Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Mar 1999, p. 26

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26-The Canadiean Champion, Friday, Match 5, 1999 DENTAL HYGIENIST REQUIRED FOR PART-TIME Posibility fa Full-Uime For c buay family practice in Georgetown. Musf be enthuciaafic and aelf-motivated. PIeàse aend reaume to: Dr. DENIS BEAUCIIESNE 99 Sinclair Ave., Suite 306 Georgetown, L7G 5G1 HOME HEALTH CAPE NURSINS SUPERVISOR Pa-&MHlth Saruicas affatsa ohsllagla caurs sppuetuuty eSapervisigeî *Training *Commenily Rmations n 1 17P* ap lla a Md &is lib lwarg Illu- eCurrent Regisafta ifo flcth Collage of Nurses BSCN peferrel. eMedic eepeoionoe eflexibilily in approc, *Siraing lafeperonal skiffs eSuperior communsication & huma Resauroe Siffs eo set pifoites ced orgcntize wore -Te lundlion weil endur pressoar eo del indnpendently wdth c ie varalet oasWs If tht s descies you, please send or fax yolr mesm to: Anm ONHare Para-Ms111d N@11111:1 srvices Sof. 211, 1515 Robeica St, Oeuyle, ON, LSK SU5 fax: <905-4-10311 VON Hiton kÀ BUS DRIVER MON -Position endiiable effective As part of c maffidiscipiieary fecmt the Driver vel trcesport meqoory impeired seniors tfot te Alzheimer Services Seniors Day Program, assistiog lIhe client encart te sapervise and aid clients. *Abiiy te sore ce average ofS 6 ir daiiy beveee 7:38-11cm & 2:30-6:30pm 5 licys/so WMo-Fri). *Vciid'F' Cfass License :Eigibe for covercge under VON les. oies * Excoiieni inforporsenai, verbal, venu ce commanication " Cvmforfcbie cssisfing Seniors sith cognitive impairmenits. Quaifiod caedidates arm requostoli te appin wrting ix Clruebt Fm.e Asim la ----- VON AbiseliaIu Sarvos 2370 Speers Rd., Oakville, L6L 5M2 Confidentiel Fax: (905)-847-2348 TIsan ytia for yoar inferest le VON Haiton oniy appiic- arts seiected ta o ioforviewed veut ho contaçfèoL Wo are an eiai opporieeîfy employer. MARKETING ASSISTANT Packaged Gooda $32-35K Mustibhnrg soul roaoded knooleligeo0f pacieaged goods/ consumer pradacts l e hobche ta assis fthe 2 prncipals of this anique Marketivg Co. Thtis entrepreneurial OARVLIL hasei tien needs an .anchor who cas eoir irdepeadently, deai eflec- iiveiy veiih itir Fortune 100 cliert base andt have the crealivo ahili tf prodaoe graphics and visa1s Ide1 computer skils wxuid ho MS Word, Excel, Powr- Point, CoreiDraw cnd Abode. Excellent groveth pnojecledl, resaliig in long terni oppxrtanifiest Inferesteli candidates shoaid feu their resemes ix Lorrie Clark @ PSG '(905)-276-0258 Email: jxbs@hirepsg.com For more opportanilies. please visil oer wehsite ai ww.hirepsg.com PERMANENT SEARCH GROUF -1 - RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE requires E.C.E. TEACHER Cati or Fax resumre to: 878-7552 - m LOOKING for qualty childccare. Confact Haffon Chilcfcare Regislry for f ree cusfomized lxist 905-875- 0235. STIJDENTS 0F GRADE il Pcrenfing ClasS look- ing for 4 year olda fa corne to Playachool. For days, hours, efc. cali 878-2839 or pick up application. DAYCARE Avallable full lime days. Woodward & Wilson. 876-4978. NOUSKEUR EBEC lhyfanr Dul os rnclude housework, Iaundry, erands, s=oma preparation and supervision for 3 chld- ren aller school. Must have relerences and ex- eilent drvng record Tues-Fr 8:0n-GGpm. Ose even ng wookly unti 10:Oçm. Ru'ai Ados area. Sa0Mlit5>f42 TUTORING by qahfted exporeenced foachor of En glah and Frnh Speciaizing in eaaay wrlfng skiffs, homewore management, reading & language devefoprnenf, apeciaf needa 'and organizattonal akf la. fIndividuels or groupa. Wook chopa avallable. Pleace cati 877-1742. PREGNANT? Dedasos ta make? Cati uc veere heme fa listent. 875-1245. NOVENA PRAYER TO ST .JUDE 0 Holy St. Judoé. Apeelle aed Maeey. grene ie virtne and ric in mimracle. neer kinument of Joes Chist fuithful inecesse of ail Who invoko yeetr spociel patrefle ia 11,cr of ed. te yen 1 have ruee frmen dhe dth of my hoer and humbly bec te whoon God hmn give such ponat power, ceeus te my aesistunco. Help nu in my pic- sent ercont petition, in retre proieu te inakte yen noe keeen ana ceeue yen te ho lnvohod. T7ire Onr Farter, ture Mai Mary aed thwe Gler b,. stejedie psay fu niaid ail Who inveke yonrnai. AmL (publication aniset eprooiaesd) (itis Moena ham neyer heen knewe tefaiL This Nenu mnubt be salfor 9 con- sectaive days) PS. -1 - 1988 NISSAN Exdended Cab Pick-up. 1154,000 kmci., 4 cylinder, AM(FM aterea, mecs great. $3,850 carfified. Sloccor Motore Mifllon (905)>875-5010. 1989 GMC 1/2 fan Van, contact Purchacing Dept.., IIaiton District Sciocil Board ai 905-335-3M6 f0 oh- tain bid paceage. dlOM1o. 1990 0000E Shadoe $2,995, 4 door, 6 cyfinder, automateo, air, ctereo, 152,000 kmcs., excellent con- diiton, certif led. Steccor Mators, Miton. 905-875- 5010. AUTO INSURANCE. Best rates for moci drivera indluding higher delta. Caii Warren, 519-853-4284, 905-270-1555. INCOME TAX Propora- COUNTRY Executive. 3 tion. Rot, Newelf. $20 fireplacea, 4 heroomc, par refuos. Phono 878. ctream fed pond, 8251. wooda, garage & barn -NOM plus mach more. INOE TAX RE- $,850. Marie Mafaiieu, TURNS orelPared. Commonweaih Real Pleace cail Steve Weil- Ectate Services Corpo- wooJd, 8764279. rain. 876-0633876- yr. ofd, non-smoking m maie ceeea amaii sef 1 & 2 BEDROOM Apart- coniained aparfmentiln mente. $795+ and Up. Miton areaWork ex- Caii 878-8097. or 1- change for tant? Wiliam 416-708-4058. 319-9917. ACTON, large 2 bed- r oom aparfmrent, v/hacement, patio, parking, $850 pilac utiii- tdes. aico large one bed- 2 BEDROOM bunga- room apartment, $550 low. Availabie mid plas. (519) 853-5080 or March. $1350. incfu- (519 853-5352. aive. Waaher/dryer, FOR RENT. 1 bedroom fridgelciove. Referenc- Apariment, heat & hy- es. 875-3400. dro included. Stove & APPLE8Y & Steeiec, 4 fridae. Phone 854-0504. bedroom detached, 5 SINGLE bedroom appliancea, immediafe- aprtmenf. Avaiiahie ly. $1,2ooemonth + utili- Apel1 st. Downtown Mâi- tec. No pets. 905-624- ton. Pleace caii affer 6 8612. p.m. 905-878-8007. DETACHED 2 aforey SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 home onaquietcourt4 hedrooma. Freahfy painted, bnight. Com- hedrooona, 5 appllanc- M-ta.Bungo es, blinda, drapea, ga- high rae. Weil main- rage. Close ta ichoola. tained. Convenlent ocý Availahie May laf. caftion. (905>333-98Q6. $l250.1month. .878- Noon - 8 p.ml. 0227. MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedrooma availabie on hua roule, freahfy deo- rted, 2 appliancea,' on-cite aundry, includea ail utilillea (except phono & cahie.) Frea parkeing, no pats. Referencea required. 905-876-1248 By appoiniment orly i ng r oo m /b a t h roamlxhcre kitchen. Fe- maie preferred. Avaifahie April 1. $580. 905-858-4407. ROO for rent. Salit quiet, workinq parcoe. No smoking te houce. $375.imonth includea heai/hydro, cahie. Avait- chie tmmediataly. 875- 1806. COMPLETELY renovat- ed apacloas 3 bedroora, 3 hcthroomn tovenhouxe, New cuhinets, curpel, plumhing fixturex, etc. Bronte Road haceing on 10 eacarpmenf. $131,000. No a nia pleace. 905-257-3?7. FOR SALE. Town- houce, WoodwardWl- con, end-anit, hcdng on-to-park. $125,900. WVIII co-oparafe with broteera/no lilating avalt- chie. 876-1992/693- 082. IIOUSE, . Brick, 2-afor- ey, 3-hedom 2-vch vac, r eom de7 a apotieca. $169,900. 878-9586. -J 1________________________ GORUD'S SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS W1TH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELI - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 makeni RICHARDSON CHVOE XLSOBL To seas or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. et Demy Rd. 878-2393

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