Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 1999, p. 24

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24-Tha Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Merch 9, 1999 Classified HOUES MONDAY'TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM i I h riIi i i See Todays Champion for our new ?drlestones" section. To announce your special event, cail The Championsý Classified ALANA MOORE is overjoyed ta announce th birth of her girls, Alyss ha o t64 Proud grandpaments, Karen Moore and Garfy and Janet Moore. First time aunt, Erin Moore and great-grandparents, AI and Dolares Wa- ters. Thenks ta, Dr. Morraw and staff at Oakville Trafalger Memaneal Hospital. A deugliter Mikaya DelfnaaaW ndY, Mercfi 3rd, 1999 at 11:35 ar.,. eighlng 8 Ibs. 2 -oz. at Oshawa General Hasita. Grand daughter ta Max & Anita Mangail & Men & Noemi Durente. Att are doing greatt SIMPSON - ST-PIERRE - Ta Kim & Jafhn a beautifut son Jean Cula Erik, an Februark, 25, 1999, eghng 7 Iba. 1/2 oz. et OakvlIte TrafatgerMemarretl Hoapta. Praud grandpar- enta Joan & Frenk Green & Annette & J.C. St.- Pierre. A big thank you ta Dr. Tam & 0.6. staff. CONAGHAN, Bref Suddeniy on Merch 4th, 1999, Bref Conaghan af Milin beboved hua- band af Kim (nee Geut). Laving fether af Neit, Scott and Aaron. Survrved by his parenta Betty and Murray Conaghan, srater Audrey, brother Kyle, mather-in-tew Jean Amold, brother-mn-taw Stuartaend sister -lw Tracy. Predeoeaeed by his uncle Reg Galway. Bref utl be sadty missed by close frnend Luis Carvaiho, aunta, undles, cousins, nephews and frlerrds. Funeret Service was held on Mondey, Match 8tfr. follawed by cremation. Arrangeanents through the J. Scott Early Funieral Home, 21 James St., Milton. CLARKE, Belle Frances - On Safur- day, March 8,1999 et Allendale, Milon. Belle Clarke of Georgetown, ln lier BSrd year, wife of the lote Michael Joseph Clarke and lovng mother of Marie and lier husband Art Cumminge of Belle Ile, Newfoundland, John and hie wife Sheila of Petawewa, Nieli and hie wlfe Elaine of Cambridge, Jim and hie wife Elinor of Georgetown, Tom aid his wife Jeannette of Milton and predecae by lier dauglifers Mary Bruinton and Doloire Clouthier and her daugliter-in- lau Joan Clarke. Also lovingly remnem- bered by lier 20 grandohldren and il great grandchildren. Oser sister of Mary Barron of Brampton. Friende were re- ceived et the J.S.Jones and Son Fu- neral Home, 11582 Trafalgar Rd. N. of Meple Ave., Georgetown, 877-3831, on Monday from 3 f0, 5 and 7 f0i 9. Mess of Christian Burial was lield et Holy Cross Churcli, Georgetown, on Tuesdlay, Mardi 9 af il e.m. Interment Green- waod Cemefery, Georgetown. In mean- ory contributions fa Allendale Resident Minificefion, Milton would be appreci- ated. Late Death Notices on Page 26 REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are jý appreciated. DAVIS, Henry Richard (Harry) - Peacefuly et Caressent Core Nursing Home, Fergus an Sunday, March 7th, 1999, Harry Davis, former- ly af Milton, in his 98th year, beloved husband of Edythe (nies Bryan). Laving father of Robert of Indienne, Leota and her husband Lavam Blectrtock of Mifton, Llayd and tris wife Karen af Cheslay, Laveme Devis and has afa Kathleen of Tiverton, Lauise and her huabaird Michel St. Jean of Kitchener. Sadly missed by son-in-law George Brown af Powessen, many grandchikf- men and great grandchitdmen. Predeceased by his deughter Barbare Broun and his brother George Davis. Restlng et the J. Scatt Earfy Fu- neral Home, 21 James Street, Milton from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday. Funerat Service wttl be hetd on Wednesdey et 2:00 p.m. Crematian ta fottow. In lieu of flowers donations ta, the Milton Mtttennium Communtiy Residence, R0. Box 361, Milton, Ontaria, L9T 4Y9, would be eppre- ciated by the famity. EVANS - Ulîlan Jamleaon (nue Paddock> - Suddienty et the Miftan District Hospital on Mon- day, Mardi 8th, 1999, Ullan Evans af Camp- belMvite, betaved wife of the tata James Chester and the tate Calvin Evans. Loving mather of Shirley Chester of Cempbetvilte, Jayce and her husband Ran Cheppelt and Merj Caime att of Burfington, Richard (Bud) and has wife Doreen Chester of Milton, Lenore and her husbend Tam Belenger of Burfingtan, George and his wife Berb Chester of Etoire, Edward Evans and hris tlances Janice of CempbelIle, Bruce and his wife Witlie Evans and Ray Evans att of Burltngton. Ateo toved byt 11 grand chutdren and il great grandchitdren. Predeceased by her brother Mertin Paddock and sister %filme Stin- son. Resting et the J. Scott Eerty Funerat Home, 21 James Street, Miton t ram 3-5 and 7- 9 p.m.Wednesdey. Funeret Service witt be held on Thursdey, Mardi 111h et 1:00 p.m. Interment ta, fallow in New Hope Cemetery, Cambridge. tn lieu of tlowera donations to St. Davlfs Presby- terian Church Building Fund would be eppredi- sied by the femrty. -ltvr -yi b -8Luirv. -7-28 Jim Strain 190 Ontario St, Milton 878-6522 Monuments Markers e Bronze Markars Cemetery Lettering THE FAMILY 0f the lote Rosa Lawrence wouid tIre f0, express their heartfeft thanks f0 ail of their frlenda, naighbours and relatives for thé many florai trlbutes, charltable donations, sympathy cerds and acta of kindness shown ta, us durlng our racent iass. Spedeal thanka ta, Dr. Kostomatri, the nurses et Millon District Hospital, Re. Bob Hyde, Rev. John Benhem and St. Peut's UCW. Myrtie Lawrence and Family & SonYTALa Cna at LEGOtt N os Me0n W Raop 13K6,w CoTON, a Baber 136p Mittonut Cot &HK SonMthes B.loin obt ie bes ardic tdioul, foespi Priin Gu 9hAmna initin, Ptrofassna Computiner Soluins beton-Whltkashos cannitlMovng, &. Store ga, Br. 136ll Saka Lagu, ThetDickns, WaiesetWaighty E.tcrars &Ints, UTa Ked &nte, EATt TERMINALoth, Toase &urs Daias, aond Cousin friand, Jarbrat Konk, Bradon ousfiatdond hosa tBar youle ara le GREAT. c THANK o YOUALL Mn-IComme ouiots, Goerorge Bikrse,o Davidsn uts ais and Sharon McKaown M MILOUN I Tht Mrlton Dj! frhoid ifs Annuel *rom 0f tht mamb rs 0f tii pbic ara yrte ION* *' ai Foundetion milii tha Clinicat ctess- tricî Hospitet on 19 et 8:00 pm. Att n ad he gnae Panmen, Presidant AUCTION SALE SAT., MARCH 13 at 10:30 AM Oak bow front chine cabinet (c: 1895>; Oak hoosiar cabinet w/lour bin, Roll top & bey- etled glass mirror~ Paris bake cupboard; Pine blanket box, single board canst.; Victor gramophone; 2 nice Captain's chairs; 6 place tronstane foulet set, aid & good; Cranbery, Depression & Camivai glass; China, Silverware, quille, etc. For fie estate of fie Late Mary Brownrîdge et the Falrgrounds, Robert St., Milton. WARD BROWNRIDGE, Auctioneer (905) 878-6730 READF o the rotum 0f e mate, tailtese, bru blackr & tan tabby cat, 2 yeas aId. McGrvem Rd. batween Derry & Steeles. 693-8290. Uti@orL.L.. atr Mis, porch tits, etavators, scooters, bada, etc. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE Silvar Crase, 84-fl requiras CANADIAN mini sete- ECE E C E lIte diali. Prafassionaly ECE E C E instatted. $200. worth of Cati or Fax resuma ta. pragramming. Free. Onty $6.251wk. 1-800- 878-7552 267-9466. COMPUTER Pl1.1-266, 4,4 THE DICKENS comptee mutti-media, la currantly accepfing intamet rady, Wrndows applications for Lina Cooka. 98, 15» monitor, Expenience as not necessery but sa $12.5OIwk. 1-800-267- definitaly an assat. The riglit people 9466. should have the following qualifies: KCING mettresa set, s Good positive attitude * Tam player new, peid $900, *Hard worker - Strong work ethîca Septamber/98, sait for * Work wel with others $550. 693-889. _ Wages ta atart are betwaen SNOWBLOWER 10.5 $8.0O/ir. tai $9.00/hr:* hp. Tecumseh engrne, dependmng on expenienca hetogen tight, etectrlc Appîy ln pereon between 2 - 5 pmn atar. Only $12.50/ wk19MIIS.,Mlo 1-800-267-9466.18 I SMlo NORTH HALTON DISTRESS& INFORMATION CENTRE MATERIAL Hendler (2) SPRING TRAINING FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS required. Count record Spning Training PrOgream for new votun- assemble materiet for teers for the Nort Halton Distrase and shipmenf loading and Information Centre wilI bagin on off toeding traitera. Op- Wadnesdlay evaning, April 7, 1999. For eretion and matn- more information and application fonrme, tenance 0f e chainsew. pisas caI 877-1211. The ouf off date for the ratum of applicatin Vtlid Forktitt certif ce- faris is Match 20, 1999. Applicants must tion. EWP experlence be over 18 years oftage. prefarred. Accuracy and attention f0 datait a muet. Fax resume f0 905-876-2875 Att: D.R. EXPERIENCED Cleen- EAiIN EXTRA IN- COME . Jain aur dlean- ing staff. Fr& part time psitions evaileabte. Mndey - Frlday Appty f0 Human Rasources, 310 Main Street, Mifaon or fax rtsume tai 905- 335-6006 (Sunshine Building & Maintenance Inc.) FULL lime wartus position avaitabte. If you are a hardwarking and dpandabte persan, plaefax your resume f0: SL-Spacia Laboreto- rles Ltd ., Fax (905) 876- 3729. JOBS AVAILABLEI Are you 16 ta 24 aer old? Currentty au t 0f mark and schoot. We can hetp y ou tind a job for free! Cai 878-4956. LOOKING FOR WORK? Ara you 16 ta 24 yeare aid? Ouf of work and schoot? Wa con hetp. Cati (905) 878-4956. MATERIAL Handlar (2) required. Couni record assembla meteriat for shipment toeding and off iseding traitera. OP- eatian and main- tenance 0f e chainsaw. Venid Fortuift certifica- fian. EWP expanaenca prefarred. Accuracy and attention ta datait e muet. Fax resume ta 905-876-2875 Att: D.R. FRomere. SHOPPERS DRUS MARTe DRIVERS REQUIRED For Our Delivery Service Muet hava "G" Licence and excellant dri- vlng record. Good attitude foward cus- tomer service. Contact: Don Bell Shoppers Drug Mart Cardlage quare NEED A Job? Between 16 tai 24 yeers aId. Ouf of achool and work. Need free hetp. Cai' (905)878-4956. CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR We requira an energetc, customar appoint- ment coordinator for our busy Milton dea- ership. Prior telephone expenience sa aefa- britle assef. Must be computer literefe aid customner ortentad. Position avaitebte tmmedietey. Attractive satary package, performance bonus and benefif package provldad. Plesse send resuma ta: Box 2309 c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main St. E., Milton ON L9T 4N9 DRIVERS'WANTED 10 teams needed immadiately for dedicated round trip -run f rom Brampton, ON ta, Thomson, GA. Teams can earn $1 05,000.00 (Canadian) plus annually, and eno qualify home âime. Minimum age 23, have commercial licence with Hazmat and meat ait D.O.T. requirements. Cai foday for more info. and earn the wege you deserve, with a company that gives you respect. Cati 1-800- 862-8753, or 1-800-879-2486, M-F 8 arn to 5 pm. C.S.T. Or catch us on Our web site af wwwbuske,com. E.O.E. 1

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