Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Feb 1999, p. 17

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Bank scholarships available Grade 10 students involved with Big Brothers and 10 years to a new program that provides these students Sisters of C'anasda can get ready t'or the ('IBC with financial anid mentor support through tb the com- Youthvision Scholarship Prograro. pletion of their post-secondary education. The bank han committed $6.5 million over tihe nexo Cati 1-800-263-9133 or 1-877-968-8499. foir Urne? Check out Dilteline to get a quick glimpse of what's going on in towR. Dateline is a list of local non- profit events brought to you free of c harge by this paper every week., Fax items to 878- 4943. Should you buy an LSF for your RSP? BbRi F For Labour Sponsored Funds (LSF), the rules of the game change each year with each new federal budget. At the moment you may contribute up to $5,000.00 to an LSF and receive up f0 a $1,500.00 tare credit froro the federal and provincial govemrments. You also have f0 repay the fax credits if you seil the fund within eight years. THIS IS NOT ABOUT RRSPsl LSFs were created to provide capital to Canadion companies that are too new, too smalt, or tocu nisky to get capital from normal capital markets. For many pero- pie, the c'ombination of the RRSP tax deduction and tux credit provides a fahu- tous rate of returo on their initial investment. This return is somewhat super'icial as the RRSP fax deduction would be there no matter what you invest in. So, what you shoutd took at more ctosety is the nature of the inverstmernts that the LSF makes. Are they consistent with your tong-term inverstmernt goals? B rercom- mend that if you decide to invent in an LS F, reinverst the fax credif in a tower-risk balanced fund to offset the financial risk. IT'S ABOUT YOUR RETIREMENT PLAN! Did you know t/tot my office is equipped to provtide jotu evith tan RSP boan, usueully nvith instant approval? And did yaea knowv t/tot 1 amn note aveuileuble for evening aond weekend appoinnnentr until t/he end of February>? Great advîce, great service aond nono, great convenience too. th e DONALDSON-n Bob ReidCF FINANCIAL CROUP Susse 101 auto0 Mares Stree East, Milton Onerio LOT 1P4 Voice 905-875-3W96 fax 905-875-3574 e-mai redbrbîefg tam -Pr INVESTMENT CENTRE P The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, Februaiy 16, 1999-17 NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Regional Officiai Plan Amendment andi Niagara Escarpment Plan Amendment Speclal bank arrangements have been made to offer this speclal finance package for a Iimited time only. O.A.C. L.oaded, perfeCt condition. Stk. #215B $6,999 salo Prile Several S.P.U.'s, 4x4'9 fromi GM, Ford, Chrysier and Imports In-stock. Hfwy #7 cj Norval CuciiBv) .~eovL (JstEatofWIstnChrcil L Lvd)1 (905) 702-1494 [jLO~ loetock Lirmted tu proceed wiortie un detking, namely, the umeedment oftthe Begien otttulton Otficial Plan and tire Niugara Encurpmert Plar, te atloa tire inclusion oflapproinatey 31 loectares 176.6 acresl ofltand irto tie Bran Arca ofiteoToan of Milton. Tire teint Board remît lae ceapurai ot memloeu irom tire Emiroomentl Annunent Board uni tht Ontaneo Municipal Board. Tire rurîect land rs tecuted ut tire Nortir-East corner ot Steeles Aenue und Tremnaine Boni in tire Town oftilton, in tire Regiocl Blanicipatity of Ballon. Tire tOrtl description ton tuas tard ns Pt Loir t & 2, Concession 1, Begirtered Plan 20R-2608 rn tht Fermer Townsip oftrqueing, na je tht Toan ef Milter. Tirtsurject taidjr locuted tr an areu deigratd an "Eroirofimenta Protection",aithir tht Niagara Ercurpmiert Plan red it is desigttattd an "Ercurmeet Protection aid Escurpmeot Rural Ared' in tire Begior oftttdton Otficial Plan. To peocteut roth this unietakiegluennock Limitai has rougrt: (l) tht ameaiment of the Niagara Ercarpuent Plan te delete these uanir trou the ireurdury oftthe Niagara tocurpet Plan, te permit their inclusion in tht Toan otAMilton Uthan Expansion Ar-a; (2) tht umeniaent ot the Begion eftlalton Official Plan te dînaw tor Uthan tipumsion/Futute Reridentiat. TheJoint Board artl heur tue application to amienih Niagara Escurpuent Plan togetherarith tht peal otlJanoco Limitadin respect et Regieral Conejîrs tuilere te rdept tht requeted Officil Plan Amendment. Tht punpurt ot a JointBoard Heuning is te locar ail oftthe issues rtluted tei tht under-tahieg at ont time, rather thu irainghreo or more reparate timiarngu, together iry hen or more loaurds. lietActs loeing ceiaolidated tee thîr beatriganrd tht approvals heieg sosght are eutlined lle te tht section enited Stauttry Autirority. PIeuse reuit thut secion curthslly te eerurt that trou are amare et ail oftthe procese and/er heurngs thut are hting coasolidated. STATUTORY AUTIORITU Tire beuing is hting hl under theuauthenity oftthe Ceesolrduted HeurnrgrAct, R.S.O. M990, c. C.29, an umeaiei, abîco appîres r- respect ot an uaitrtukieg te retation te airicr mort than ont loeurng is et eut lot requret or bell loy mere than ore trilounal undet ont et mote Acte. Tire sndettluieg proposail iryiJanock Limitai reiares r hetieg undtr cacir oftthe tollareg stuhutee *alosectier 12(2) oftue Nirar EscarpmnestPlanning raid BettepmenthAct, Bt-.O. 1990, c.N. 2, airicir under a loeuing mast lot irtld hetre a heurreg olicer te respect et an applicatior for an umeadient te tht Niagara Escurpuent Plan; *rolosectien 22(71 oftthe Planning Act, R.S.0. 1990, c. P. 13, an amtaitd, saietahicr a perron may appeui a municipality's retural tei udopt autequeuled Otficil Plan renaimert tei tht Ortarno Municipal Board. IIOW TO PARTICIPATE Crous or iîdals interetai in patcipating te tht lounng Mauy epress tither their prioatt coocereis os tueir cencerrus tegarding tht pulic interest. Tirty mat patticrpatt as tituet aPreer. Participant ortParty. A Presentet may mne r stutement le tht Bard, eithtr erally or je ariting. A Panticipant may mine a stutement te tht Bard, eithtr errOt and/or te antirtg, met rectio copies otall documents reliai spen loy tire Parties, aid aîterd site alsite. Narmalty a Participant jr expected te attend every day ot the Heutisg. A Party assumes tht rigirti and respersihilitreso ei tutlet orra et invoottmert je tht loeunng proctas includtng the nght te caîl aitrees and ctas-urmne aiteuesculleil lo othtr parties. Parties are ult rapresented ut tht Heurieg ho ltgal coansel or an agent. ThreBoard ajîl ceardenr requesto tor Pand Participant ottu ut tht Preliminary Heuring. Adone ahe avishe le paitcipatt jr tht Heuringrireult ratain tise Pulic teterauhon Meteting. Eoidence or sulomicajea rtgatding tire proposai aill net lae htund ut tht priifrmlnation meelti on tht pttlimiearyirearirg. Suco intormation arîl eely la receieed ut tht main bearingairicr aill lot held a lute te la annancel at tht petmiffai hemtsg. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING Staffieftbh Office oftCeaoldated Beuriego invite ail enterested groupe or radiisdeuir te uttendt a paubli isnirmatien meeing te discus loo thty eut putticipute je tht iring, lT date, lime, locution, und parpore oftthe pulolic informeaion meetinguare stout lo. Ail perrons or groupsoiiig te purticipate je tht ireunng sheull atltend tht pubilic infrtns metieg. lte public information aeetingoililo bellesn Bute: Menant, Ftitrry 22,1999 Time: 7:00 p.. Plrce: Cie Lawon/Manseooi Rota, Hulben Regrenal Centre Regionai Mtsicipality oftirton, 1151 Brette Ba, Oulmilit, Ontario LOI 6EI Tire purpose oftthe publlic irfurmlioi meeting u te: opreojît greaps or indiidurir with inforation on tht bturjng procens raid tht differet ats in obici they utn putictpate te tht beuning: *idtetiy groupa or iniorural onubh te parlecipate tn tht beuring, und natine heu thty ail lot ineleail; sait tuch paron or grosp thut aubhe te putcipate te descrila their concerno ai tou sahy thero une importuntteor tht Board te censider, 'protide an eppentutity 1er thore aith seailur reterests tei discurs theer rosues aid cooicerai tei ae ian unirellu gnnap can rapresent their inteets ut tht beuting; *ctet r Lust eflPetehfal Partie aitI Participait,; aed *prepare a desciption et insuee te la discuaned ut tht pnelimnaii ireng. Office oflCoattidated Heurrngs Suite 1201, lido Finar 2300 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M4P IE4 Phoe: (416) 408-7100 Fa: (416) 48-7825 For turtuer infornation- aboutthe beurerg, you uan checko our atirsite ututarreLgou2on uit clanet Murteil, Hleunng Registrr, Office ef Censelidatad imaingsaiu (416) 314-4000. TNr Board accapts ceilec calle. Mo. Marteil may aire bie reachet by e-mail at rttrt roeb oon.ua lit s your rrspeaibility te contact the Office oflConoiduted Heurjogs tei detetaie the dates, fitas uni locuhon for the baningurs il proceedo. Dated ullTosonto, tuis 28tu day oflJauar 1999. Janet Martel Reufnega Registrar Pour obtenir un exeplaire de cet rots tn irricuis, veuillez vous uddreror- ru Bureau dte jncion des rauiences, ten comptsant if (416) 314-4600. 0'5, ~--. û~. i~z-.-I 45'- -~ ~jj*V; --i FILINC OF NOTICE OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATJ Airer thre public infrmtation meeting wor taf ofM tire Ofite 0i Conoolutated timiungs aooyore aioîng to partecepate intis hearteog sitoui sutemitanritter notice of titeir intent to participt to thoeBoard loy Mesday M"rd 8,1999. lire Notice of Intent siroei coelain a clear stutement et tire perron's or groops intenert ir tire trearrng ao atoettrer ttoey wirh to ottin staus an a paty, participant or prenmner at tire ireariog. Plean encloue tire ame, aridrens, tetepinnead faxnmber ofthe patron aire i ire communicatngrotr tire Board on reiraltofthe eneiirua or groop. Toir Notice M liobetut rirnitet toilae Office ni Corrolidated Heuing attirhe rdrean ireioa. Pierr qAoetfile numere 98-07t. Pleur rote tieut tire rames, addreus, telepirone ad tan numrofn contact penaras may ire circulated jr adoance oftre irearnti order to enaure iscussion among portential parties aid participaits. PRELIMINARY HEARINC A pnuimissur; liearigail ire field iry tireJoint Board appointail to conduct tire ireuring on titis urdertloto. 'lio date, lime, location, rai prarpone ofthe preiiiry larW eare net outireina. lie preliroinary ireuringawill commence on: Rate: Tnursaa, tuarco 11, 199 Teme: 10:00 a.m. Place: Clenorciryltatota Boom, Ftuton Regeonal Centre Regiona Muicipatlity eof Uton, 1151 BronIe lad Ralie, Ontario L,5I tEl lThe porpeof ethtie pretminaoy iereuing r te: , heur outiuioca Item there atm ani lot reking party er puarcipant ottu; *rdenty tire tssues te lot ceaiderai attre ireunng; -plan tht prt-lneuoog precto nfoooraion uni document tuctruoge; meetingsof epaeties and their tegal and tecirnical repreoentutroe; rcoping et tssues; reelutror oftconditeon et apprroal; plaenrng efthe tain hearngi; *deul atirant othtt prelrmnary matterr, MAIN HEARINO Tire heunng ot eideoce anIl commence an a date na aa locatior te ire determinai attre peeliiimai aeig. Notice ofthe date and location ef tire mainirirngait rot bc prollsired in a neasper, Iftyouaisr toNafinitaie t aiswerelthe ain loearingaill lot trold pleure attend tla prelirmsrryirrnng or centact tire Reunogo Regrattur. Tirere anil lot no ceurt reporting reerces proidai loy lire Oicea ot Conrolrluted Herings tor tht Heuring. Ifthe parties amd participants ceaidler thut tirey require a traascript ofthe procodirgr tirey ay, artr tire Boards atrpreoal, olotuin mach service at tireir oan eipease. lire Board hrans no objetion te tire unoirtruriot tupe-recordirg ofthe proceedirgs. PLEASE NOTE: trooay bcaffectedy theeeiioe the Board mata. 1f you trm coenr, you houldmone to thepuatiic informnation meetingand, if oeoeeann the prlrtirrrharirg, or haveomero atitrndarho ar representgour conrrr. Jlyou (or your taprmentatie) do notuatendi, thetirord mapromed nor abseneera and youarittenot rceive nytrrthar'otice of theepr«eedsrg. FOR FURIlIER INFORMATION Cepies of tthe applicationsuad documentationrtirmi9ted irythre proporient pertuirirg to iris undertahng areuartiietfor inspection durirg normal tusiness iroura aÊ Regienal Municipafity oftHaiten Municipal Offices 1151 Ironie Bord Oulsitit, Ontario LOt 6El Ploone: (905) 02-M00 Fax: (905) 825-8838

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