The Canadien Champion, Frday, March 12, lggg -13 Controversial car impounding law in force By CLAUDIA D'SOUZA Special to The Champion In wbat's acknowledged as a Draconian move, Ontario bas given police the power to impound vehictes driven by tbose witb licence suspen- sions for Criminat Code convictions. That means tbe owner of a car coutd see it conflscated if he tends it to someone who bas bad bis or ber licence taken away. The launch of thc vebicle impoundment taw was announced recensty in Oakville, as one of 22 vebicle impoundmcnt yards establisbed across tbe province. "Suspcnded drivers wbo bave tost tbeir driving privileges because tbey were convicted of seri- ous offences sucb as impaircd driving or teaving tbe scene of an accident sbould flot be on our roads," said Transportation Minister Tony Clement. "I taking away tbeir license isn't enougb, tbcn we'B take away tbeir vebicles as welt. "Somne mighs consider Ibis taw a.s Draconian," Mr. Ctement admnitted. "Yes, is is Draconian but we bave a very serious probtem on our roada. Wbere Uic safety of our spouses our cbitdren and oursetves is as stake, I believe we bave the responsibility to take action. We'oe delivering a very important message to repeat offenders: You betong in the passenger seat, not bebind tbe wbeel." Under tbe new taw, the province wilt impound vebictes driven by a suspended offend- er for a minimum of 45 days. The group most targeted is repeat offender drunk drivers wbo, accouant for 85 per cent of ati criminat convic- tions. Cars wilt remain impounded untît the owner pays ati towing and storage cos, expected to range from $900 to $j,100 per incident. This puats Uic onus on thc owner bo ensure Uiose wbo borrow tbeir vebicte, wbetber it's leased, owned or rented, bave a valid driver's license. A user-friendty automated touch tsrnc scIe- TheNis* Anna phone hot-tine (t1-900-565-6555), demnons ýrated by Mr. Ctement, witt attow owners to obtain this information by keying in tbe driver's license number. A cbarge of $2.50 will be tacked to Uic callcr's phone bill. Provincial private or public ticense issuing offices or self-serve kiosks can atso be used to obtain driver abstracts for tbis purpose. Come May, driver's license validity can also lac cbeckcd via Uic Ministry of Transportation's web site as as a cbarge of $2 payabte by Visa or Mastercard. The fées arc a "*cost recovery" measure to avoid straining tbe taxpaycr's wallet, Mr. Clement cxplaincd. Asked if be considered tbe systero a blasant invasion of privacy, Mr. Ctcmcnt replied the intrusion is batanced in tbe intereas of bigber public good. *'It's a great initiative meant to focus on Uic bard core drinker/repeat offender who causes 60 per cent of A vechicutar fataltiies and injuriies," noted Mothers Agaînst Drunk Driving executive director Andrew Murie, wbo was on band. aaJ5 removes, for Uic tiras time, Uic deadty wcapon ast Uieir bands." Vehicle owners may appealthUi impoundment on Uic following grounds: " Their car was stoten; " Tbe driver didn't bave a Criminal Code sus- pension,; - They can prove tbe loss of the car would result ini exceptional bardsbip; e flic owncr made reasonabte efforts to ensure Uic person driving bari a vahd license. Vebicte impoundmcnt is tbe final measure imptemensed by Bilt 138, Uic Comprebensive Road Safety Act. Last Novemnber, Uic provincial government taunched an education and warning period leading up Uic program tauncb. The taw already exista in seven provinces. e. relatait *tory on page 20 Rob tabins B.Sc., FCSI Itcsttent Adaisor Attention Income Investors One -Stop- Financial Shopping has arrived ion Milton! For Guaranteed învestments, cati us as 876 -3466 and compare rates. We offer 100% Government Guaranteed Bonds ai very competitive rates. Our Camnaunded Rates For Mar. 4/99* Ter m t Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year Rate 4.95% 5.22% 5.33% 5.35% 5,38% Minimum Investment $35,000 $30.000 $25.000 $25,000 $25,000 Don' t stop there! We also offer Governmeat Treasury Bilts and Corporase bsnds. Contact us at ourMIijiton Office: Rob Rubino or Jody Coulson 876 - 3466 Rates subject to change. RBC Dominion Securities is a member CIPF. The ifoationaîaconaiaatttsaaaîatas ben obiandfrtfsours wî.hish wc taatîaaaatiahtabbut w at guaaaasaa t accacay as saaplttass This repor sa nat .and undatan csaia as sances is inbc sasast as an sofas in selo tahe sat sitatio asof an fe itas ashayy aa uitaas. This report isfaassshd on he baassand undeatanding hat BC DomiionsaSecuritsaas tis I ba uadas na raspas bilty or ttabitity whaisacasa in aspect îhasa of The inventorisof RBC Dossinion Sassassies tas. aay front sassa ta tassa atstade aei tils siastisasa hasata. RBC Domtinian Secaaihiat tas. is a ssasbea af Roayat Bank Fi sascia I osaap. $449/month- lieuse for 36 months Down payment only 14,075