"Me Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 16, 199M -19 It' te best rebuilding year ever for Milton By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion So much for a rebuilding year. By ail logic the Jr. A Merchants were supposed to take a step back this season - but if they did it sure doesn't show. Currently riding an il -game winning streak, thassks to two more victories this past weekend, Milton ha ail but aecured another firat place finish in the West Conference. In fact by the time this article is read tlsey will almoat assuredly have clinched top spot, since before last night'a meeting with Use lowly Vaughan Vipers they need- ed juat one more win to do ao. Final week borna Heading into the final week of Use regu- lar season, Marty Williamson's teamn sits on the verge of registering Useir best record in club hiatory - wiUs Use highest win per- centage and fewest number of basses. That's an atonishing feat when you con- aider the mass exodus of over-age ansd uni- versity bound players this past aummer, including franchise scorer Darren 'Mini' Haydar. .Milton's toughest challenge over the weekend came againat the Brampton Capitals Friday, in whicb Usey persevered througb a rather lethargic and penalty- filled clah to triumph 5-2. Backstopping the victors waa Jeremy Wenzel, who turned back 27 shots to remain unbeaten on Use seaon. Said Use. veteran cager, "That wa the big test, hope- fullylI won't do anyUsing to blow it now." After having a goal called back on him midway througb the night, Geoff Schomnogyi deposited Use ganse wmaser on a bottomn shelf wrister at 4:26 of Use Usird. Ed McGrane and Kevin O'Flaherty sealed the deal with insurance markera while Mark Beisel and Ryan Carrogan also deested Use twine. Booming checks The Merchants unloaded with three unanswered goals in the final frame and received a robuat performance from new- comer Rob Meanchoif, who since joining the club bas been throwing fierce body checks like Usey're going out of style. Scoring for the Capitals were Brandon Barbowski and Matt McRae. START TODAY ENDS9 SUNDAY LET'S TNINK AOCÀ LITrLIE BIT 390 ONTARID ST. N #G&7 'Me following night Milton dotsbled the Caledon Canadiens 8-4, again with Wenzel carning the decision aftcr replac- ing a shaky Daniel Jacques in the third period. Lapse costly A mid-eveniag lapse saw Usemn aquander a 5-1 cushion and head into Use final framne up by just a single marker. However, Useir bread-and-butter third period dominance paved Use way to, victory - number 40) on Use aeaon. Leading offensively wua McGrane, who more and more is looking like Use guy who paced Hamilton to back-to-back series upuets in lat year's playoffs. The 20-year- nid centre tallied twice and added two assîis to reach 100 points. Rounding things out with singles were Carrigan, O'Flaherty, Schomogyi, Dave Csumrik, Jamie Dubrick and Nathan Gillies. Merchant notes: Ed McGrane was namned Use Source for Sports Player of Use MonUs in January for amasing naine goals and 22 total points ... Chria Rowan and Ryan Stewart each had an assist in the recent Future Stars Ganse ... Ryan Eby is now Usrough wiUs bis 10-gane suspension ..Milton hosts'Caledon tonîght and Hamilton Friday. Both games atart at 8 p.m. MILTON YOUTH SOCCER CLUB SUMMER REGISTRATION Friday Feb. 19/99 7:00 prn - 9:00 prn Tonelli Arena Saturday Fob. 20)199 10:00 arn - 4:00 pm Tonelli Arena Sunday Feb. 21/99 11:00 arn- 3:00 pm Tonelli Arena Single Registration Fee: $85.00 Family (3 or more players): $215.00 Registration wilI be cut off as of February 21, 1999! Anyone registering affer this date wiII be put on a waiting list, and the registration fee wiII be $1 10.00. Let's have another frn season of Socoer! SOCCER HOTLINE 875-4072 HOUSE LEAGUE DIVISION Pro-Novice Feb. 20 7:00 amn - 8:00 arn Red Timbits va Black Timbits Tonelli Arena 8:00 arn - 9:00 arn Redt Lobster 1 vs Bruce Houit Travel Tonelli Arena 9:00 arn - 10:00 arn Red Labster 2 vs Little Fîremen Tonelli Arena 10:00 arn - 11:00 arn White Timbîts vs Green Timbits; Tanelli Arena Atom Feh. 20 3:00 prn - 4:15 pm Rebekah Lsdge vsClarcesGsof Tonell Arena 4:20 prn- 5:35 prn McCuaig Insurance vs Abslute Transpart Tonelli Arena 5:40 pm - 6:55 prn Sectn DikinsnYs Ross Oickson F'inancial Tonelli Arena Pe Wee Feb. 20 7:00 arn - 8:20 arn Brianasauto svAbslteTanpn Tbsrnpson Menarial 8:30 arn - 9:50 arn Michael's Optkcal vs Docs andt Dents hîrpson Mernaria 10:00 arn - 11:20 arn Praîtenial Vendea Reaty vs Key Centre hompson Mearal Minor-Novice Feh. 21 3:30 pm - 4:30 prn Hast Plymoauth vs Rernas Tonelli Arena 4:30 prn - 5:30 pa Shappers Drng Mart vs Lobluens Tonelti Arena Major-Novice Feb. 21 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Aastmn Noble va Garraît 6:30 prn - 7:30 pen Canadian Tire va Golît Cannectisn Banlam Feb. 21 6:00 prn - 7:20 pm 7:20 prn - 8:40 pa 8:40 pen - 10:00 pen Senior Feb. 22 7:30 pm - 8:30 pen 8:40 pm - 9:40 prn 9:50 Pm - 10:50 Pm Tanelli Arena Tonelli Arena Wirnpy'a Durer GO Csvtrals Thoopas Mernanîtl Mannac TrailerSerices m~ Milton Dsdge Jeep Thompaun Menorial tauckies va. Charlie Fitzwhiskeya Ithoson Mernrial Goodife Fitneaa va Culligan Tanelli Arena Gus Mvwtrray Heaivo va. Kentucky Fried Chickes Tanelli Arena Rasa Dsson Financial vs. Avani Auts Tonelli Arena Milton Girls Softball Association 1999 Registration Location: Milton Mail Saturday, Feb. 20 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fées held for the 4th straight year! SOFTBALL for players born 1980 - 1988. $70 for 1lst player in family, $50 for 2nd, $40 for 3rd or more. FREE CIinics for players born 1985 - 1988! Sign up at registration. For more information contact Betty McGee 878-7473 or Roy HarroId 876-3357