22--The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, February 16, 1999 -Milton basedcmay ,?ýflg WHOLE HOME Meehan's Industriel Ltd. IS LOOKING FOR has immediale opening for the foiiowing CUSTOMER-FOCUSED INDIVîDUALS skilied personnel: Or NEW Mississauga Whsîe Homne Store 's Ced r tfie Miiirita currenlly looking lor experienced, catinant focused 3 pr r 4t y tea r ppren e individuals ts loin ns in making Sears Whole Homesa Custrome Appittioso gra l o u mand a ziat plcetowr:. Certif led Welders/Piperfitters Opoalou aga nl xitfr Competitive wagés and a APPUANCE SALES CONSULTANTS bénéfit package are includéd Fuli-time! Part-time Piésse fax résumne to: FURNîTURE SALES CONSULTANT- P/T 1-905-875-0092 eRECEIVERS- P/r *U OE c S~oe ERVICE REPS- PgT or E-Mail to: If yos are interested in an opportsnity that offers a me.ind@lnterhap.net good compensation and benefil package Fax or send yosr resumes to: H.R. Depi.- Mississaga Whoe Hme 3050 Vega Bled.. Unit #2 Mississauga, Ontarin L7L 5Z8 Fax (905)4820-5593 Ile are a service company centralty located in No later than Friday, Febresry 19, 1999 Mietav MMllL Canada Inc . 10 ant equal 0f4.iOthy Intermediate Accauntant. With the bénef il of employer We fliank everyone sfio sppfies, but oniy 2nid or 3rd level CGA and a minimum of 3 years fi ose selected for li erviewn wili I h conlsclé. in gênerai accounting funictions, you will be a cashlowdingTi ate positionsailletr19 seaon * willing otasirpeaigbn eois * exceent pay plan/btonsadpromn *e« d Oem alo wnce*Wrleatepr * benêt ta poeckag Cotac ay Lydpen, Sitesm Manager M0iorhSisaugad, Oerl e A oPhone (95) 278-618 FI a (95 278965 Ilic ý1' ý loil Mil- M101h ýiiP)11 P)u - f)lli \,)illl 1 1i1cý ii (iý wTc part of a motivated, high energy teara handling accounts receivable, accounts payable, invaic- ing, payrolt and general office administration. French as a second language is beneficiat. As the ideal candidate, you will bave strang oral and written skills, perform well with Simply Accounting and/or ACCPAC and have strang skills in Excel, Access and Word. ou psy close attention ta detail and bave strosg reconcitiation and investigative skills. Vou also enjoy the challenge otf a busy work- load. If you woutd like ta further your career with a steadily growing company, sénd your résume ta: Box 2307 c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main St. E. Milton, ON L9T 4N9 Thank you for your interest. Only qualified applicants witl be contacted. Deadlse for applications is February 19, 1999. FULL TIME AIR CLERK For a tempDrary position (6 mths. - 1 yr.) for a busy truck stop office. Must have good réconciliation akilis, Excel '97 and Windows. Posseas a good sensé of humour and good communication akis. Please send résumne to: Box 2308 c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main St. E., Milton, ON L9T 4N9 passenger, 6 cy, auta, air, stéréo, low kms., $4.000. cert. SIessor Molors, Milton. (905) 875-5010. AUTO INSURANCE. Béat rates for mont dri- sera including higher nisks. Caei Warren, 519- 853-4284, 905-270- 1555. GRAND CH-EROKEE Jeep, 1 yeer léas for Iransfer. Goodîlle Memn- bership for tranaler. 854-3229. OUTBOARD Motor. Nissan, 8 b.p. Excellent condition. $850. Phone 878-6677. BAD Crédit?? Let us helpl Absoluté Crédit Re ,air. 335-8851 (24 Omar clnat. a auoJac n i ina aimakrt bnnas oaciting opportaNiiyJfor a EcCEPTIONIST Monday to Friday (Il2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) An excellent communicator, you enjoy reception and people contact. Vau witl operate a O0 tine switchboard, greet visitors and participate in miscellaneous clerical work lMSOllece, Word 97, Excel). Il you are interested in worluing bar a dynamnic organization, please lorward your rentame relerring ta relerence 027651 by February 22, 1999. Apptications witt be forwarded to, otar client for consideration, organazations that yoaj are flot interested in wortcng for shoutd be listrd on your envelope. Reply in confidence to: AES Recrujuent Advernlnlng i 2o Caulton Street. Sutite 301, Toronto, Ontario MSA 4K2 WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS We are a fast growi*ng public oranizalion with exciling opportunitiesi SreyC Seattle, WA for experienced professionals in the following areas: Structural Enain«mr: e Required ta design ail aspects of communications sites, including rooffop sites, towers, monopoles, co-locates and foundations. e 2-5 years expericne in anialysis & design. Structural Detailers -eC R U 1TM E NT-- A DVERTISING Confiîdentiai Reply Service INCOME TAX Preaa lion. Ron Néwel. $20 per relues. Phone 878- 8251. Home 10 rent imme- diatéiy. Phone 335- 0078. 2BEDROOM bungalow. Avaîlabe raid March. $1350. inclusive. Wash- erdyerfndestove. COUNTRY Excuiv.3 firépiaces, 4 bedrooma, stréam led pond, woods, garage & bain plus much more. $1.850. Mark Maiiaiiéu, Commonwéath Real Estafe Services Corpo- ration. 876-0633/876- 0460. I e To asisist in preparation of engineering and fabrication drawings. a 2-5 years expericne as drafter/detailer Technlcians " Quailiied civil engineering technicians " Minimum of 2 years of related field esperience These permanent positions wilh an industry leader included compefitive salaries and benef ifs, If you wanf 10 grow with us, please respond in writing only to: WesTower Communications Ltd. 17886 55th Avenue Surrey, BC M3 6C8 ONE bedroom spart- ment, $750.imonth andi 3 bedroomn townhouse $1.050. month. Avait- able Apnil ist. To vlew: Conrad, 639-8777. TWO bedroom bouse. Fàdgefstovefdishwasb- gr and aboyée round pool inciudéd. Wslking distance to downlown. Availabié beginninq of Anrfil 595. duis utilffles. 1 il 2 BEDROOM Apsrl- ments. $795+ and up. Oei 878-8097. GUELPH LUne, Milton. 1 bero p.Newly de=ae.Faàdge/stove, $595./month plus. 1 - 416-787-1125 Eve. 1- 416-781-9410. LARGE country spart- ment, Campbellville ares, suitable for cou- pie, non-smokers pre- lerred. Utilites included. lstflsl. $7SOfmonth. 905-854-0534. MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 2 Bedrooms avail- able on bus route, freshly decorated, 2 eppliances, on- site laundry, in- cludes ail utilitées (except phone & cable.> Free park- ing, no pets. Références ré- quired. 905-876-1249 By appointment only - ONE bedroom spart- ment. In basement and part of main floor, use of sher, dryer, f ridge, stove, $700Jmonth in- cludes béat & hydro. James Snow, silen Rep., Oentuiy 21 Resity Profeasionals frc., 875- 1110. ONE bedroom base- ment apartment. $650.[inclusive. No smoing or pets. April 1sf Oei 876-0623. room/shared bathroom. $75. ncludes utilitées. aaible immediatly. Gloria 875-1806 aller 5:30 p.m. ROOM for rent. March lst. $375.fmonth in- cludes utilitées. Gloria - 875-1806 alerS5 p.m. ROOM for reni. Sbered use of non-smoking bouse. $400. inctudes utititiés. Female pré- ferred. 702-8744. - - Computer Technology Specialist Youth Entrepreneurship Program Are you ready ta take charge of your career? 24 Weeks of Training: " Windows NT Operating System " Windows 98 " Microsoft Office " A+ Certification: Computer Repair Technician " Developing your entrepreneurial skills " Business start-up and advisory services " E-Commerce: Domng business on the Internet çW Reserve your Place ait the Information Session The Centre for Skills Development & Training 5151 New Street, Burlington, ON L7L lV3 Contact: Angela EIksntis (905) 333-3499 X116 or (905) 878-1240 Fax: (905) 634-2775 a Email: elksnitisa@mail.haltonbe.on.ca To be eligible you must be: Between 18 and 30 years of age Wilting to make a commitmnent Program Starting: March 8,1999 Funded by Human Resources Developmnent Canada ULThe Centre 1.1 d saa CânadM WORK, EARN & LEARN IN RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION Are you unempioyed and wlIIIng tai commit ta a cameer ln the Construction Industry? Tihe Construciion Induatry Partnershlp project may b. for youl " Hanels-on training " BuiId a house " Experience many trades " Land a job in oné of the fastest growing industries " Earn hours of credit toward certification in an apprentlcashlp ares " Earn while you Ieam Eligible candidates may ho trou ensetf the fellowlng groupa: *Between 18-30, unempioyed or underemployed, OR *on Empioyment Insurance (El Eligibility: umemployed, currentty recelvlng El <Employesent Insurance) or received benef Its witbin the aest 3 years or 5 years in the case of maternity or parental leave.) Projeci Padners Mattamy Humes a Delta International e Tegs Tools Construction Induslry Employers - a broad rangé! e The Centre for SkilIs Develspment & Training e Humas Ressurces Dévelopmest Canada STARTS MARCH 1999 No coat to applicants who meet admission requirements. To reserve your spot for an Information Session, please cai Isabel at (905) 333-3499, ext. 121 JWThe Centre IMI bw= m CanadM -TOOL & DUE MIAKER WDRK, EARN & LEARN in a YOUTH INTERNSHIP PRDGRAM Are you 18-30 yéars oid, unémployed, and interested in a hfgh-demand career as a looI & Die Maker? The Manufacturfng Industry Partnershlp projéct may b. for youl " hands-on training l and a job in osé of thé fastent growing industries " earn bours of crédit toward apprunticsship certification e ars while you lears Prolect Partnérs: Manelsctsring lndsry Companies in Hallon; Haiton lndusi and Edecation Council; The Centre for Skiiis Oévéioprnént & Truining; Humsn Resources Development Canada STARTS MARCH 1, 1999 No cost to applicants who meet admission requiréments. To attend an Information Session caf Isabel at (905) 333-3499, ext. 121 Hunan Rsamarces ; m etr Onvnip ,C4 nw Centr ca.rna oanoicmvxnés &nn EHAPON TODAY e-a PAE YO A IN. TH *LSI Ia&S Banni