n, Tuestiay, Marchs 30, 1999 SUPPORT SERVICES Aleudale, a 300-bed long-tenu care faclllty located lu Millon, bas the followlng gmt-trne positionsi allable. Nutrition Services Cooks - Tralned lu bîstltutional cooldng. Those wit ds ai Cook training IDl be coesldered. Porter/Ptwmh - Fit idisduals, capable of transporting goods up t0 50 pounds, requtred 10 dlean pots, pans and equlpusent Dtetary Aides - Position invohves rehealtng food and servtng Co residents, meeting individuai food requests and creadng a warus, frlendly dlnln- rom, erntronent. Building Operations Building Operstor il (Maintenance Workesn) - Requlred lu provide entergency, deusand and prevenlalive maintenance services. You must be able to perfores basic plumbhsg, carpeutry and dectrical work, as wni as a variety of other facillty-relaied work. Those wtd a truck drivlng licence and repairs pxperieuce wlU be gtven prefereuce. Suldlang Operator 1 (jantors) - Requlred to perfonu janitortal ser- vices, iluddlg desnlng, washlng fots, wsente removal, ltght bulh chang- Ing and transportlng good. Candidates; muat be able te work a variety of shifts, tnuddng weekends, andl shift sattUies ranglng froin 6:00 &ms. te 3:00 p.m. Ail positiona requIse cartng, enthuslastle Individuals who tbrive lu a tearn setllug. You ainst be able lo be ou your feet for dse majority of the day f you are dedlcaled tobeingdstheaet yo casabein a supportive etrironent, pisase fomnardi >ysr resnne, by April 9, 1999, wo: Uir. Cures Cmrdli, Alleadale, 185 Ontario Street South, Milton, Ontario, L9T 2M4. Fax: (905) 87"4797. LAIDLAW TRANSIT la loalcolng for consci- enfiaus, safeyminded people to become achaoi bus drivers. Training la provided wifh classes starting immediafely If interested Cali Laidlaw Transit ai 877-2251 ta became a member of aur team. Laidlaw Transit la an equal oppartuntiy employer MECHANIO with Electricai back- ground wifh good driving record and own tools. Able fa wark unsupervised. 875-1150. CHOWDERS CATERING Has positions opening Up for tise 1999 season: Position 351: Mature persan needed for futitime momning and evenings capable of opening and clos- Ing ctubhouse restaurant. This persan must be able ta take responsibiity and be higisly motivated.\ Some cooking duties are invotved. Based on experience, ttis may be a supervisory positon. Position 352: Fuit or part-time expenienced COOK. Must be able to work on tiseir own mainly for aftemoons and eveninga. Thsis positon invoives preparallon of fuit menu, banquet and toumament functions. Please leave resumes at Trafalgar Golf and Country Club at Sixtis Line and Derry Road in Milton. Applicants may also CALL for interview: 875-1966 or 335-8786 T/rose posit ions musi be filed soon so applicants are advised flot f0 de/ay Puttingtogeter. a winning telam... ADMINISTRAION Administration Staff are requireti to provicle administrative andi cf erical support. File DM01 Site Auditors wîîî tue key ta ensure ti aIt financial transactions in tise gaming aperatians are conducted andi dacumenee in compliance wli approveel cantrol standards and pracedlures. File DM2 MARKETING Marketing Manae msil manage thse overail day-la-day markeing operallon. The &lopusent, execution, and meéasuraent of marketing programa null beca fundamental responlbllty ResponsIble for sciseduing. training, evaluating, and motivating staff, you viili ensure tisaI palicies and pracedures are adisesed Io ant 11* correspexnding documentation la verileel. Fils OM0 Special Events Coordinator amîlorganize, admlnister. anti contrai ail internai promotions and avents. File M04 Playors' Club Coordinator wîî organize, administer, and controi lise activities osf tise Players' Club. File DM05 Player Service Reps are responaible for tise dally activitiga of lise ayrs' Club. sucli an promoting club membersis ta rcstonseri. ,gmeetirtg visitors, andi providing clerical support. Sorne positions re qre bilinguel <Frencis/Englifsh) abilities anti multiple ri.ao~l~s would be an asset File DM06 Front Servilce Manager wiîî manage tihe caverait day-to- day mront services aperatlqn. Responsibte for scheduting, tralnlng, evaluallng, and motivating staff, you null ensure tisaI poticies andi procedysres are aduered to and tisaI carresponding documentation la veriflo<d. File DM0? Housekeepitng SuperVi .sor to coardinate anti supervise lise activities oaf lise housekeeping daparlment. File »M Housekeeping Attendants wiUl dlean and maintain tise interior andi exterior of lise building. File DM Coat Check Attendants nill te responsible for cisecking In sncf out patrons'coats. File DM10 Valet Attendants val be responsible for paring patrons' cars In the valet lo. File Ml1 CAGE dg COIN Shift Managers wmn previaus casino experlence wilî manage tise overéil day-to-day cage anti coin operation. Responsible for sciseduling, training, evaluating. and motivating staff, you sutl ensure tisaI poficles and procedlures are adhered ta and tisat corresponding documentation is verllted. File DM12 Shlft Supeirvisors wiut organize, administer, and contrai tise actiites of tihe cage operatiair. File DM13 Cage Cashilers wili be requireti ta recense, record, andi reconcile escisanges, balance inventor, and supply ali attendants ails jackspot payouts and happer tilts. Yau nuli alan handie any patron transactions invabaing fiandia asseis. File DM14 Main Bank Cashiers are neetied ta receive, record, and reconnule excisanges and balance lnventory. You null conduct tihe couni rm buyis anid transactions wilS feliow assocates. File IMli5 Count Supervisors nuli organize, adminîster, and contrai activities in lise count roons and in conjunctian iS tise count team reapansibimiea. Fils DM16 Cou nt Attendants are responsirie for tise collection anti counting of etectronic gamlng cfessce/cash andi tokens. You wili alsa verify happer bags, transport cashitokens, and complets happer storage fille. File DM17 SIOT OPERATIONSV. Siot Shift Manager wih pissalous casino experlence wll man 1age tise oserail day-tad .ay aloI operation. ResponaÏible for sciseduing, training, evalUatlng. and motivating staff, you viîl ensure tiaI policies and procedures are adisereel toa ncf tisa carrespondlng documentation is verifled. File #M1 8 Sr. Siot Technicians i oversee tise repair. admiristration, and maintenance af att elentronin equlpment in tise siM facility anti technical inventoe. Fis DM19 Jr. Siot Technicians nili tepair sncf maintain a varlety of mecisanical and conrputerized aloI machsines. File DM20 Siot Oporations Lead Floor Attendant stîli participais In averseeng lise siat Iloor operation an well an psy ouI jackpots and happer tis, isandle minor machina repaira, sncf attend ta patron nSets on tise Iloar. File DM211 Slot Attendantsmwlî participaIs In tihe pay out oaisctkpots snf happer tis, isandle minor machina repaira, and attend ta patron neetis on tise 11mo. File DM22 Tise Ontario Lattery Corporations Siot Operations sa assemsling a winnlng tears aI MOHAWK RACEWAY et GUELPH LINE andi HWY. 401. Our continuei sncf succeassul mission ta provide quality entertalnment for consumera pravides net revenues tisaI support government initiatives for buildingsa baller Ontario. Our expansion han created apportunities for motivated individuels ta deticate tiseir knowleelge sncf entisusiaura in tise follawing arean: SFLCURITY&P SURVEILLANCE Shift Supervisors vntl overane tise safety anti ancunity of' al customersasndf employees nisile maintaining superior custamer service standards. Fils DM23 Security O)ff cers wiîî patrai assignei areas ta identity situations, isantile disturbances, andi escort tise slot fccility. Some postions require bitingualisrn <Fmencis/Engliss) niie multiple tanguages are esseis. Custamer service lasa key component. Fils DM24 Surveillance Shlft Supervisor nuli averses operationsi integrity and monitor claseti circuit vitisa systema ta idsntify potentiai chsaters ancf ciseating mathads and initiale enforcement pracedures. Fils DM25 Surveillance Operators nii monitar closti circuit videa systema ta ldsntily potentiel chesters ami ciseating methotis anti initiate anforcemant procedures. File DM26 Reglonal Surveillance Technician sotl repsîr sndf maintain aI equipreent relateti ta tise surveillance aperation. File DM27 Join our tiynemlc orgenation ancf snjoy s competltlve compensation package. Pisse write, quotlng tise approprista fils number, ant ell us nisy you're s perfect Mi for our tssm. Ontario Lottery Corporation Societies de Loteries de l'Ontario Human Resources Ontario Lottsry Corporation PO. Box 4900, Don Mis Station Toronto, ON M3C 3R9 Fax: (416) 324-550 iva Suan arf apptcanls for t/uar netersl homr, oniy Omoa OsAi considarad wf be cu onlacaa An Equai Qppotunly Envsifflr. Light Assembly/Warehouse Staff Full lime & Part-lime Positions Available, Wage relative Io experience, + benetits. Assembly nf wire and cosseclors to produce Communications Patchr Cords for video, phone asd computers. Successfol candidates must be detail-oriented, able bo distingu- ish colors, able to work with hasds asd be able 10 lift approx. 60lbs. No experience required. Willing to train dedicated individuals. Production Assistant To assist wif h order entry, invoicing packaging and shipping functions. Typing of 4ilwpm and a gond woring knnwledge of Word and Excel are a must. The abilil lu disfinguish colours and moderate lifting is required. Wage commensurale wilh experience. On/y Ia.ned applications wil/ be acceped Interviews are by schedued appointmnen on/y D.K.T. Cable Services Fax: (M)5>847-4858 1 ipRJ, Au.. fOll-opJsl Ea5t 5iôle Mario'e, one of the fabtegt ï3rowirno rectaurant chaino in North America, io now hirirne. Our newegt location in the Millcroft 5hoppinq Centre in 13urlinigtoni ic hiriri@ bervere, L'ar etaff, prep cooke, lime cookg andi dii5hwaeher. Int-erviewgs wiII bc heId in the empty unit locate6l beskle "The 5hoe Club" in the MilIcroft 5hoppino Centre (Upper Miccle and~ Applet'y Line) at the foIlowinie timesc: Wed. Mar. 31 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thum. Apr. 1 noon - 8 pm.t Sat. Apr. 3 noon- 8prit. requires COUNTER HELP Ai Sisa. Pald training. Uniforma supplied, Apply in persan bo: 575 Ontario Street 80 Market Drive 8501 Hwy. 25 North ClubLink Corporation in Canada'n largest owner, operator and developer af pnivate and daily fée golf courses. Right now we have several fihl-time and part-rime opporuunities for cnthusiastic, cunromer service oricnted individuals ta f111 various positions at three ai aur local golf clubs. We are currently recruiting for. " Food & Beverage Servers e Bartenders * General Kitchen Staff a Gardeoners Ail positions require strong communication skills and the ability ta work effl&rively as part ai a team in a last-paced environment. If you are înterested in these opportunities pleas respond directly ta the club(s) listed below, stating thse position yoss are intere-sted in: Glen Abbey Golf Course RattleSuake Point Greyatone Golf Club 1333 Dorval Dr. 5407 RegionaI Rd. # 25 9689 Dublin Lice Oaks'ue, Ontrario Milton, Ontrioa Milton, Ontario L61 4Z3 L9T2X5 L9T2X7 FaxD (905) 844-2035 Fax#D (905) 875-3435 Fa.x (905) 875-3435 W/aile we e/sas/ all applicants on/y "/oi we wisa to interview wilt rete a resporne. CORPORATION