The Canadiaen Champion, Tuesday, February 16, 1999--21 HOURS5 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM - - GAETAN, Grog à Tracy (nue) Buckingham are overjayed la announco file birth of ihoir first child, Mitchell Rhys, bom Febnjary 1, 1999, Iweighing 9 lbs. 14 oz. Thrillod grandparenls are IJoan Buckingham and Jaclde & Phil Bucki- ingham of Mississauga and Sam & Elda Ga.- tan of Milton. - - BALL, lilson Stophon - At The Chelaey Park Nursmng Home, Streetsvifle, on Fniday, Febmi- ary 12,1999, Mr. Milson Bull af Millan, in his 89th year. Beloved husband of Edne Bail (nue: Siephens). Loving faiher of Marleen (Rick), Nonne Joan (Turry) bath ai Mississauga, and Mervin Bell ai Milton. Fandly remembered by grandchildren Janice, Jennifer, Michelle, Demi- an, and Philip. Survived by brother Alfred and siater Evolyn Pickcering bath ai Oalcvf le. Family and friends may cafl tomte J. Scott Eurly Funer- al Home, 21 James St., Milton. Funeral Service wlt bu huld fodey, Tueedsy ai Il s.m. in mhe fu- neral home chapel, intemment, Betha United Church, Cemelery. Donations ta the Bethel United Church or lutn District Hospital would bu grealiy apprecated by the fsmily. MCPKIAL, Murrey Huntor- Peacefully and in -teloving presence ai fris famly ai die Guelph General Hospital, Sunday, February 14, 1999, in hie »6t year, Murray MoPheil ai Guelph (formerty ai Campbellviile). Beloved husband ai Mary (Simpson). Loving lamher of Larry Mc- Phail 0f Guelph and Margie and husband Doug Bibby ai Ottawa. Cherished grandfather af Da- vi Lawirence and Robeit Murray McPhail andi Kristin Leigh and lian Hunier Bibby Devoted brother of Anna Goldstraw. Dear uncle af Glen Goldstraw and wife Donna and their daughier Meaghan. The McPhail family will receive frienda at the Wall-Custance Funeral Homo & Chapel, 206 Norfaik St., Guelph, TuesdaY (2-4 & 7-9 p.m.). Funemil service wili bu held in the funeral home chapel, Wednesday, February 17, 1999 ai 2:00 p.m. (Recepion to follow in mhe wat-Custance Family Reception Centre). Inlermeni St. Davicfs Preabyterian Church Ce- metery, Campbule. If wished, in lieu ai fl0w- ors, memorlal donations maY bu made f0 mhe Huart & Strolce Foufidetlon af Ontario orsa char- Kty ai cfioice. H - - MILLS, Betty Barbare - At Lapointu-Fishur Nursing Home, Guelph an Selurday, Februsry 13, 1999. Betty <Rtchînge) Mille was the bu- laved wlfe of mhe laie George William Milis (1995). Laving mother ai Clive Milis and has wife Unda af Batmngbraolc, Illinois. Dear grand- momher af Evan and Adam Milse ai Georgetown. Dear sister of Ruth and her husband Albert Milse af Littiehampton (Susses), England and mhe laie William Ritchanga. Lavingly remem- bureci aunt of Barry and Christine Scutt ai Guelph. Friends may call aimte Glchrist Chap- el - MdIntyre & Wildie Funurai Home, Onu Dol- hi Street, Guaiph (lram 7-9 p.m. on Monday). Service in the Chapel on Tuesday, February 16th at 1:00 p.m. Cremation and inumment Woodlawn Cemetery. Memorial contributions ta mhe Canadien Diabetes Association or the Ce- nadian Cancer Society would bu apprecistei. Many meanks tomte wonderil staff ai Lapointe- Fisher Nursing Home for mhe lave and care. 190 Onturlo St, Milton 878-6522 Monuments Markers - Bronze Markers Cemetery Lettering REMEMBRANCES in the formn of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated. *FAUX FINISHING COURSE Hancis on training in creative paint tech- niques for your home. Leamn sponging, - ragging, smooshing, dry brushing, sued- M ing, fresco shadow striping, Terra Cotte fie, stenciliing, blocking and moral Clas es ein Tues., March 2 for 5 week I every Te.7:30 - 9:30 pmn. No class Tues., March 16. $80.00 plus $30.00 "Project Box" space limitud. Cati Bergama's Peint and Wallpepr87-92 TOURIST Information Centre (non-profit ageny nueds s mini-fridlrdge as soon as ýposite. Phone 875-lnfo(4836.) MOVING SALE 146 LAURIER AVE SAT. FEBRUARY 20 8 u.m. - NOON Freezer, ping pong table, weights, household items. 11 p Quen AneKING BED. X-thick il p Quun AneOrthapudic Pillowtop, Cherry woad, Dining set/& f rame, sf8l i n pias room set. Brenid new, tic, cosî $1,500 seil Istili packaged, cosi $65. (905) 567-4042. $11,000, sacrifice $4500. 905-56-4042. SNOWBILOWER 10.5 M7 hp. Tecumseh~ engine, SBED, black wraught iran halogen light, electnic Scanapy, uun aithopu- start. Only $12.50/ wtt *dic maliressllrame. Nev- 1-800-287-9466. or apenud, cost $1,200. Sacrifice $490. (905) 567-4042 B00K SALE. February 19 - 28. Front Porch Books, 122 Main Street N., Campbellville. (Close as of February 28). Pocketbaaks .50. Overaize & Hard Cover, $ 1.00. CANADIAN mini satel- lite dish. Professianally inatalled. $200. worth ai programming. Free. Only $6.251wk. 1-800- 267-9466. .COMPUTER P1I-266, complote mufti-media, intemet ready, Windows 98, 15" monitor, $12.50twk. 1-800-267- 9466. GOODLIFE Member- ship expires Octcber 1999, montldy payment $34. No initiation lue. 693-8719, beave mes- sage. a àmg& -Y~ î GY«.4OREF! FULL TîME & PART TIME POSITIONS: Parent/child developmental playAearning program for newborm ta 5 year aida hiring for training for FT & PT ta teech et 6 local play centres. Duties include teaching year-round classes, birihdlay parties, office. Need high-level communication, organizational and people skilis as well as enthusiasm, dedication and leadership abilities. Flexibility for days, eveninge, weekend hours. Car required. Helpful to have background in ECE! music & voice! phys.edl teachingl group facilitator for parents and children. Forward resumne ta: Gymboree Play Programs 6295 Mississauga Rd., Suite 209 Mississauga, ON L5N 1lA5 Fax: (905) 542-7035 OnIy those applicants undeu onsidéation mili fe contacted. No catis please. ELTON Msnulactuning requires help for heavy labour. Apply within f0: 886 Nipissing Rced, Mii- ton. ÔChudleighg Ys Required by growing local company. Dedicated indivduals with a desire ta cantribute ta lits suc- cess. Must possess ail af the foilowing attribut- et: Mechanical Aptitude, Team Player and abiiity and wîllingness ta Iearn. Two shifts available 6 arn ta 3 pm and 3 pm la 12 arn. Preference of shifts will be given ta mast apprapriafe candi- dates. Farktift experience and/or maintenance experience an asset. We pravide a campetitive wage, job stability ta cammlted emplayees, apportunity ta advance, close ta bus route, job variety and a great worc environmenf. Please caîl 878-8781 ext. 230 and leave a mes- sage ta set up an interview. Oniy candidates with appropriate qualifications will receive notifica- 1tion. Minou Co.u nty Resurce Couve JANITORIAL PERSON Requîred for part-tîme work in our three office spaces. Fax resumne to (905) 876-1273 or mail ta: 917 NIPISSINO ROAD MILTON, ONTARIO LOST 5E3 AUTO CLEANUP-DETAIL PERSlDON REQUIRED EXPERIENCED * REFERIENCES PHONE 905-339-9991 drM& ff MHEl TMc Çq9PÇ UAre you an energetic persan wanfing ta work in a fast-paced envronment? We are currenfly accepiing applications for mhe following. FT/PT Short order cooka. FT Dish- washerfMaintenance 11-7 Sunclay ta Thuraday. Apply In persan: Fifth Whoel Truck Stop 40 Chlsholm Dr., Milton NO Phono Celle Pieuse. HERE WE GRGW AGAIN! We require 11UO1011UC1TIO PIRSOUl for short and losg-lerm assigomenis Pcksrs/ Pucksrs e Assumblors g hlppmrs/ Recelveru e Labdururs Burlinglon, Oakville, Milon locations. Safety boots required, car needed. Pay raies $8-lOger hour. Apply ai 2289 FsiFview Street, Unit 106 or cali for app't 634-4445 %Staffing Services7 Equal Oppodlunlly Employer - Classified NEED A Job? ewn 16 f0 24 years aid. Oui of school and work. Neud FREE help. Caîl (905)878-4956. TOURISM MILTON la hirnn. Summertime Tounsm Supervisor. Summertime Tourismi Employee. Open ta highschool & cal- eguniversiy students. Entusiaslc, friendly, organlzud. French Ian- ggukilîs an asset. Decline 28 February, 1999. Fax resume t0 905-876-0430, Attn: Tourismi Million. No tubé- phone caille pIeuse. WANTED, Shipper-Re- ceivur Pieuse appl la: RAM Ughflng, 28 Al- tiance Rd., Milton, On- tarto. "JOBS; Availablef" If you are between the Uge ai 18-30, want full- lime haure and a com- petitive salary ... cai the JOY Program. (1253333499. Spon- soreci by Human Ru- sources Develogment Canada. CAREGIVER for 4 hl dren (agus 310o9) in aur home, Manday - Thursday, 8:15 -6:30, starling March 1. Muet have own car. Cali 877- 2934. CARING Home daycare environment available for ana. 876-4415. DAVOARE in my home, .T/P.T., nan-smoker. Huart af Csmpbulivllu. Evenlngs and week- ends, welcamud. 854- 3617. PROFESSIONAL cou- ple with suvun yuar aid daughlur ruquire house- keupur/hausecleaner duiiy 3:00 - 6:30 pm. Sf5,1 time negoliable. Ruferences. Occasional ovemight ruquired chied care. $l5Air. 854-2881 PREGNANT? Decisiona ta make? Caîl us, we're hure ta listen. 875-1245. MILTON FOOD PLANT REQUIRES: Packaging 1 Assembly - 3 davlwk Packaulng 1 Assemblv - Full trne Janitarlal 1 Sanitation - Fulltirne Muet bu willlng ta worc in refigerateci environment. Start pay $7.50-$»/r Apply in person Mon.-Fri., 9am-3pm, to Action Force 3425 Harvester Rd., Ste. 100 Burlington e (905) 681-7744 . la iýý:AVi1esiones LIU Sée Tbdayý Champion for our new "MiL-stones» section. To RIZ announce.vour special event, cail The Championk Classified Department at 875-3300. à