Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Mar 1999, p. 24

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24 - The Conadanhampion, Frlday, Match 12, 1999 tve8ors Gaç FranâtSam Ine JIM GORDON 69 Main St. East, Suite 3 romiAwà. om 875-1771 Like clockwork, Milton owns final frame By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The Merthants' round two triumph had as much to do with a reliable routine as it did witb good fortune. Sure Milton caught somte breaks tbroughout the conference semnifinals. In Tuesday's 6-4 clîncher opposing Georgetown had a goal called back, and rcferec Terry Hobor was mighty lenient on a first-period line brawl Milton initiated. Howevcr, clockwork tbird-peniod domi- nance - afforded by depth and a fierce cbccking game - gave the provincial powerbouse thrce consecutive victories and tic bcst-of-seven series in five gaines. flic Cinderdila Raidcrs managed a great impersonation of a championship team, with an ample supply of character and determination, but in dic end their desire to win clearly outweighed their ability to do so. I each of thc last tlirce contests Milton outscored Uiem at cruncb trne and trailed only once dwing Uic final framc. "Winning consistently in dic third period is a good sign, it shows we know how to battle," said Merchants coach Marty Williamson. "Once again thcy (Georgctown) pushcd us bard and deservc a lot of credt, cspecially Jeif Secds. "Hie was too good to play Uiird or fourth line here, which is why be was traded in Uic first place. He had my respect before Uic seties and kept eaming it as tliings pro- gressed." Respect is something Seeds became quite familiar with during the Milton- Georgetown clash, which rc-ignitcd a competitive fire between tic ncighbouring communities. Realizing that their ex-teammate bcld Uic key to a possible - if not probable - upset Uic Merchants attcndcd to him witb bruising bits and suffocating coverage Uiroughout cacb tilt. Seeda' still managcd to be consistcntly imprcssive and occasionally explosive. His scemingly tirelcss efforts wcre Uic main reason wby Georgetown prevcnted a swecp and made the north Halton clash one to remember. -I hope I did (gain respect from Milton)," bie said, following Tuesday's battle. "We put up a good effort. Gaines tbree Uirougb five could bave cusily gone citlicr way." The Merchants polisbed off Uieir fcisty rivals wiUi Uiree goals in Uic last 10 min- utes Tuesday at Memorial Arena, wbicb houscd a near capacity crowd Uic likes of which arcn't usually scen until mucb later in Uic playoffs. Spcurbeading the victors' final drive werc Gcoff Schomogyi and Ryan Ryan Roblchaud Robichaud, wbo tagged Uic equalizer and go-abead goals respectively just 3:11 apart. Linemate Ed McGrane - wbo'd been held scorelesa in Uic series - sank a long distance cmpty netter with 38 seconds remalning to seal Uic deal. Robichaud delivcrcd in the opening frame as well, scoring at 17:15 on a huge break to the inside Uiat was arguably Uic best looking goal of Uic series. Also burying the biscuit were Mark Beisel and Jamie Dubrick, who escaped ejection dcspite viciously laying out Raider Billy FcUierston late in Uic first. Seeds, Stace Pagc, Andrew Sandziuk and Stanislav Tcbistov replied wiUi goals for Georgetown. Backstopping Milton was Jeremy Wenzel, who made 30 saves for bis fiftb playoff win. Merchant notes: Milton bas a 49-20 playoff record since Marty Williamson took over as bead coach in 1996/97 ... flic Merchants nccd 16 more wins for a retum trip to Uic Royal Bank Cup. .10k cinic Oakvillc's Running Company begins its nine-wcck 'Faster 10km' clinic this Saturday, Marcb 13. The prograin is dcsigned for scnious nin- ners wbo want to improve their times. Included are lectures by expericnccd mun- ncrs who'U address arcas such as motiva- tion, trainng techniques and nutrition. Each wcekly clinic is followed by a group run during which elcmcnts of formi and spccd will be demonstratcd and prac- ticed. To register, or for more information, cail The Running Company's Steve McKinnon at 815-1952. Photo by MERD GARBUTI Marchant Geoff Schomogyl gets utopp.d by Georgetown goulle Jeif Hladysh Tuesduy ut Memnorlal Arena. Milton Won 6-4 ta cllnch the conference semlifInuls In flIv gaines. Bramalea will likely be blue flic Merchaits' last two conference triumphs wcre bodi fasbioncd under extreme circumstaices. In 1997 they took fans on an electrifying seven- game roller coaster ride before finally disposing of Bramalea. In 1998 Uicy enjoycd ai easy sweep ovcr Hamilton, wbo after playing giait killer tlirough rounds one aid two were exhausted aid offered notbing more Uiai token resistaice. This year's title mun sbould falt somewhcre in Uic middle as the defcnding champs get set to face the always imprcssive but currcntly injury-plagucd Bramalea Blues. Brumalea bas yet to lose in Uic playoffs, sweeping Oakvilic aid Strctsville, but wiUi top gunner Mike Cammalleri stilI on Uic disablcd list Uiey don't sccm capable of dcUironing Uic Mcrcbaits. fli Blues' star flgured in cxacUy 40 per cent of his team's scoring - wiUi 31 goals aid 103 points - before sustaining a season-ending lcg injury in late Jaiuary. Also missing is spark plug forward John Dibatista, out wiUi a tom knec. 0f course they still have MVP Kyle Amyotte, who's always productive aid frequently outstanding, but now be'll be the chief focus of the Uirce-peat minded Merchaits aid will no doubt be suffocated by defensive coverage tbroughout Uic series. Lacking in size aid toughness as well, Bramalea will have wo play a wide-open style and hope to take ai early lcad. The longer Uic series progresses, Uic stimmer Uicir chaices of victory becomne. "Thcy (Blues> bavcn't lost yet aid arc a very smart hockey club. StilI, I don't think Uiey cai take real physical pressure from a tcam like us for very long," said Milton hcad coach Marty Wîlliamson. Milton Merchants vs. Bramalea Blues Game 1: Fniday, Mar. 12 ut Milton 8 pan. Came 2: Sunduy, Mur. 14 ut Dram. 8 p.m, Corne 3: Tuesday, Mur. 16 at Mtoas8 pan. Game 4: Friduy, Mar. 19 at Braim 7:45 pan. If necceusary: Camne 5: Sunduy, Mur. 21 ut Milton 7:30 pan. Came 6: Monday, Mur. 22 at Dram. 7:45 pan. Came 7: Tuesday, Mar. 23 ut Milton 8 pan. (Seuson Series: Milton 2-1-1) \1)1ý\N ( U\N11110\1

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