RC,4.- The. Çanadian, hampipn,Friday, February 19,,1999 One stop decoratin shop They don't caîl it Comfi Interiors for nothing. Owner Joe Canestraro's complete home dc r sîerc, hi, hccn .îroînd MIilln f0r 1hý pi1, 20 ycars. "We call it a one-stop decorating stop," says upbeat staff interior designer Geraldine Hesketh, who works closely with store manag- er, Norah Tielemans. "We've been at this loca- tion (845 Main St.E.) for two years." Canestraro used to, mn the store on Bronte Street but it was strictly carpet remnants and installation only, Hesketh explains. He soon realized it was time to move onward and upward. "We deal in a variety of carpets in ai prices and qualities. We try to keep up with the trends." Besîdes carpeting, the store carnies the best in wallpaper, paint, laminate tlooring, vinyl floor- ing, hardwood and ceramics. Laminate floor- ing, she notes, is extremely popular right now. "It's really taking off. It's a floating floor concept that goes right on top of the old floor without the glue. It can be put on top of bard- wood floors or ceramiic tile. We carry the three top brand namnes -- Formica, Wilson Art and Mannington. It's very resilient and works well Ceii lîsteners is aise iscil[ knewn 1er ils luil service experienced installers. Hesketh's areas of expertise is interior design and she does home consultations, taking the "headache" out of decision-making. Customers have been known to bring in photos and acces- sories such as cushions to help the proceas along. 'We enjoy what we do. 1 find personally, people aren't that educated on what's available out there. We hone in on their needs while cov- ering ail price points. We're also well known for our remnant packages and we do a lot of commercial work for sehools and offices. Plus we're friendly -- usually!" quips Hesketh. "We have a nice atmosphere. The response has been great, we have very loyal customers and hope to grow.", To that end, and with Comfi Interiors' loca- tion across from the GO train station in mind, Hesketh jokes their motto should be, 'Take the GO and shop witb Joc.' She followed ber dream Owning the Dance Shoppe is the fultilîment ented instructors to clients three-y of a childhood dream for Milton native, Ruth- up. On Thursday night's adults ca Ann Hill. line dancing instruction as well. "I danced since t was eight years-old and Previously located at 295 Main, pursued training into my teen years," she says. ty expanded from 1,200 to 5,500 s( "My favorite was jazz or lyrical dance. You when she moved to her new locatio really get to express yoursell. When I was "I love the aspect of working w 1 about 12 or 13, 1 thought 1 wanted to be a From my own experience, 1 knov dance teacher. 1 dabbled in professional danc- to master sometbing and doing w( lutsduct~ 01wing at 18 and 19 but knew what I really wanted confidence builder. It's gratifying $449to do was teach." dent who is very unsure in Septem ~ In 1994, with ber hushand and family hehind front of their parents at the recital iî her, Hill took the plunge -- or should we say joy to see them conquer their goals -.pirouette -- and opened the Dance Shoppe. senior students will be going to, ut îH FIN D R S E It's been a great succets and we've grown faîl with dance as their focus. It's finder E'le the ride every year," she says. "If the client isn't having have a hand in someone's prospecti 14&Y rs fun, we're not having fun." 'Me Dance Shoppe is a family ai Now in its fifth year at 775 Main Street, the mom, Rosanne is ber receptionist SA 610 Mariln St. Milton 87 u l dance studio offers tap, jazz, ballet, acro jazz and husband are ber caretakers a and highland dance lessons taught by five taI- pmop builders. J&îU âJY©'Lbon For selectîng £u 5104e Italian Bakery & Delîcatessen as your #1 choîce for favourîte Bakery & Delîcatessen Fliree coffee and cookies and Super Annîversary Speas Ail Weekend Long Fri., Feb. 19, Sat., -Fe-b. 20 & Sun., Feb. 2lst! Virginia Ram $2.99 ib. -66/5oog ears-old and n partake in Hilî's facili- î.ft. of space n. ith children. atlempting Ill is a great to see a stu- ber dance in n June. It's a .Two of our niversity this ,îonderful to ve career." ffair -- Hilî's and ber dad nd resident ý,327 Bronte St. S. 875-0303 S3.49 ib.-. 77"/loog Lmnea Snella Low Fat Cooked Prosclutto Ranm $3.49 ib. .-Vn Havarti Cheese $4.99,, .-1.Onsog LUC SPCA FRMORHOe AL PA -AOFTE A Italian or 9<'m French Bread 97 Kaiser Buns$ 49 or 15e each $1 doz, Thanks lto Everyone Who Voted Us #1 SERVICE DEPARTMENT Corne In and see the... NEW '99m5 NISSAN PATHFINDER Everythlng you've corne to expeci from the #1-selling import V6 compact sport utility vehicIe! And more... Path NORTH END NIS