Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Feb 1999, p. 9

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RC strife finally over * fromn DEAL on page 1 possible' however. withouî the pressure of the tuekout followed by intense, reatistic negotiations and "major concessions" by the union. Until that point, Mr. Sherlock masntains, thie gap of understanding by teachers about the board's true financial situation was simply too wide. Mr. Sberlock said teach- ers finally realized that Ehe concessions - spccifically freezing their salaries for two years - wcre needed to work out any meanîngful deal. Untîl the lockout, Mr. Sherlock explained, teachers kept asking why the Halon board couldn'E forge an agreement similar to that workcd out in Hamilton- Wentwortb. The main difference tbere, said Mr. Sherlock, was s salary freeze. Mr. Sherlock said he apologizes to stu- dents and parents for the disruption and tic lockout, but says the tactic proved effec- tive in the end. Big concession Mr. Pece agreed that delaying pay increases was s substantial concession, since for thc rime being HaIton's Catholic teachers will be maldng less than their cie- mentary couniterparts. Under thc new three-year deal -effec- ive through Auguat 31, 2001 - Uic 365 high achool teachers will get nothing in Uic contract's first year and notbing in Uic sec- ond ycar. In the final ycar, teachers will reccive 1 per cent on September 1, 2000; 0.5 per cent on Febmuasy 1, 2001 and 1.5 per cent on the last day of the contract. What ail this means is that the starring salary of $33,292 and maximum salary of $64,574 in effect on September 1, 1998 will increase to $34,299 and $66,529 lia respectively on August 31, 2001. Under the new deal, Icachers' workloads wii remain the saine as specified in their previous contract, namely Uiey will teach six of eight pcriods per year in cxchangc for the salary freeze. 'Mic major stumbling block since Uic start of Uic school ycar had been the board's insistence that union members must teach seven out of eight classes. Mr. Sherlock explaincd that the board witl do its bcst to hire qualified teachers for Uic current semester bssed on Uic six- of-cight workload. Taking board at word If this proves problcmatic, Mr. Shcrlock said Uic board and union bave worked out a deal whcoeby Uic worloads of cxisting staff may be incrcascd. Teachers would Uicn be rcimburscd $1 ,000 at the end of semester two for Uiis fouulli tcacling peni- od. Mr. Pece says teachers arc "sticking Uicîr ncck out" by taking Uic board at its word that it will do its besE to hire cnough tcach- crs. "Someone had to extend an olive branch," said Mr. Pece. "This wîll be Uic biggcst stepping stone to mcnding Uic reas- rionship." Mr. Pece cxplaincd the threc major issues for teachers wcrc always workload, salary and maintenance of benefits. On that score, Mr. Pece said the union achicvcd its aima, once pay increases are implcmented by the end of Uic contract. "Teachers have had to ensure a lot to achieve Uic goals Uiat thcy did," said Mr. Pece. "Yct what wc achicved could have heen accomplishcd a lot sooner and wiUi- out a lockout." *New enroîlmenîs only. Based on full progren. ?6i~si~isSa Wfae«.c.f£7ertiio« e.ec P»ERBONA^LsiZED WEiG3HTi MANqAGEMENTî 550 Ontairia St. S. (PzaHut Plaza) For afe cnsultation cail 875-2889 'lGentra *Reakas td CompularOlgeo -Air Cindifiaitg *ne LimassE kstecyhapo Sltlam *SarvlulgIlU NaSes ut Danesle & lmpala 386 Steules Ave. E., (Rear Unit) Milton É,u rji aosEo 0 %s The 'adan Châirroon, Fflday Febnài y 26,1999- 9 O WASH & VAC C.A. SERVICE CENTRE Hand Wa& C. A. TOWING I O~ V Chamois Dry CAMPBELLVILLE . te .Cean &Dress 9 o b t-ý4- ~Wheels & Tires ------lm V nut&Vcu 3 LICENSIED EHNC V~ Clean Windows HEAVY, LIGHT &MACHINERY 7~ ÔÔ Inside & Out NEW 5,000 LB. 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