Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Mar 1999, p. 3

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Jackson believes people could use NDP compassion By IRENE GENTLE The Champion No, bonest, it's différent this tirne. That couid become the mantra of NDP candidate Jay Jackson aftcr signing on to take part in a tbrce-way dogfight for the titie of Haiton North MPP. After ail, it la tough when the party you represent bas been linkcd in some peo- pie' s minda with tbe devastating reces- sion of the late 1980's and eariy '90's. "'bhey happened to have tbe Iuck of the draw to be elected in the rnidst of the worst economidc times since tbe dirty thir- ties," said Mr. Jackson, a hlte ruefuily. "Rcally, tbis is tbe new NDP." Today, seiiing the concept of a ncw party to foilks who stiii utter tbc words . social contract' as an epithet is Mr. Jackson's mission. Jay The 47-year-oid father of two first cut bis teetb in politics by running fcderaiiy. While tbat bid didn't succced, it got bis naine ou. Wben littie wbispers began circuiating about a possi- bic provincial spring eicction. tbe powers tbat be staft- cd cailing. "I was asked to put my bat back in tbe ring again," he said. So be did. Today, tbe Sheridan Coilege pboto tecbnoiogist is prcparing for bis carnpaign by busiiy listcning to tbe word on the atreet. It sounda positive, bc said. "A bugc arnount of education workcrs of ail strata are taIking coilectiveiy," bc sad. 'Tbey're talking to otber people. Tbey'vc been burt by Mikc Harris' agenda." There's not mucb satisfaction in Grit promises, eitbcr, said Mr. Jackson. 'Tbe Liberal agenda doesn't provide anything," bc said. 'They tend te waffle arotsnd." A return of tbe NDP would mean a restoration of compassion in politics tbat bas been absent since Mikc Hanris took over the reins, said Mr. Jackson. "Bis agenda bas been te move witb one fdil swoop of tic pen," be said. swooping i l h r ietos Ydying in tbe streets?" be askcd. "Wbat are we doing about our cbiidren not bcing able to bave access to our post-sc Y ondary education because of spiraling tuition costs?" WiUi Uie NDP in the drivers' seat, ail Uiat couid cbange, be prornised. "Clearly thc asrn would be to put back sorne of the damage Uiat bas been donc," be said. Rcsuscitating bealth care is one priori- Iackson ty. "We sec people being shippcd to Uic States or put on an airpiane to try and find a place," be said. "We'd put back Uic dollars and redistribute it to bealth care." The dollars wouid corne frorn rcpeaiing a Mike Harris incorne tax dut bandcd te people witb taxable incorncs of more Uian $80,000. That would net Uic govemment $1.5 billion, said Mr. Jackson. Stepping for-profit bealth and borne care would est up $250 million of Uiat. Ensuring attention witbin 15. minutes in crnergency cases at bospitais would swal- low another $375 million. Decreasing tuition fées by 10 per cent elimidnating Bill 160 and protecting junior kindergarten would take another $540 million bite out of Uic budget. Restoring rent control, building ncw affordable bousing, becfing up worker protection laws and crack- ing down on polluters would take care of Uic rest of the rnoney. * Automatic * Air Bags " ABS brakes (48 MonUis) or LEASING (36 Months) *218 0 ee s36 Months Lease " Air Conditioning a Power Locks " Rear Spoiler * AM/FM Stereo ABS Brakes a Air Conditioning * ua Air Bags a Reclining Frt. Bucket + Taxes 36 Months Lease " Traction Control " Power Locks /à ý /ar JOAN A. EACLESHAM REGIONAL CLERK *2WD Sportside * Automnatic Deep Tint * *3rd Door Easy Access e Air Conditioning eCD Piayer * *4.3L V6 e Alioy Rims Bucket Seating * axes* ase e Automatic Deep tint a Cruise Control *Luggage * *Air Conditioning eABS/Air Bags e PW7R locks Carrer * *7 module îeating sKeyiess Remote e 3.4L V6 = ul, s M & sF515 q WpUn Lues»WeiMrnahc V4 0,iu.a maeO i2 PMOUË@ M oauwh Mm kmu a lmparMhsm pd prn., cf &mfb - 1W., Graid Am -$MO7.. Trm W -çf O84., and SmM -$2755. Frt *a * PUBLIC NOTICE REGION 0F HALTON INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT DUNDAS STREET (REGIONAL ROAD No. 5) AND BRONTE ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD No. 25) TOWN 0F OAKVILLE PR-i 800 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sections 297 and 300 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter MAS5 as amended, that the Council for the Regional Municipality of Halton proposes at ita meeting on Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 9:30 arn to pass a by-Iaw for the intersection improvements at Dundas Street (Regional Road #5) and Bronte Road (Regional Road #25), in the form of lane extensions for the southbound through/right-turn and Ieft tum lanes on Bronte Road approaching Dundas Street and the extension of the existing southbound merge lane and taper on Bronte Road south of Dundas Street, Town of Oakville. Plans showing the proposed work may be inspected at the Planning & Public Works Departrnent, Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville. On Wednesday, April 14,1999 at 9:30 am in the Halton Room atthe Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, Council through its Planningand Public Works Committee will hear in person, or by hiher Counsel, any person who dlaims that his/her lands wili be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applies to the Regional Clerk no later than April 5, 1999 to be heard. Forfurther information, please contact: Mr. Joseph Choi, P Eng Manager of Design Services Region of Halton 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville ON Telephone: Burlington/Milton/Oakville, cali 825-6030, extension 7610 Aldershot residents oeil (905) 639-4540 www.region.halton.on.ca N PONMC e BUICK e CADILLLLAAC e G»C resents Ë111111111_1 ,ý à & & r--rhi»à4m.

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