Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Mar 1999, p. 22

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22-The Canadian Champion, 693-8841. LARGE, Iovely Apartment In home, your ciesu bedrocen, lIr- Ingroom/bath- =Wamrmlechen. Fe- maIe preferred. Avallable Apil/May. No Smknio pets. PUIHNNED mcmr vfth f rtdgs, stôve & ulnk $85 weeldy. Gentlemen pre. fermed. 878-022. CMOMMEAL Unit aon Bronte Street, Milton. 3,500 Sq. ft. 6 bey unit, on 1/2 acre with fenced- In yard. 875-1150. WANTIto rent shopesti- 14 tL bI#r door; 12 fi %vide, appro)dmately 1.500 sq. ILpardn? for trucks and trallers. Close to401 betwee Mmlsuga and Antan. 905-873-2138. I.m eci sPalu 3 bedr, 3 balhtoom fawnhouse, News cabinets, carpet, Mming bldutes, etc. $131.000. No agents pieus. 905-257-397. HOBBY Faon, 85 acres. Pond site. RentaI In- camne, 2 hauss, 401 & Hwy. 6 am. $475.000. NOUS!, Milton, 2-star- ey, 3-bedrooma, 2- washrraams, C.atc,/f&e place, de"ka $174, 900. . TOWNHOUSE, ilton, 2-storey 3-bedracens, 2- washroms, $116.900. 87B-MINI. COMPANY REQiJIRES SECRIETARY Must have shorthand, be computer literate, highly organized and experienced with ail aspects of an office. If you aré versatile and enjoy working in a fast-paced envlronment, plias. reply autlining qualifications, expei- ence and references ta: Mr. Alain CaIIhmrre No latter than March 31, 1999 Fax: 905-875-2910 or Telephone: 905-875-2915 Pieuse note: Telephone oeils wili flot b. aicalopted on Tuesdays. Requ/red for bus Oakvile Office.- CUSTOMER SWOPRT PERSON Feuma"a Put4he Ta process siers 3 days/ Wreek, includisg ACCPAC data entry. Requirements: ACCPAC 6.1 <DOS) esperienoe. Please tas yosr ressmne, inclsding salary expeca ions attention GareraI Manager MICO- Modei iehulug Clili. of Oitu iec. Fax: 845-7161 Applications accepleti unlil Wal. March 21,1999 VOUN HATON Urgently reqaîres " HCA's * HSW's * PSW'S (Up to 40hrs/wk) Cali 827-09 ask «MmuigNCAM requlred for private duty assgrnment. Nlght ahiff and we.kends. Recent fou Or critical cure experience preferred. Fax resu.. ta 847-103 Attn: Sharon Fiee We thank ail applicants for applying, but only those Seloete for as interview wi 1 bu confecied. We are an Equal Opportunity Employa' w- 19E W9155 TO DIIAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING INlUR1 CURRENT 1999 CATAL.OGUE tmp 13 - ITM 014, LOOJNGE PAO, 8846644 COPY REAIS: 44,99 EACH. SHOULO READ: 49.99 EACII tP& a. -WîcE PARAseouni FISIIIINDER, 79-3827-0 COPY READS: 699.99. SHOULO REAO- 749.99 tPg 100. WIDE PARAMOUNT FISIIYINDER, 79.382&-2 COPY REAOS: 549.99 KACIL SHOIILO READ: 579.99 EACII tPg 100. - UMMIN5IRD VNF RADIO, 79-3M94 COPY REMIS: 329.99 EACH. SHOOJLD READ. 349.99 EACII tP lit -KEAGLE OPTIA FISIIFINDER, "9325-4 C(IPY REAOS: 499.99 KACII. SHOULO REAO: 569.9 EACII tmp 103.- ITEM #4, 8ATTERY BOXES, FUEL TANKS, ACCESORIES, 79432X. COPY REMIS: 12.99 TO 15.99 EACU. SIIOULO READ: 8» TO 44.99 EACU tmp 113.- ITEMS 06 AND #7, SUPERCYCLE IIEES, 71.1-11206.6 THE ILLUSTRATIONS SHOULO BE TRAN SPOSED. TUE DIRE PICTOiRED AS 06 IS THEK «rTTRAND THE BiICE PICTuRED As #7 S THE -IiSoN'. tmp 136. INGLIS SMALLAPPLIANCES. TU INGLIS COMuE MAKER, IRON, TOASTER AND CORDLESS RETTLE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE UNTIL DECEMBER 1999. tmp 152- MTM #2, REPLACEMENT TWIN ROLLERS, «M725. COPY REAIIS: PACKAGE OF 2, 7.9. SHOULU REAIN EACU 7.9 tmp 192.- ITEM #, MOIN PRES5URE-5A1ANCED TUSAHI SHOWER SET, 63-3929. 2. TM RISU iaurIS NOT MESSURE.ALANCED AS STATED. tmp, 225.- ON MeY WAY TRAVEL SYSTEM, 4Me64 -COPY READS: 219.99. SHOULO REAIN 239.9 tmp 22 - ALOMIINOIM RAIL TONNEAU COVEDS, 41-11810X24X COPY REMIS:- EA. 99.99-289.99. SlIOUL> REAIN 5100K & LOOP TONNEAU COVERS, 41- 2440, TOUGE, ROT-RESWSANT, REINFORCED VINYLEA. 99.9 - 139.99. ALlJM1l[NUM RAIL TONNEAU COVERS, 41-M0X24SX SNA1'.ON HEAVY. DIITY V11NYL, EA. 289»9 tuM 29-ITEM #2, ALU.MINUM STEFS, 41-4723X. COPY REMIS: PAIR 34»99.67. SUOUU) MDA: CHRtOM.E UNIVERSAL TRUCK STE,.41-4M43.SINGLE SMJ'3.99.ALUMHIM SRPS, MOST MAES, 41.4724 PAIR, 67.9 1s" tmp 329 -lUitE 01, COBRA MOBILE Ce RADIO, 3541814L COPY REA5S: PLUGS CONVENIENTLY INTO CIGARETTE LIGUTEI. TRIS IS INCORRECT. THE PROI>UCT DOE NOT HAVE THIS FEATUIL tmp336. ITEM s, U.LD MARINE SWIVELJACK. 40-944« COPY REAOS: »M99 SHOUL> REAIN 79.99. Ut si;Ipey gr<an ànwoe Our success wilb corporate backbone networks, securily and enlerprise managemnent has posiiioned us for lurther growth. Our investment in employee training and education coupled with compettive salaries and benelits presents exceptional opportunities bo work and develop in an employee-empowered environnment. ACCI0UNTANT Retf #FN399 You are enrolled in senior level ofl CGA or bave equivalent certification. Minimum 3 years experience in N/R, A/P, G/I up to and including trial balance. F/S prep and payroll experience a definite asset. You have worked in computerized accounting environment, bave advanced Excel skilîs and Ihe ability lo"enhance existing and develop new processes f0 support our growth. Slarting salary $31-34K, plus incentives. ACCOUNIIIIT EXIECTIVE Ref # M9 You have been a business-to-business sales prolessionar for several years with experience in an IT, telecommunicalions, or LAN/WAN environment. You have a proven record for achieving resuits through evaluating client needs, recommending solutions 10 complex problemei and developing long term client relationships wilh large customer organizations. Please quote reference number on envelope: MUIIS MM lac. 1175 North Service Rd., W. Suite 105, .Oakville, Ontario 16M 2W1 e-mail 1W br@unislumin.com www.unislumin.com We appreciate ail appicants, on/y those se/ected for an interview wlI be contacted Marketing/inside Sales Coordinator Forming Technologies is a world leader in the development ot training pragrams and engineering software for the Automotive Stamping lndusty We are looking for a specialist ta expand aur customer profile for the variety of training services that we offer and are developing. Responsibilities will include: developing a marketing plan, creating praduct brochures, making inside sales calîs and maintaining the customner database. Previaus experience in marketing, sales or eccaunit management with dlients in the autamnotive industry is preferred. You should be familiar with Microsoft Office applications and be self-mativated. Ta apply please send a detailed resume ta: Human Resaurces Department 6-1075 North Service Rd. West Oakville, Ontario 16M 2G2 M FV E-mail: hr@farming.com 799OO» Fax: (905) 027-3166 Me thanka// aopcants, but on/ythose Io be /nterr/eue m//be contacted BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Busy well establlshed Truck Stop reqsires a retail fuel agent. Successful applicant needs: " Retail management experience " Posseas leadership hidIia " Ptovei staff management sklils " EiJoy worting with aid serviîg th tnackig pubie " Wilialgîeaa te make a saii lîrestmei In yeîr cee soces. If you feel you have these qualifications we have the opportunity for you. Please forward your resumne 10: P.G. Box 2311, AtLt Reflii Opportuiy c/o The Canadien Champion, 191 Main St, E., Milton, ON L9T 4N9. - - &ALES à LEASiN NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS W"TI FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY-SELL -LEASE LARGEST SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTON. 875-27 Make lit RICHARDSON CHWhOLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchas your our or truck H"y 258S. et Deny Rd. 878-2393 PHONEI FAXI - - -ý HAITON HOUSING AUTHORITY AN On hehaif of Ontario Heuslng Corporatan(An Agency of the @ Province ot Ontario) INIATO T ENE Sealed tenders for the projeot listed belowwiill be received until 11:00 arn. local time. April..8th 1999 by Halton Housing Authority, 700 Dorval Drive, Suite 405, Oakvil le, Ontario 16K 3V3 Telephone (905) 849-8385. Terni decuiuet amy be vieds et Urne eve u»te aditeams. U Yeu wuel te su Urn ternie deuset Sme Ie à .eî-vma e tee et $35.U0 peu teae. P.T. MIA41m - SM! RAROWMT MUM 0f OF ACTO M4-17 BIUUIU DOM P.T. MUA-"IU *EARAIOSTO COICUT 0*LCOII à MITAI. MENI OAI(VIIJ1 9117-271 M19 STT auTO N-"l10 LOMII1M Tht Iowest or any tender flot neoessanly accepted. REQUEST FOR TENDER Bld documents for the contract or service listed below, addressed 10 the Manager of Purchasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON 16M 311 will be received until 2:OOpm. Oakville lime on the specified closing date. Bld documents can be seen or obtained through the Purchasing Division of the Corporate Services Department, same address as above (905)825-6000, extension 7031. Documents will be available for pick up on and aller Tuesday, March 9, 1999. There is a non-refundable deposît of $25.00 plus $1.75 GST. Bids will be opened in public at 2:15 p.m. on the due date specilied in the Nelson Room at the above address. Those submitting bids are invited 10 attend. A certif led chaque, bid bond, or bank draft made payable to the Regional Municipality of Halton in the amounit specified in the document and a signed Agreement to bond must accompany each document. Under no circumstances will facsimile or late bids be accepted or considered. Lowest or any bld flot necessarily accepted. 99-T-027 RENTAL 0F SCRAPERS AND CONSTRUCTIO EQUIPMENT <INCLUDINS OPERATOIlS) CLOSING: TUESBAY, MARCN 23, 1999 PATRICK MURPHY COMMISSIONER 0F PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS A. MINDENHALL, CPPB MANAGER 0F PURCHASING SERVICES REOUEST FOR TENDER Bid documents for tht contract or service listed below, addressed 10 the Manager of Purchasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON 16M 311 will be received until 2:00pm. Oakville limre on the specified closing date. Bid documents can be seen or obtained fhrough the Purchasing Division of tbe Corporate Services Departmenf, same address as above (905>825-6000, extension 7031. Documents will be available for pick up on and alter Friday, Marck 12, 190. There is a non-refunda6ie deposit of $25.W plus $1 .75 GSI. Bids wiil be opened in public aI 2:15 pi.m. on tht due date specified in tht Nelson Room ait the above address. Those submiffing bîds are învîted fa attend. Bl0 SUREIT REQURED: A cerUtied chegale, or bookÉ draft made payable to tbf Regional Municipality oI Halfon in tht amount specified in the document and a signed tITER 0F C1EDIT, from a chartered Bank must accompany eacb submitted document. There will be a mandatory site meeting on: MANDATORY PRE-BI0 MEETING: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1999 9:GOAM, KALTON ROOM REGIONAL CENTIRE 1151 BROUTE ROAD, GAIVLLE Under no circumstances will facsimile or laite bids be accepted or considered. Lowest or any bld flot necessarily accepted. 99-T-00s GROUNOS MAINTEANCE AND LANOSCAPINS SERVICES REGIMNAL FACIUTIES CLOSINS: TUESDAY, MCI 30,1999 PATRICK MURPHY A. MINDENHALL, CPPB COMMISSIONER 0F MANAGER 0F PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING SERVICES set Internet: www.etbid.com www region.alon on /Servces/DesrlCor/Purchasng e- cuc7e'ý041c :11:130 à ffli M " tAq 111111111&â

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