îinmen cal PREGNANT? Dedaisls ta mate? Cal us we're heme ta tileai. 875-1245. $300043, Cars want- ed. 905-457-5713. Stop car the sal te iicensed recycler. 905-457- 87 VW Cabriolet wite, 85 VW Cabriolet med. Extra deéan. Low km. Carbfa si warrany. Mitn pot Car Cen- 91 tzusu pick up. lOing ceb autamnatia. Cap over box. Low kme. cei- fied. $4995. Mitlon Im- port Car Centre 878- 5330. 92 Poniac Lamans, 4 $2995. Mlon lert Urgently requires NUAS 0HSW's * PSW's (Up to 4Oirs/wl) Cai 827-8U est for Va*i or No or fax 827-2192 l~. URGENTLY MEEDED la [r. O lls, hnlmgls. & Mlba u NAI.N Cý AJOSff a Ws OfiWc -Choice of Assignimet/ Hours Fer iiitave salI 84-1025 aw fax rusu ta U41111181 1 Noagencles, pleut. Flexographic Press Operatorsli