On time accounting work atfair price, professionally Robert Lawrence & Associates has a long- standing reputation for excellence. Located at 35 Hugli Street for the past 17 years, owner Robert Lawrence bas a collective 30 years experience in the bookkeeping, accounting and tax se rvice industry. "We provide a full range of year-round ser- vices," hie says. "We go tbe client or they bring their paper- work here once a montb. We complete about 1,000 personal income tax returns per year from tbe simple to tbe complicated. Our prices are reasonable." Completion of year-end tinancial statements, corporate tax retumns, govemment filings and Worker's Compensation filings are some of the services bie offers bis corporate clients. "Basically, it allows a business person to do what tbey do best whether tbat's sales or ser- vice and we take care of tbe rest." Lawrence's loyal clients are located aIl over tbe Greater Toronto Ares including Markbam, Brighton and Niagara Falls tbanks to referrals. "We go tbat extra mile and we're known for our tborougbness," bie says. "Recently, going over a client's previous years' tax retumns I found sometbing tbat bad been missed tbat resulted in a $10,000 refund. Tbat doesn't bappen every day, but needless to say tbe client was very bappy. One of our advantages is we don't disappear on April 30. - If you bave a problem, we're bere." The firm employa a staff of five during tax season and tbree year-round. Majiboxes much more than that; a full range of services Harry knows his transmissions and has experience toi prove it Having been in the business for 30 years, Harry Manovicb knows transmiàssions. Tbe owner of Milton Transmission at 85 Steeles Avenue East (Units 3, 4 and 5) began leamning bis trade as a teenager wben bie lent a band at bis dad Steve's transmission sbop in Hamilton. Manovicb opened bis own sbop on Main Street in Milton in 1976, later expanding to bis current location. He offert a full range of repaira to power transmissions, clutcbes, transfer cases, drive sbafts, deferentials, wbeel bearinga, gaskets and axles. "I try to offer a fair price for a quality job. We try to do Uic beal Uiat we can for thc customer," bie says. "We juat expanded our sbop to another unit and added two more boists, wbicb will belp us serve our customers more efficientîy." Manovicb admits tbe transmission business can get pretty bectic, bence Uic expansion. Having previousîy worked in tbe surrounding area, namely Burlington, Oakvilîe and Mississauga, bie knows bie made tbe rigbt deci- sion in relocating to Milton. He lives in Uic comn- munity as welI. "Back in 1976, we were Uic only transmission repair sbop in town. I definitely love Milton, especially the people. Il's more low key and friendly Uisn anywbere else I've ever workcd." Milton Transmission employa five people including Manovicb's wîfe Cindy, wbo doca Uic books. Good service is tbe key to tbe success of Mailboxes, Etc. at 420 Main Street East. Owners Bill Van Veen opened tbe store four and a balf years ago witb bis wife Susan and tbey bave built a steady client base ever since. "Wbat we offer is black and wbite and colour pbotocopying and counier services, e-mail, fax- ing, colour downloading of documents, printing of letterbead and business cards, some desksop publisbing and word pmocessing," bie says. "We also do special packing of items for counier trips and we selI packaging supplies sucb as boxes and bubblewrap and stme office supplies." Tbe focus, bowever, is colour and bigb tecb digital black pbotocopying services that offer clients better quality and text and picture comn- binations. It basically allows for different manipulations of documents to suit tbe cus- tomer's needa. Maiboxes, Etc. empîoyees four to five full and part-time employeca incîuding Susan Van Veen, wbo works tbere a couple tîmes a weck. Previousîy, Bill Van Veen was employed by bis fatber's business, working mostîy in finance and administration in tbe latter years. Wben tbe couple decided to brancb out witb tbeir own business, tbey looked to Susan's uncle, wbo owns a Mailboxes, Etc. francbise in Guelph. "It's been great," bie says. "Milton is a good community and I bave no complaints. Our cus- tomers like tbe variety of services we offer under one roof. There are a lot of tbîngs tbey can get done bere. It bi-ings most people in altbougb tbe challenge is tbe store's namne doesn't really signify wbat we do. "It's a young francbise, about 10 years in Canada. Some people expect to buy tbeir stamps and drop off letters bere but tbe compa- ny is currentîy negotiating witb Canada Post so tbat may be fortbcomiùng. We're ini thc service industry and tbat's wbat we do -- pmovide good service." to ail our customers who voted us #1 ESTHETICS STUDIO We welcorne you to corne and tour our studio and discuss our wide range of services which include: " Facials " Eyelid treatments " Manicure " Menicure with paraffin treatment " Naturel nail repair " Polish change " Nails (silk, porcelain set) " Pedicure wMt paraffin or Cool Mask " Omni Spa deluxe pedicure wlth paraffin " Omni Spa deluxe duel service " Refiexology treatment " Ear candling " Eyebrow tinting " Eyelash tinting " Makeup " Makeup lesson 16 & under " Naturel touch hair removai (organic wax) " Spa therapy " Aromatherapy Body Massage " Body polishing " Cellulite treatment " Slretchmark & Couperose Treatment " Phyto-Slimming Body Wrap " Moor Thermal Mud Treatment for Face and Body. 550 Ontario St. S., Milton 875-0508 mi ij Ceh