6- The Canadtan Ohalmpîon,Tueaday March 2,11999 SCOMMENT TH AI.N CHMPO Much ado about very littie Milton councillors are fretting about how, and if, they should compen- sate for the fact that their one-third tax free allowance is apparently dis- appearing. It's really much ado about very littie. Councillors make something less than $15,000 per year at present. Granted, one-third of that has been tax free but it is stili far from a prince- ly sum. There's really very littie point in forming some sort of citizen's com- mittee to look at what counicillors are paid, with the intent of putting together a new, fairer compensation plan. The fact is, the job doesn't pay very much, period. So there isn't much sense in quibbling over peanuts. If counicillors want to raise their pay to recover whatever is lost because the one-third tax free allowance on their cheques is disappearing, it is flot a big deal. Each and every representative on Milton council should be worth at least that much. The troublesome question is, are they ail worth it? People who are anxious to sit on a committee that could end up evalu- ating council pay may wish to make some sort of statement about that through their compensation recommendations. But in truth the judgement should be made ait the ballot box. If they're J not pulling their weight, kick them out. Meanwhile don't nickel and dime them. O UR REA4DERS WRITE Dear Editor: I wish to tlsank tne Halton brancis of the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) for the intellectual ansd emnotional support 1 -have received from thero during the past few years. I watched both my parents become gradually consumed by the symptoms of dementia, eventually Iosing botb physi- cal and mental capacities. However, I was fortunate enough to have Une assis- tance of VON Alzheimier Services to help me through this. Their extensive resource centre and Une comprehensive information series provided me with Une saecessary knowledge to understand and deal with the complexities surroundisg this disease. Their support group meetings gave me Une opportunity to spend tinie on a regu- lar basis with others who were experi- encing similar issues and emoions. Though both my parents are now deceased and Unis chapter of my life has ended, t will remain.forever grateful to the Haton VON and Uneir outstanding tearn of staff and volunteers, who have been 80 caring and supportive. - Gall Czewnskl Milton *THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E. The Canadian Champion, publrshed evety Tuesday and Fniday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 ai 191 Main St. E:, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Bon 248), is one oC The Metroland Printing, Pubiishing & Distributing Ltd. group of sab- Q7~~~,41 rban companies which inclades: Ajax / Pickering News (905)878 -2341JW A Advertiser; Allistan CleraldlCourier; Barrie Advance; Brampton Geardian; Barlingtan Post; City Parent; Callingwand / Waaaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Cannectian; EasC York Mirrar; Etabicake Gaardian; Georgetown Indepentlent/ Acton Free Press; Kingston This Week; Lindsay This Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Week: Markham Ecanamiat & San; Midiand / Penetangaishene Classified: 875-3300 Mirrar; Miaaissaag? News; Newmarket I Aarara Era Banner; Northumberland News; North York Mirrar; Oakville Beaver; Orillia Ian Oliver Publisher Tarlay; Oshawa I Whitby / Claringtnn I Pari Perry This Week; Peterborough This Week; Richmond Cil / Thornhill I Vaughan Neil Oliver A.ssr>ciare Pablisher Liberal; Scarbaroagh Mirrar; Unbridge I SCaaCCville Tribane; Bill Begin General Manager Tntiay's Seniors. AtlverCising la accepted an the condition Chat, iv Che avent et a Rob Kelly Editor typagraphicat errer, Chat portion oC the adverCising opace acca- Karen Cross Circulation Manager pied by Che erraneous item, CageCher wiCh a reasanable allowance Teri Csas Ofice M ar signature, wiIl nC be charged Car, bat the balance eftChe Ted ana OficeMangeradverlisemenC wilI ha paid Car at Che applicable raCe. The pablinher TAm Colea Production Manager reserves Che righC Ce categorize adverCisemenCa or decline. More to lot than meets the eye says this locà.al citizen activist Dear Felitor: Unless different messages are assigned to different groups the suggestion that there is flot a method to maintain current Miton residents' usage of unblended weII water is contrary to previous statements made by Halton Region. In looking for the cheapest manner of starting phase one of development the Region, with cooperation from the Town of Milton, bas co-opted excess capaci- ty in Milton to, the extent Chat a change in plans to unblended water would now mean an expensive reser- voir estimated at $14 million would have Co be built. Unfortunately many Milton residents were of the mistaken belief Chat unblended water was always an objective, whereas the more cynical of us realized Chis idea neyer made it passed the lip service stage. This reservoir will have to be built for phase Cwo development, meaning the money will have to be vpent eventually, but new developinent and hence new residents are vupposed to pay for Chat through devel- opment charges. Phase one development will be subsidized out of Che 'cjuality of life' account of exiating residents, adding ho the growing list of bis paid for by current residents Co front development despite the promises of regional and municipal councillors that growth wiII psy for itself. While Halton's medical officer, Dr. Bob Nosal, fol- lows provincial guidelines sCaCing ail HaCon drinking water is safe, the standards being used would no( be acceptable in many European or U.S. jurisdicCions, particularly now with bis insistence on cblorinaîing our well water. Unfortunately growth bas a pnice and while many neyer believed the 'no cost' Co existing residents non- sense Most expect Co sec some significant qualiCy ben- eflCs, other Chan Chose received by local purveyors of bottled waCer. EdiCor Rob Kelly may be correct Chat iC's a "nice effort, too laCe" regarding Carol Gustafson's appeal Co the Region regarding blended water but this is only one of many issues developing regarding Une changes in quality and cost Co, Miltonians as tbe bulldozers move in this year. Let's hope our wake-up caîl ivn't a version of Toronto's last ycar, wbcn rcsidenCs awoke Co smclly, discoloured Lake Ontario drinking water deemcd per- fectly safe by their public health depariment. Patrick Kelly Milton Ratepayers Assocýiation. Pud by Steve Nease \NVF AW ý AR(oFw.DS The VON was there for me