The Canradian Champion, Tuesday, Mardi 30, 1999--23 'I Classified H9OURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Il I Se odays Champion for our new «Mlestones» sedtioet To announ&Y your special en, rail 7he Champions Classified Devarrment at 875-3300. I I I Il - Il BNILE, Leveme à Ruth aionf r te mnaounce the b»il ai ttieirdaugtner ne Mywgting 6 Ibm. 6 oz. et Credift Valley Nos- o=namti15,999. Pud randsrents are ope ai 010ka HAYNES, Norn à Muriel (mee Inital) are thriled te annaunce the birth ai their daugter, NMga MBroute on Mardi9,1999 at 12.12pan.,i we#gtlng6lb. 12ozs. A Me ister frTyler, a gra dught er for Nomi & Brenda Haynem ai Honyand Rager & Alin Initiai ai New Brrnswdc A niece for auints and uncles, Ramae & Rus & Mire. Spectal tianics ta Dr. Watada, Dc Wu and te tM OB staff et Josephi Brant Memia Nospital. ILLER Sud à Keren <m Bellay) ai Milton anmd big brother Brandon are pluad te an- Inounce lia early arrva ai tiair daughter Sers 5 ta. 3e9~i Sb oz. at O.T.MH. on Fic ,1 .Proudgrndparet are Dave & Dr. Ub.dvaynurses mnd specdy lda apeciai care nursery staf md Dr. Krejav. THE STAFFet Towne Dental Group eimi te con- gratiate Dr. Evelyn Steinter-Sugr mnd famly on lie birli ai Itiair WM0 boy, Jordan Benjanmin. CIJARRE, Murray - At the Milan District Hsia an Saturday, Marci 27tti, 1999. Mura Curie ai Milan, belva tiusland ai die tata Calele Currie. Lovlfaier ai Do" nald Lynn ai tOncardine and BIH and ia wcea Lynn af Miasasaug. Serily nrimmad by N lgrmdidren SanclIs Danny, Nicole, Mica", Janeleanmd Ryan, aima a great grnda Hunter. Dear broth- er ai Chritie HaMlt ai Milton and Garde Currie ofiWomto&i Predaaaae by brthars mnd ais- tara Blanche Elliot, Smttten, Jackr, Mary Lachaaille, Mairgaret FInn, Roy and Joli. Retig eithle Md<erta-(oche Fun"ra Hom, 114 Main Street Milton. Fun"a Servic Tued Marcti 30», 199 et 2:0 p.m. froni Knox Prasbytarlan Churci. Intarment Evargreen Caeeey Milon. In hiuaif fower donations te die Milton Dlatsc Hospital Founrdation or th1e Canlaclan Cance Society wuid be appiaciad by dm lamol ENGAGEMENT Basil & Susan Bell of Milton are pleased to announce t he engagement of their daughter, Nicole Catherine Doal m etr cuag LaubsdtDar sr o Lrn of Douglas ebstiher d n JmmStpand Granacy BakicermEd BAnesip Aal Iednd issaned an saulsr. tat e fnoemthere wasg tifr on swetdy Mercn>2,99 no c ai so fiawrcda nation t9a fl cate Medal entre Neona- j5h tiM inesil e C e ni mIsd anetd. AMfr- reenths pentste Ane an ie andermi-Kcbig bay or WAlltio ngel Bw# arruse has Fuancarts Oe, 11 Mm ain ., ed Mitan Browed mynad ip Se Mi haodan An- -OK, Jarrels Okicen MMn) - MWl Hop. 1dn mnd lie Townamen, Marnber ai lie Milaon Senior Citens Bmnd, mamber ai Rayai Cans-, dian Lema, Brando 136, Milaon) Peascal*y at tMm Milaon District Hospital on Fda% Mardi 26, 1999, llrry Hopkina be tiumband ai the tata Louiha Hopkins. Loving tailler af Mania Nopins ai T=rnta, Mark Hopins ai Mian, falierIn-lace ai Elaine mdc Uinda Nopim nsd granidisttr ai Leurs, Ciaitu mnd Katie. Predacaasd by hie >an Ron, brthersJcc and Tom and stirs 'Jane, Mar" and Neftl. Funerai Sevice a hald on Monday, Mardi 29,1999. Internan Ev- ergreen Cematary, Mlaon. ln lieu ai loceers do- nations te lie diarity ai anas chica ceouid be apprcitad by dim tamly. Arrangements ttirougt lie J. Scatt Eadly Frinerai Home, 21 James St, Milton. 'kULMAN, James Willim - On Sunday, March 21, 19»9 et the Credit Valley Hos- pital. Mieaieeeugu. James Kelmen, In hie 650h year, of Georgetowen. formerly af Milton. Baloved huaband af Nancy. Laving fatier ai Geraid Mid hie wfe Shir- ley, Jarmea Michael, Pet Heoy ot.- ard Andrew. Cheryl P= ean e hue- bend Kevn Bukàk Darling and Chritine Rachel and her husaend Gregory Wah- or. Cheriehed grandtather af Orve grendohildren. Dowr brocher af Brare and her huaband David Glities and Chariene MoLean. Doar san-in-tat. af Reglneld and Marlon Moynes and dear brother-in-laew of Michael and hie wftt Muriel Mayne*. Fondily remnembered by hie nieca and nephewa. Pred.emaeed by hie parent. Charles and Isabel Kof- men and brother. Chartes Duncan Ku#- men and Robert Francia Bruoe Keimen. A privae family funeral and ormittal service w.. heid In the chapel et the JaSjonea and Son Punerai Home, 115132 Trafalgar Rd. N. ai Mapie Ave., Georgetown, 877-3631. an Tueaday, Meroh 23.1999 et 1 oolclc p.m. Or.- mallon. In memory contributiona ro the Canadien Cancer Society wauid be ap- 19e ai Ove hl m S ain Moe nts waedaar, es daBrne Marut Beey au r ll hEr nWOL aie eW lin Dcle Ro on Dr. m B any y Hune r. Je Dater G Fre mmd epddy DrW oh SR #m d Tmia nil ai leof Mcate cacai entr Neonea dy Intnal e Cen nt orIei endee care mdw abmteadon utiout kjmrn Ni e. Ta horl Swarzhermienuuhilr Neaata ICUIioed fo h rÉ donm Aecia Nowii yau tiles Ann Laowoityn etea re nj teFraertaoce mudcithey are Jovhd Vmd te c e appractatenN Ciars aemUnpit au r lie" puot ICtat ceecardfrBejmn.Asu lhn o Ann a o for ta n raien ) KALTON SPORTSEN'8 HAM SHOOT WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY, APRIL 2ND 9 AM - 1 PM 5155 STEELES AVE. FWJND, Wadding Ring. PlumaZ Call to klanttfj'. 878-0M8. 11 puen Anne, IDiningraom mat. Brand $11.000 arfc $4500. 905-.7402 BED, blacc cerat4t liran canopy Ouelenadiops- dic mattressfirarme. Ne- ver apened, coat $1,200. Secrifice $490. (M95657-4042 KING BED. X-ttli Orthopedic Pilwop, setl f rsne, mtli in pies- tic, coat $1.500 mati $825. (905) 587-4042. POOLS8 SALE, 16 fI. X 24 il. a.d. retangular aboya ground Kayac Pools. lndluding dacirs, lencing, lier, 2 taddars, sand fier, pump & nia. tor etc. $5,995. 1-800- 668-7564. EASTER Antiue Sihow CltyaifGuelph. Can- niaI Armna, Collage Ave. et HaroExw.Ai 2, 3, 4lGoad rldayo- 5 PM, Set. 10-5 PMo, Ester Suniday 11-5 PM. «Museuni Histanrcal & Arts Cauncl Dieptaye (905)335-011. DOUBLE Cul Red Cia- ver Seed. Rady ta sace MetarSkrai Farma. 8 COOK wanted Imme- distaly. Approximetel 40 tirsiwk Na expr= ence necemmary. Great cedng conditions. Cao 875-393 (Oailta Ex- aculive Gog Course.) FULLTIME HELP re- qired. Plumse bctng re- sume te: super AVia, 550 Ontario Street South, Milton. the. Milaon ors. Own TransportationI, Public Relations Silla, Rata- ig Silts, Fluant in Erg- ll writen and orsi. Stln~ rata 95 e Tripart Protection mnc. 905-83-1217. oral yeers experience ment.Ceil 876-4100.' LOCAL Car Deallermiip requires Part lime Clean-Up Persan. Ex- perience proeread. 905- 875-4700, asc for Peter or Dev». LOT ASSISANT a.AE-uP PUdRSO Respanslble persan wlth e valld driver's tîcenc and the abllty ta drive manuel transmission pick-up truckse la requlred ta help arganîze aur vehide lnventory and ta ke.p lart cars dean. For an Interview pIean. caIl PUM laule, ait RMU« laGiy"i WAIUTD Fuit time Production Co-ordinator for steel fabrication plant ln Milton. Must be highly oanized wth a good work- ing knweg fmcanicag and weld- ing operations. Must have basic comput- er knowledge. Some weekend work required. Please fax resumne with salary expecta- tions to <905) 876-3163. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE &CONSTRUCTION COMPANY requirea General & Landscape Personnel for sason. Must posses horticultural education and work experience, minimum 3ypars. P«» cal (905) 876-4100 or F«x moume to (905)876- HlRING AU. POSITIONS Dishwasier, iclchen halo, prepe, ceaiera, hostess and servers. Drop off resumne or fît out application at. 10 MARKET DRIVE MILTON Reqralres Service WriteflWarranty ClerklCaahier. Fultlime position avallable. Busy dealer- ship. Experience preferred but wl trai. CeO~. SERVICE MANAGER In perean et 81 ONTARIO ST N., MILTON Local ares business ta accepting restumes for a truck driver/crane opera- tor. Local runs - home every nigbt. Some yard work involved. Must have Class A license with clean abstract and verîfiable experience operating heavy trucks and truck mounted crane. Hoiat- ing ticket a definite asset. Competitive rate and benefits. Fax resumne ta: 519453-1324 ULZZMZM"