sel 14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday Merch 19,1999 Saturday Hours - Cail For An Appointmnent 17 Wilson Dr., Unit #8 693-8777 i-ncvrtI l'.unedfr ra srie Dateline Notices for Dateline should be hand- ed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Fridays edition. Dateline items will not b. accepted by telephone. Friday Mer. 19 A coffee house starts at 8 p.m. et Mohawk Inn. Sponsored by St. George's Anglican Chusvh, the event includes music by Glen Soderholm and Bruce Stecey. The St. Patrick's Day Euchre and Lunch tekes place at the Campbellville Lion's Club. Festivities begin et 8 p.m. Friday Mer. 19 - 20 CPR and other first eid demonstra- tdons are performed by adult and youth volunteers et Milton Mail. Donations are appoeciated. Saturday Mer. 20 The Oakville brench of the Canadien Red Cross Society hosts an open bouse feettiing information on the home support progrema and services provided by the Halton branches. Guests include Halton Centre MPP Terence Young and Oakville South MPP Gary Carr. Ail clients, volun- teers, staff and supporters of Red Cross Home Support Services are invited. The event et 167 Navy St. rns from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For further infornation, cail Anna Romain et 845-5241. Saturday Mer. 20 - 21 FIrst aid courues are evaiable by pre- registration only through tihe Canadian Red Cross Society's local chepter. Caîl 875- 1459 to sign up or for more information. e more DATEUNE on page 19 We couldn't think of a better way to thank you for m 'aking the Civic Canada's best selling car. Standard Features Include: aAir Conditioning -Power Door Locks - Keyless Entry - Body-Coloured Door Handies - Special Edition" Badging - Driver and Front Passenger Air Bage (SRS) - AMIFM Stereo Syslem e Adjustable Sleering Column a5-Speed Manual Transmission wilh Starter-Interlock System GEORGETOWN 9p;5No, w ~ - u ~ wCIVIC BUILI WITHOUT COMPROMISE 203 Guelph Street 873-1818 Tor. (905) 874-3021