Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Mar 1999, p. 24

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24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 5, 1999 Classified CLASSFIED MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM cýA<41i/1e8ttones U I I IL(f!IlIIIugrn!IndIIIIi[u!IIIIilZm III Sec Todays Champion for our new 'Milestones' section. Ta announce your speciol event, coU lise Chanzpioný Classified lm umri e lm o frw&sUMIV PAYNE, Brian à Wendy are pleased la an- nounicethe brthf theïr daughter Tyor Lee, on Febtray 25, 1999, autwelghing har broihare Chrilpher &Angel Michael ai 9 ibs. il oza. Special hnits for the wanderfut care pravmded b9 Dr. D. Robertsan af Milaon & Dr. Tam, Joan & ieeof Oakville Trafalgar Hoapitl. Lavingly remembered & mlaaed more than ever aur An- gels ln Heaven big brother Michael and Nana L<Marilyn Richardson.) wb, An nouance yowr chlkis bluis lan 149 cu" C10111101 aad your cbild wIU bc fkenred wldn photo lan 01w aby Edetion in Januy. LaMoau(nec Whitman) was called to the au =) oiaxon Fcbry 2M,1999. Liaià practicing ~ Corporate Law ai Aird & Berlis, Toronto. CoongraiadMo ha!,! REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation aeo appreciated. Lrde W. Ootchal Love i à J - - ~~aer~9I~we * 24 Hour Service * Pre-aa-rangment Options * Grief Counseling Services * Cremnation Services 114 Main St. Milton 878452 481 Laurier Ave., 878-2881 ltdyor Any Speola Osoasionl? ARtM eet hi f:l Calta"i Cbanwiw S73-3300 VAN DER GEER, Franks - In iaving memary af M shuband Frank. June 18, 1964 - Marc h 8, Ta the montd ha mas just one, To Ibis ana ha wss tha world. Love Lesle VAN DER GEER, Frank - In iarng memory af aur Daddy. Theme la a star in Haavan, That ahines brighlter than tha teat. W rw tjOuknam t la aur Daddy's, 'Cauae aur Daddy waa tha bas. Love Jake & Justin A HEART 0F GOLD VAN DER GEER, Frank - In laving memary ai Frank wha ahf ua suddenly an March 8,1996 at ape 31. Utile me lxnew that avean, The aanrow ihat nighl watil brng, The cati waa audden, the shock avara, Ta part mith someona we iaved ao dear. We didn'l hava lima ta aay iarewet, Or for ua ta aay gaod-bya, Yau mare gane befara we reallzed, Onty Gadknawa the reasan why. We think ai yau in ailence, We allen apeak your name, Ail me hava ara memariea, And yaur picture in a irame. Our hearis all ache in aadnaaa, And allen aur teara flaw, Whal il meani ta loaa you, Na ana vii ever know. Aiweys remembereet wllh love by vour family. wdlîke so-la Fank, ie negbura and ra for Iheir heip, kind wards, carda, iiowera and do- nations. Thanka aisa la Dr. Boxal, & Val Davia foritheir wonderu support and care aa wei aa al the staff ai the Milton Diatrict Hoapital. Our ap- prediation la the bralhran ai St. Clair Masonlc Lodga AM & FM and Doua and Andrew Kachar ai McKeraie-Kachar Funera Home, Bob Hyde and the ladies ai St. Paul'a U.C.W. CURVES Body Care Cinic open for free Therapeulc Tauch Seasions on Manday allemoona only. Celllled reflexaigis, nalura heaing servicea and praducis availabe. Cail Laurle ai 875-1342 or 330-68M. AUCT1ON SALE Sua. Match. 7 ai 1lpm Preview irom 12noon ai OTELLO-S BANQUET HALL 2273 Royal Windsor Dr, Oubville. From QEW exil Ford Dr., South lx Royal Winitsor, axrlhwasl corner. JIADUIi:3,2-1/2,2,1-112,lhp E-Z Fold, Tralai- um, +olher moitais milth ail ih e lls & m1histles. Maxy iuiiy assemblait, others sill in boxes. Also: Ex.bikes, skiers, etc. PEMMA CAMPETS: ANIIOD1111E. UU-AUT MI MU ME Ovar 100 Tribal, vil- lage, toma anit cily ruas ladl.: Hamaitan, Golluq, Kurit- ish, Bakhliar, Joshegua, Viss, Sanjax, Baluch, Maitad, Saaxeh, etc. <also some large asiate ruas) R4ua sizes irom5,x6to14,xlgOe lu0 ruglebe effered (compiate lisi - faxsed upox requesi) **ThI le au Adu ef CPet vm et a sale Ail ,est0 sald i ll l b. ile lii. li reure TERM: Vi,MC,Ca. Ne Ife. ps.le. pli (905)-894-2984 kêsed Itaa&hani Sr Auclioxeer REWAHU lar trhe retum ai a mate, lailleas, broien black & tan labby cal, 2 teara old. McGivem Rd. en D62.s Steetas. 693-82 FOUND, Blacke cal, Flflh Sde Raad & 61 Une. 854-2945. FREE Eallmales..Got mabbiy chairs weak apringa tired iaokinq mood finishea? We do it ail. Custaom Wood retin- iahing and tumilure re- u aia.Fields Custom umilue. 9-9 daïly. 875- SIT ON IT - Dont SR In fl Replaoament foaru for cushions. Reaidenialcommercils. Fields Upholstery, 9-9.7 daya/week 875-4427. SUPER Speciali Na GST or PST an Sofas, Loveseaa, Safabeda and LMingroom chaire. We pay mhe taxesi Umit- ed time speial. Filds Oualty Custom UOhal- alening. 875-4427. 9-9. EXPERIENCED Clean- ing Duo la dlean yaur hause. Profeasiona cleanng ai reasonable ratea. Cal Laura aller 6, 693-0702- EARN EXTRA IN- COME. Join aur cdean- ing saff. Full & part lime M2ondy Friday. Apply la Human Resouroaa, 310 Main Stree, Milton or fax reaumne la 905- 335-6006 (Suashine Building & Maintenance lnc.) FUILTIME help ne- quired. Muai ha able la ill 40 kilograma an a conlinuaxa basis. Safe- iy boots and AZ dnIvers iroanse requiret. Plesse drap off reaume snd ab- airac ta, Halton Flour Miliing, 45 Church St. West, Actan or fax ta 519-853-0446. NEED A Job? Belmeen 16 to24 years aid. Or* af achaoi and mark. Need f ree help. Cali (905)878-4956. PART-TIME General Labourer. Conaîrucion sitea; mork wtth bls; licence & auto. Apply la 905-876-4063, asc for Todd or Jay. PLEA5E RECYCLE THIS PAPER I 1I

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