16--The Canadian Champion, Tuesay, Match 2, 1999, THE ORLY 4-DOOR IN LOCKS9 TACHOMETER9 199 SOSlff PONIA 'UFESDN 218 WITM UTS SPOUIT LOOKS, TUE 4-DOOR SUNFIRE $P1311D US DY FAR TUE MOST EXCUTING IN UTS CATEGORY. $ CW seBMf D NW R a e .2.2 litre 2200 L4 115 HP engine e Automatic transmission aMR1AS RC ...... * Air conditioning *a Rear spoler *4-wheel anti-Iock braking system e Folding rear seatback *Next Generation dual front air 11 7898 bags e PASSLock® theft-deterrent system XLR bINTIAIC PERFORMANCE PACKAIGE 1.9 MO LE5RXIE UPT MeIs UTS CLASS WITH ABS, DUAL AIR BAGS9 POWER DOOR 15" WHEELS9 REAR SPOILER AND A 1.9% LEASE RATE I-N1Y Mrqw POP DtM\VER 19su rUrmm ADI SE IJECTDU MITU LOTS OF 000 IDEMS... AND à MEALTIIY DOSE OF ADMIMAUINE, TOUR MELIAULE BRIVINÉ EXC11TMENuT COMES COMPLETE. 0 2.4 litre Twmn Cam 150 HP engîne a Boid and excîting new design e Ail-new chassis, with exceptiona nigidity e 4-wheei anti-lock braking system 0 4-speed automatmo transmission with Enhanced Traction System e 4-wheei independent suspension a Poweer door iocks e Tilt-Wheel" e PASSLock' theft-deterrenî system 1999 CE11MYf MY UICK SUMROUND YOURSELF WITM A SUBPRISING TOUCU OF LUXUEY. * 3.1 litre 3100 V6 160 HP engins a 6-passenger seating 0 4-speed automatic transmission * 4-wheei ABS a 4-wheel independent suspension a Power door Iocks, windows and mirrors * Air conditioning 0 PASS-Key' Il theft-deterrenî system * Enhanced Traction System * Remote keyiess entry with Panic feature * Automatic Light Control e Cruise control s288- SM E"fYDEOSI RGUE0 2 Veara M . Running '237998' 199 MUA mENS SO@%M A TENUE FOTEAC, TUIS MiY RE TUE ORLY MINIVAN SPOIIi EMOUSU TO NAVE MEUR ULT FOR OMIVERS. e 3.4 litre 3400 V6 185 HP engins e 4-spead automnatîc transmission e Air condîtîonîng e Naxt Genaration dniver and front passenger air baga e Seat-mounted aide air bags * 4-whee ABS 1999 UMIRE EDITUON CM JIMUM DECm 4x4 4-BOm MEOM ON COMFO.T AND LOU ON FINAUCINO, THES JIMMY COMES EQUIPPEO WETM. * 4.3 litre Vortec 4300 V6 190 HP angine e Automfatic transmission " Next Generation dual front air baga e 4-wheel ABS e Power door Iocks/wîndows e Tilt-Wheell " AM/FM stereo cassette 0 Air conditioning e Locking diffarentia 0 Premium ride suspension " Ramote keyiess entny system. Uum or base a 1099 JImuY Descatle and yeulII remele a hie or hors Meuceio SMi jacket Mdi a pair e o1fleInoli sUi and bimilugu. 2.9W ONLY ATl TODUR LOCAL ONTAIMO PONflCeBUIC:K.G«MC DEALER. We'i lbt ta Yom la I00w mar: Coma olaip fon loual deàler. Oer 1081o Of aWm.QmCaroiia.CaM Or ONi 1-000.M-ORIVE. 'Basea us a 36 manAs lease tan Sufire teaa R78. trnd Arn SE Sean R78, Cnuiy R7Z Trans Sport R7Z.Jimmy 4-daur R72. A dan poyamni o ate ut $1,31=/2,0504t2,042,950M5,320and secunity aepantan indicatalr naIrna. Total obaion As $9,140/t1t,61,$13,50412,23/Sla.20a. Annuai cast ot barnaming ut 1.a%15.4%/U6.a%14.4*/.4% peannua. Annuai AlioalanAmO20,ttAm,90.2 pa oacss iiainotm. SIetaise options avallable. *=Fmeiait, as ninatta. LAonce, Insuranca. P.P.S. -administratisoon ana nanan non lnluda. dealer ay sal an nase tan tas. **Flnancing on ayyap MCcd taEapie: $10.ttta 4.9%Z Eo. tan mantaty paent 5s $229.04 tan 48 mates. Canta of nnmoing is $1,032.32. Tonal obittan As $11,032.32. texmple: $10.060 an 2.9% APR. lie manthiy ptiment As $220.90 tan 48 sautAs. Cost ai bannamina A !C3.0 Toa tgta 1,t.2. Exampie: =Si ata 1.9% APR. Oie mantAiy paynient As $21651 Ion 48 manilis. Casi St AannaaiiiA39 .48. Toali obligation is $10.392.4. Domnpaymen, ralin and/un sacaniny doant nMay be mequned. Monthly and ara mIi vany dopeaidiig an amount bonnamal and dow a ymnnttrae. *=+*OSttn aply ta select 199 nw an dtmanstno madls tîaiyped as descnital, ana ali o nu alffial netait customens in Ontanlo aniy (excluding Bay od = :. L imeor mAltA tmp o be cambined mitA atiio attas. daten anaenltrde mon be necensany. tan yaun aealerîs) tan conditians and alse. wwm.gnscanada.cam As a InoitemarA ai tonnrai Matas Corporation. 9wu 4.savoe 2K00*-1 . Ia~p[~ 4. ]BUIC . a Qý