26-The Canadian Champion, Friday. February 26, 1999 Milton. ÔjOptcal COMPLUEI PACKAGE EXMN qOSICLUDES. VSINGLE VISION LENSES FAT V SCRATCH EFCET COATK SRIEV 1 VEAR FRAME WARRANTY 15 Martin St. Milton LEAVER MUSHROOMS CO. LTD. Campbellville, Ont. 878-9375 575 Ontario St. S. >SENIORSDAY( 5%DISCOUJNT Milton DENTURE CLINIO Ž-,<c,:1 I 1 n n £tqil Complete Denture Services * 1 Hour Rpairs e Relines Same Day e Lost Dentures in 24 Hours. 1 _' MAii-à -'; I p M ___ Fiat RUMa bogue Ra M lai SluW by pulieg yoak beat? kas kouau SPECIALIZING IN THE FOLLOWING: " CORNS & CALLOUS 0 INGROWN TOE NAILS " WARTS 0 HEEL SPURS " BUNIONS e DIABETICS " CUSTOM MADE ORTHOSIS e RX FOOTWEAR FOR AN- APPOINTMENT CALL GEORGETowN (905) 702-0111 (local cati fromn Milton) I Monday. March 1: Its «Seniors Day at the Mail". Corne along to meet with friends, play "Seniors Bingo" and enjoy the shopping values! Thursday. March 4 & every Thurs.: "Seniors Cinemas"ý 1:3Opm at Seniors Centre. Admission $1. See March feature performances below. Monday. March 8: Corne along on a (ah outing to "Casino-Rama" in Orillia! Theres plenty to see and do, a great buffet luncheon, plus the opportunity to "try-your-luck" at the tables! A dayful of exciteinent, onl>' $7. for Senior Centre members, $12.for others. Caîl Centre 875-1681 and sigo up todayl Tuesday. March 9: Local Seniors "Lunch Bunch" holds its monthly get-together ait a local eatery. Time: 12 noon. Join them for friendship, good food and the latest news! Call Seniors Centre 875-1681 for March location. Wednesday March 10: The Senior's Centre holds its rnonthly "Evening Euchre Party" starting at 7:3Opm. The action is lively, the players enjoyable ... and every- one bas a great time! Prizes to winners. Coat: $2./person. Wednesday. Mareh 17: The "Song Spinners" invite you to join thern at 11:3Oarn in the LibrarylLounge for their haif hou r"S ing-a-Longs" lToday, the "Song Spinners- will focus on "Irish & Welsh Tunes"! Wednesdav March 17: It's time for the "«wearin' o' the Green"! Corne along for a real "St. Patricks Day Luncheon" with delightful Irish Fare ... plus singing and music (Kitchen Band) and much more besides! At 1:3Opm enjoy that ali-time Classic Movie «Coing My Way" with Bing Crosby and Barry Fitzgerald.Tickets available at Centre. Monday. March 22: Corne along for the ultimate excursion experience «Casino-Rama + Hal Roacb"! Enjoy a wonderful days experience at Casino-Rama in Orillia with a terrific buffet luncheonthen travel to the I e*-grams Schie4dl incZ&des: Bridge, £tic $JufeodSettiora Cinemas.18 1kw Dancinsg, G M Actiti, n lue: j BRu One storey building located on beautifulspaciousgrounda situateti between Rochwoodaend Eden Mille EDEN HOUSE CARE FACILJTY INC. NURSING HOME RETIREMENT HOME . 519-856-4622 SERVING HALTON AND AREA SINCE 1968 I I M Orillia Opera House to tee and enjoy Hal Roach, the King of Blarney, in concert! Call Senior Centre to sign up today for this great outing! Wednesday. Mareh 24:At l:30pm, socialize and share fond memories of the past wvith others..listen to others who hâive stories to tell. Topic: "Oh the Places I've Been". Free activity, refreshments served. Tusa.March 25: The Seniors "Diners Club" holds its monthly get-together at a nearby eatery.Join them for fun, companionship, gourmet food and lots of socializing. Meet 6:OOpm at restaurant. CalI 875-1681 for March location and/or arrange car pooling. Friday., March 26: Take the "Trivia Challenge"! join the Smith's for an aftemnoon of lively conversation & friendly competition. lime; 1:30 - 3:3Oprn.You could win a prize too! Admission: $2.50 Wednesday. March 31: See special "Birds-of-Prey" demonstration at Senior Centre by the people frorn the Halton Regional Conservation people at Mountsberg! Time: l:3O-2:30prn. Corne & tee birds of prey up close! Learn about their behavoir and characteristics! "Senior Cinemas" - March performnances at the Senior's Centre, Thursdays, starting at 1:30pm. -Thurs. March 4: - "The Parent Trap" Starring Lindsay Lohan as identical twins -Thurs. March Il:- "Steel Magnolias" Starring Sally Field, Dolly Parton, Darryl Hannah -Thursday, March 18:Michael Flatleys "Fleet of Flames"-100 dancers-electrifying last performance -Thursday, March 25: "Hope Floats" starning Starring Sandra Bullock & Harry Conick Ir. Are you concerned about your safety and secunrty whille at home alone? HF2LP Es only a press of a button away, 24 hours a day' For more informatin, caîll 338-HELP (4357) A cornmunity prograca of Halton Healtiscare Services, serving thse resîdents of Haiton sînce 1990. SHOP ZELLERS MILTON FOR CLUB Z POINTS ST P IN AN AII (BEID CIC)THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SUBIECT TO CHANGE AND) LIMITATIONS. MILTON MALL (BESID nC EIL Seios 55 ONTARIO ST. For fus-suer details on activities at the MiltoSnior Activity Centre, Haurs: Mon. - Fri. 9:30 -9:00 876m2000 Cali (905> 875-1681 I Set 9:00 - 6:00 Sun. il1:00 - 6:00 SENIOR DISCOUNT Trhe - lgoeiesOf 4.54-,538 M.Ts. ail rocey itms,9:00 arn - 7:00 pm DAYS ureennouse plantsnmore 9:00 a :0p Be Sure To EMBLETON Saturday Monday, Tuesday and COU NTRY y Ou léM8175 $0 8:00 am-6 pm Wednesday MARKET Fried Chcken 401ZLZZ!Z 9:00 arn- 6:00 pm Milton Seniors Activity Centre Current Events "Shine in '99" MRCH CURRENT EVENTS ROBERT (PIE> LEE, B.SC., BBA. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY Lite - Disability - Annuities - RRIFs - LIFs RRSP's - Mutuai Funds (Lic. with M.S.1.) &Miltowne Insurance Agency ÎLtd. Group Life & Heaith & Pension 25COMMERCIAL ST. MILTON L9T 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3692 RES. 878-1150 We are SENIOR TRAVEL SPECIAL18TS e Resorts e Tours e Insurance V) y I irave 16 Martin St. pnu amt *Binigtewortoyu i 6 1