my find us'an- apart- ment. We need a 21bed- room in Milton, utilities inctuded. Phono 333- 1868, pIes. leave mansage. SALES &LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITii FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F UISED VEHICLES IN MILTONI 875-2277 Make it RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lbase or purchase your car or truck Hlwy 25 S. at Dorry Rd. 878-2393 1985 BUICK Regat, goM motor, transmis- mon, nods body wo*k or g o a r~sAsidng 1M9 FORD Aspire, bujr- gundy, 5 speod, 4 door hatcfaback. Excoeflont condition, well main- talned, oconomical. 87K. Asking $6,795, cortlied Ca f519-853- 2953. AUTO INSURANCE. Bese rates fo mont di vers Incfudlng higher flisks. coui Warren, 519- 853-4284, 905-270- 1555. Z DEUflOOM bunga- low. Available mld .ad. $1350. inclusive. Wa h er / dr y er, fridge/stovo. Referenc. os. 875-.340 TWO stoey horse barm Enn. L.arge box stalls, trait rlding, 180 acres. at'ble Bardln>las- turelHacking facilitles. 905-277-830. BUINESS OPPORTUNITY Busy weli established Truck Stop requires a rotait fuel agent. Successful applicant needs: *Rutai maisagaaîeat axpéencae *Panamal lahlp sdila *Proue iaSf imageati ilUal *Ealo woÊliq wlth aid sarelml th tnD"mg public *Wlllaamm le maka a $mail Inomalimet la Yeur Mu an . If yau feel yau have these qualIf ications vie have the opparfunity for you. Please forwand yaur resumne ta: P.O. Box 2311 * AL Ratail Opportunlfy, c/o 11m Caaiean Champion, 191 Main St, E., Milton. ON L9T 4N9. -tW mquired Ina- medatol frCok ingfor Cleaning for=fmi ly of six. $10/hour. 876- 1079, feave message. P REG0N A N T Decelione la malice? Cali um wWe hem fo Raten. 875-1246. *uumt MA ITpara I INCumt IAX mb: lion. Rton NeeL$20 fTURNS preparod. prrelum. Phono 878- fPleame cal Steve Well- 0251. fwood, 876-427. HOUE to Mhare with quIe porson. Separata Phoe 87WiD~53300 rlor. Share kltchen. Fa S7-3 469-81 lbâCaimdtan Cliampin; Fttdav.'Mach 12. 1OO9-29 REQUEST FOR TENDER Bid documents for the contract or service lisfed below, addressed f0 the Manager of Purchasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD. OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3L1 wiII be received until 2:OOpm. Oakvil le time on the specified closing date. Bid documents can be seen or obtained tfirough the Purcfiasing Division of thie Corporate Services Depart ment, same address as above (905)825-6000, extension 7031. Documents wif f be available for pck up on and aftfe Tuesdar Match 9, 1999. There is a non-relundabf e deposif of $25.00 pl us $1.7 >GST. Bids wil f be opened in public at 2:15 p.m. on the due date specified in the Nelson Room ai the above address. Those submitting bids are invifed f0 attend. A certified cheque, bid bond, or bank draft made payable ta the Regionaf Municipafity of Hallon in the amount specified in fhe document and a signed Agreement fa bond must accompany each document. Under no circumsfances wil f facsimif e or fate bids be accepled or cortsidered. Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. 99-T-027 RENTAI. 0F SCRAPERS AND CONSTRUCTION EGUIPMENT <INCLUDINO OPERATORS) CLGSING: TUESDAY, MARCU 23,1999 Ge Supe a.utswt i. bIiisfe"- RU YOU 'IN AD TIC AT RjGLA ARTCL Il I eA &P * Kellogg Nutrigrain Twists (p) " Bing Ming Chinese Restaurant (p) * Lazy Boy * BiWay a Maxi & Co " Campbellville Foodland (rural) * Misty Blue Ceramios " Canadian Tire - * Moore's The Suit People " China House (p)eNoFil " Enbridge / Consumners Appliance « oFiî Centre (p) Patniot Computers " First Class Education Servces e Radiio Shack " Future Shop - Sears " Goodlets a Walmart " IGA (p) * Work Wodd IN RT