Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Mar 1999, p. 24

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24Thedn n Champion, Tuesday, March 2, 1999 Classified CIf IFR flouR» MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sée Todays Cha mpion for ou r new "iistones » section. To announce your special event, cai l Te Champions Classifted Deparnrent at 875-3300. DOOL - John nd Andrea (ne. Coulson> areo thrnuleci t announce the bheUr ai their very hand- some son Griffin Cole. Griffin was bom on Fa- bruary 25, 1999 and werghed 8 tbs. 1 5-1/2 oza. Chaises and Becca are overjoyed wiih iliair new tldtt brother. Proud grandparenis are Grant andi Theresa Coulson, Jadrie Doot and Ivan and Grecs DooL. Thanks f0, Dr. Morrow nd Dr. Kos- Hass eld n ar ie Cismnts F99 , lode spoil- ing, aunts h anns amhe anf i ScoandHom- KrerTamun and Dianasef edt Cristiely andb Shoz.an Hssceffiioc t utie fure shredh byt Mrid Glen Peed GfMtorid Dr.efI Band Muni- ie rnriin. peca fhk yputosipi thea bo, ur and e le RoMcStaff andMacotiHm- Crew ai Joseph B rani. Congratulations to Kyle for remaining vertia throughoui. STRECK, Vale"l à Klaus are piasac ta an- naunce 1h. birtb of their daughiar Rayne Kafer- Ina Morgana, Weigbing 7lIbs. 9 ozs. Bom ai Oakvitia 4rfagar HCspital on Fabruary 24ih, 1999. A litti e sistar for Jacqualyn. Many ibanke la the Community Midaivas of Haffon f or ail thair care and efforts. AMME-RADKE, Cynîhia Louis. - Pescefuly ai bar home on Tuesdey, Fabruary 151h, 1999 in fier 381h yesr. Cynthia Ammne-Racike, balovaci wffa 0f Mark. Loving maiher 0f Daniel. Dear deugbtar ai Palnd sistar of Sandy, Wendy Bryan, Peltit and Writ, Dear daughfar-in-iaw of Eric andi Beryt. Dear siater-in-le oflAnnette, Ter- ry, Don, Harvey, Sandy nd Sua. Desr auni 10 nina niecas and napheas. Sadfy missa by bar aunis and undles Frank and Mata Milter (Amme) and Jan andi Loily mme and hersaent cousins. Predaceaesac by bar fethar Fritz Jr. Amma, grenciparents Fred and Aagje Amme and cou- sins Fred andi Steven. A mamoriai service wes batd on Friday, Fabruary 191h, 1999 ai Lathangu. and Skwarchuk Funaral Nom. in Bradford. CURTIS, JOHN KNOWLTON <R. Eng. VETERAN W ) - Ai ha Milton District os- l onSndey, Fabruary 28th, 1999, afier a lengthy ilînas. John Curtia, dearly loved husband af Mavis (Murray). Proud lather of Gwen (David) Bell, Donald (Susan) Curtis, Barbara (Ted) Bangay. Spacial «Grandpa Jake" fa MolIy (Siephen), Amande nd Erin Bell, Sarah nd Ellen Curtis nd Jack nd Ka- tiea Bangay. The funeral service wlill be held on Tuesday, Mardi 2nd, 1999 ai 11:00 A.M. fromn the McKersle-Kocher Funerai Home, 114 Main Street, Milton. Interment Evergreen Ce- meiery Milton. As expressions of sympathy, donations may b. made to Epiiepsy Canada. ELUIS, Roald - Ai the Milton District Hospital on Thursday, February 25th, 1999, foiiowing a brief iliness, Roald Robert Ellis of Milton, be- loved husband of Carol Ellis, Loving faiher ai Michael and daughier-in-law Cindy and Barry landi daughar-in-law Carol. Also loveci by grandeons Sean andi Christopher. Survived by his brother Gary and sisler-in-law Brende El- lis, niece Tracey and nephews Todd and Sie- yen. Ai the requesi ai Roald, there wili b. no visitation et the funeral home. A private family service reili be held fotiowed by cremnaion. In lieu orf flowera donations f0 1he Milton District Hospital Foundation or Canadien Cancer So- ciety wouid be apprecrated by the family. Ar- rangements through the J. Scott. Eariy Funar- ai Home, 21 James St., Milton. LAWRENCE, Rois - At bis reience, sur- rounded by hie famiiy on Sunday, February 28th, 1999. Ross Lawrence ai Mifton in bis 761h year. Beloved husband ai Myrtie Lawrence. Loving fether of Wayne nd bis aite Pet ai Oakviite, Murray ai Hamilton nd Thomas and his alfa Mona ai Regina, Saskatchewan. Lovaci by grancichilciren Bran- don, Jennifar nd Madeleine. Dear brother ai Wnde nd ber huebanci Bob Neilson of Mille- brg nd sialer-in-las Alscand Marion La- arnce af Milton. Also survivaci by many niac- as nd nepheas. Predaceaseci by brothera Ken anci D.nzil Lawrence. Resting at lb. Mc- Kersie-Kocher Funerel Home, 114 Main Street, Milton iromn 2-4 andi 7-9 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral Service Wednesday, March 3rd, 1999 et 11:00 s.m. from St. Paulas Untiec Church (123 Maein Street, Milton). Intermeni Ever- green Cemnetery. Donations fa 1h. Heart sont Stroka Foundetion or the Canadin Diebetic Association would be eppreceleci by the femily. ------- TWISS, Francea Marie (nee Richardson) - Peacefully ai Joseph Brant Hospital on Sunday, February 28ib, 1999, Marie Pae of Burlingion tormeriy of Campbelviiie. Marte was a Ite long member of St. George's Anglican Churcb, Low- ville andi active in the A.C.W. Beioved alfa of the lae Reg Talass. Loving mother of Gary and his wffe Myma Talas of Milton, Marilyn and ber bus- band Murray McCartney of Cartie and Brenda and her huaband Peter Bums of Paisley. Wiii be sady misseci by grandchildren Sieven, Michael Taies, Beih Bof, Scot and Gary McCartney, Gordon Bums and 10 grmai grandchildren. Sur- viveci by brother John andi bis %vife Lois Richard- son, and sisiera Jean (Mms. Harold McGrath) and Betty (Mms. Lloyd Dryden) ail of Budingion. Pr.- decessei by infant daughter Donna Marie and sisiera Olive (Mms. Wriff Squires) and Winnie (Mms. Dr. Grant Heslop). Funeret Service ahi b. heid on Tuesday (todey> ai 1:00 P.M. et Si. George's Anglican Church, Loavilie. Interment to 1olow in the church cemetery. In lieu of fioa- ers donations f0 the Mifton District Hospital Foundation or Si. George's Anglican Church wouid b. apprecrated by the famtly Arrange- menis ihrough the J. Scott Eariy Funera Home, 21 James S.., Milton. McDONALD, Ethel Boyd - In ioving mamory af a dear mothar aho passad away Fabruary 26, 1995. W. had a Momt aith a heart ai gold Who wss more to us ihan waalth uniold Withoui farawait sha fait aseep With oniy mamories for us ta kaap Atways Rememboed by Terry & Mlanne Barry& Kathy SHEPPARD, Frederlck - In loving mamory 0f Fradarick Shappard who was takan asy Mardi 3, 1995. When famify tias ara brokan and aur loveci on. has ta, part, fI teaves a wound ihat neyer besis deep aithin our bearta. Ramembaring you is easy, wa do it avary day, But missing you ae a haartacha ihat nevar goas away. 0ur lyvs go on aithout you, but nathing is the samae, Wa hava f0 bide our heartache ahan someona speaka your nama. Sad ara the bearfa thaf lava yau, suaent ara the tsars thai fait, Living aur livas wiibout you ta the bardesi part af ail. Goci took you homa, R as His wiil, but in aur hearta you ahli always liva euhl. Love alwaye, Granddaughtar Lynndel Harrison - - i WOULD like to0 thank my wife June, rida Tom and Jackie, famiiy and friends, alao thoae who travelied f rom the U.K., London, Ont., Fort Ede etc., Carl Cooper and 3M.D.M. D.J. Mike Kitch- ens, Alan Frew and the «Hops 'n Malt" pub for ail the carda and gifla and for making my 501h Birttiday Party sa apacial, at auch a aad time for ua, ai the losa of our dog 'Tai." Thanke a million guya Tommy Febere 1 WOULD tike tri thank tfhe friands, neighbours & relatives for ail the carda, gifts and flowers for my lOth Birthday. Thanks to David & Peggy for supplying the accommodations etc. etc. Spacial thanka f0 my grandchildren and Sue for the thougfhfulness and work that made my 701h Birthday a wonderfui day to remembar. Sincerely TONIE DOWNS Branch 136 Mini-Puit Commîttee THANKS the foiiowing businesses and individuels, for sup- porting our 9th Annual Mini-Puti, Saturday, February 20,1999. L. Barringer, Blue Beacon Truckwash, Bobs Auto, Don Cherry's, Clarce's Golf, Cricket Man, Cerde Piumbing, K. Devidson, D. Demitie State Fera, The Dickens, Elite U.phoistery, E. Howdan & Sons, Thea Key Centre, Labett, Lotte & Lots, Martin's Woodshop, McKaown Collision, Mike's Barber Shop, Milton Colour & Soundi, Molsons, B. Noble, Pebbles Cerarnic Studio, Pepsi, Precision Gemin! Prinfrng, Professionai Computer Solutions, Robertson-Whltetiouse, Scannait Moving & Storage, Br. 136 Snooker League, Waiizing Weasel, Weighf Watchars lotil., The MEAT TERMINAL for the BEST beef avenl To Reesa & Curtls Davias, and young friand, Jarratt Konkia, Brandon Bouafiairi and thosa mambers aho'rapeataiy and ragulary volun- teer, you are GREAT. THANK YOU ALL! Mini-Puti Committae George Bickers, Bob Davidson and Sharon McKeown. MITCHELL - The family of the laie Tom Mitchell wouid like to offer our sincera ihanka f0 al aho gave us comiori during aur recent losa. Perhaps you sent a iovely card, or et quieiy in a chair, Perbapa you sentea funarai spray, If so, we saw Rt here. Perhaps you donated in memory of Tom, or par- formed a kindly deed, Perhape you sent some delicrous food, fa eus- tain us in aur nead. Perhaps you spoke, the kindeet words, ihat any friand could Say, Parhapa you were not ihera ai ail, jusi ihought of us thal day. As we express aur thanka fa you, we want f0 ssy as aell, Vour indness means much more f0 us, than worda alone couci fell. A spacia fhank you f0 Rev. Rloc Lewis, casa- workems, VOHes Carol and Heathar, caring mad- ical staff of the I.CU. of Milaon District Hospital and Scott, Michelle & Jeremy. THE FAMILY of the LaIe Bryan Haywood wouid like f0 express their sincere appreciation f0 ai of Bryan's friands, co-workams andi famiiy for the many floral tribufes, memnoria donations, aympathy carda and many acte 0f kindnass shoan 10 us in the recent loss af our son. A spa- ciel ifrank you f0 Andrew and Doug Kocher of the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home, Hailon Ra- gional Police and Naton Victim Services for ail their guidance care and compassion. John, Ann and Allen Haywood THE FAMILY 0f tha litt Uise Jensen wouid like ta axpress their haiflft ihanks ta ail thair friands & naighboums for iheir kind worda andi support since the passing af Uise. Specai thanka ta Dr. Koabasici, Mifton District Hospital and ICU staff, Rev. Roci Leais, Miffon Uion's Club andi Michelle & Scott Eariy John Jensen à Family Jlm Strain 190 Ontario St. Mlton 8784522 Monuments Markers Bronze Markers Cemetery Letterng MILTON SENIOR CLUB 88 CHRISTMAS BAZAAR DRAW 1sf Priz. Quit - Rana Bailer 2nd Prix. Beby Quit- Jean Hepburn 3rd Prix. PtIloa, - Berbar Shain MANY THANKS THURS., MARCH 4 AT 6:00 PM Ai Huma's Auction Farmn 9313 4th Une, 3 milesN.E of Milton. Excellent furnîture, crystai, china and collectabies. Sherwood à Gardon Hume Auctioneers 905-8784878 FOUND, Bleck cal. Fiffh Scia Rosci & 6Ur Une. 854-2945. ARAruqs couches, loeetbrafools, 20' 08k dining tabla, 5x10 ditable, 12' shuffla univrssl gym, saves...eave masae (905)5110-4468. BUY/SELL. Stair lits, parch tille, etevetors, scooters, bede, etc. Silver Cross, 847-5504. CANADIAN mini satel- lite dieh. ProfassionaIy inetlalei. $200. aorth af programming. Fre. Only $6.25/ak. 1-800- 267-9466. COMPUTER P11-266, complets muili-media, intemel reedy, Windows 98, 15- monitor, $12.50/ak. 1-800-267- 9466. SNOWBLOWER 10.5 bp.o Tecumseh engin., helogen ligIri, etectric start. Oniy $12.501 ah. 1-8-267-9466. EXPIERIENCIED Clan- ing Duo f0 cdma your bouse. Profassianai cieaning et ressonebta raies. Cai Laurs aller 6, 693-0702. = REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated. THE famniiy of 1h. late DENZIL LAWRENCE would lika ta fhank thair relatives & friande for iheir lenci worda, carde, ffowems and donations. Thenke also fa the Mitn District Hosptal & numing staff for lb. greaf care given fa Denal during bis ilinass and 10 McKarsia-Kocber Funerai Home for their halp andi support during a cifflicut time. Sincere apprediation ta Rev. Bob Hyda, Pestor Walter & Mms. Colleen Isaak and ta the St. Pactes Untedc Church ladies eusiliary. à

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