2 - Thse Canadien Champion, Tuesdav. Februarv 16. 1999 Police identify explosion victim 5v STEVE LeBLANC The Champion A 54-year-old man has been identified as the vie- tim of a mysterious explosion that destroyed an his- toric home just north of Campbellville. Halton Regional Police confirmed thet Rudy Stotyn - recently seperated from bis wife Siobodanka Stotyn, who wes listed as tbe property owner - died in tbe bist tisat levelled a Guelpb Une residence eeriy Tliursdey morning. He wes living alone in the ferm bouse, bujit in 1830, et the tiffe. Hie body was found anmid the nains et 7:20 p.m., rougbly six bours efter a 911 operator received e celi from e pesmig motoriet wlio discovered tbe two-storey structure levelledl end un fiemes. Mr. Stotyn, identified tbrough fingerprints, wee confirmed as tie only victtmi wben tbe Ontario Fire Marsbal's Office finisbed sifting tbuougb tbe wreckege Seturday. Death caused by explosion Initial evidence sbowed tbet Use deceesed - wliose widow resides in Celedon Est but was unavaileble for comment - lied no injuries other tisan tisose inflicted by Use explosion. Police said no foui play is suspected wiUs regard to Use body, but Use cause of Use tire remains under investigation. Tis borne was not beeted with naturel gas or propane. "We bave our own Useories about wliat bappened, but noting cen be confirmed until tests corne back from Use Centre for Forensic Sciences in Toronto," said Detective Sergeent Jackie Gordon of Halton Regionel Police Service. "It may lie some time before we bave anytbing to divulge." The body of Use victim was found in Use souUswest corner of Use borne wben local firefigliters seerclied tbrougb Use debris at first liglit Thursday. Tbey anivedil minutes efter Use initial celi for belp and dis- covered Use bouse aflamne. Hose limes bed to lie set up in order to protect e Usree-cer garage and office located bebind Use borne. Debris was scattered as far as 100 feet to Use norUs and west and stertled residents as mucli as a quarter of e mile away. Tise owner of e computer resale company in Mississeuge, Mr. Stotyn lied purcliased Use bouse in 1997 for $500,000 and put it in bis wife's nemne. It cerried e $390,000 mortgege. Couple ius midst of property. settiement The couple lied split up in tise summer and were in Use midst of e property settlement et tise time of Use bist. Before moving in two years ego, Mr. Stotyn conducted exten- sive researcb into Use liistouy of Use borne. Hie inquires included a visit to Guelphs Line neiglibour Jobn Cumre, who ws born in tise bouse in 1922. "He wes very interested in its liistory," seid Mr. Currie Thursdey momning, displeying an old pisotogrepli of tbe borne. "However, lie only came over Uset one time. I pmobebly wouldn't know bim to see him." An officiel statement frorn police s to Use ceuse of Use explo- sion is not expected for et ieast e couple of weeks. lHoR Dzuuut. CA MBA Financial Adteo, For our recommendations or a review of your investments oeil 693-1100 199B suffelLymcb Yo mdrss a Mton IDA Pwmacy would tke to tsslte you tueurf Fiee 0.. us id Diabetes ClnIc wFree 81usd Sugar Test oePttussacit & Nurse avalabte wTïra feyu or Free Consutation Glumte.nrt, for ree New -Ffee Ligt Reireitreents Prcision Clucometer. Cttntc to take place at Miton Seniors ActMty Centre. 500 Chlids Drive Tests wili start at 9:00 amn by apponument or watk-in. Cali Sandly, Mainte, or Kis O 878-2000 to arrange your appoitnent trme Wednesdy, Feb 111h 9:00 a to Z00 pn a wp., orai eauu. 878B-2000