16 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 16, 1999 prmpe$Dateline from DATELINE on page 10 Saturday Feb. 20 The Milton Choristers presents 'Glory of Romance', a 301h anniversary gala cel- ebration of songs, sonnets and a dessert buffet, at Milton Alliance Church af 7:30 p.m. Special guests include Milton 1999 CAVALIER SEDAN If Only Everything In Life Was As Dependable As A Cavalier. a 2.2 litre engilne a 4-wheel anfi-lockE braking systemn a AM/FM stereoU e Nesi Generation dual front air bags e PASSLockcx fheft-deteroent systemn I -VALUE PACKGE INCW.DING POWER DOOR LOCICSCRUISE CONITROL, AIR CONDMONINAIJrOMAC TRANSMISSION ANDA .9% I.EASE RATE. 1999 CHEVY VENTURE NO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE MONTHLY PAYMENT P248 CASH DON/w eaeci Av cix 'i 3,950 GASTAX NOTAPPICA6I.0 PRE-DEUIVERY INSPECTt03IOd M 6WEX RA*A0 PSTGST/jiacteN T. Amm SECURITY DEPOI W0 TOTALAMWIJNTOOi DLIR! '9--,112 xcaic, PPSA. SAdmin. FeuExra WI5 Sldeni mee5il ley a $86(peea)S45 due an deaipy 1999 CHEVY BLAZER LS 4-WHEEL DRIVE NO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE MONiLY PAYMENT S358 CASl nomNî(Me iî-xSroiervv0) '3,920 CAS TAX40 PREDEVER NPCIONSE ICNO BT HARE SECURITY DEPOSIT '425 TOTAL AMOONT DMU ELa.aEuvai '-i;ie LcaacePP.SA. SAdmia. Feas Eotie 69330dama Preisipament la $7 pa b>$,517 dxxe an deRmair. Choristers alumni, soloist Laura Jeffrey and members of the Milton Players Theatre Group. Admission, which includes the buffet, costs $15, or $13 for seniors and students. Children aged 12 years and under are admitted free. Tickets are available at Peggy's (Milton Mail), Delacourt's (Main Street) and ai the door or by calling 875- 4588. The Brookville Minor Basehali Association holds its 1999 registration from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Nassagaweya Community Centre. T-bail starts at age 4. Everyone is welcomne. 1999 CHEVROLEF CAVALIER SEDIAN NO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE MONTILY PAVMENT P» CASH DOWN/00ci Fmwoa6mTaxoslCe/ -2,120 GASTAX 175 PRE-DEUVERY INSPECT10N ND XTRAOIARGE PST/GST <aai Tu S P«nml '6 SECURITY DEPOVIT '0 TOTAL AMUN DUE ON DEUV!R -3,M6 Licence, P.PS.A. & Admin. Fem Extra Wtts $0 doma. maedy payit" la -2 (plaes tex) -8Ml de an dehvmy. SMARrLEASE * PjC.4SE 99 *218wr R17995 xxiWCOldaMxd 1999 CHEVY VENTURE Maximum Flexibility That Gives You The Freedom You Want. 4/00 SF1 V6 eitgine - Actcmasc 3tranmcissin a d-whenl actt-lcck hnckiag systern * Next Geccialnen dcal front air bags * Sicgle sliding recr dooc in mI chtld-seccnily lcck e Aircocdiccoing * AM /FM stemn e Power steercng * Poerm dccc lccks 1999 CHEVY BLAZER LS 4-WHEEL DRIVE This Hardworkin Spots Utility Vehicle Offers Seurty nr- n Insecure World. aVoilec 4300 SF1 V6 engicea* Aclocxatic transmissicn wilh ovrdive a 4-wheel anti-lock braldcg systeco a Neol Geneivhcon dual fronI air bags * Att condition- ing * AM/FM chiceo wl/V cassette e Sclant-ay diep blned glass 0 Power ccii- dcws/dcc lclv/mincio - Tdl.Wheel' steejcg - tlecftoic xl/xcslercase SAAR8ES PURCHASE 9 318O'3~555w29 35 «.« C1 / licSxNS5, 1999 CHEVROLET MALIBU NO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE MONTLY PAYMENT 1228 CAS OtaI- I n 00009c r suecmcxc i slo '2,720 GAS TAX 75 PRE-DEUVERY INSPECTION NOEDMTRARGE0 PSTIGST/ct T. .,xc/i '453 SECUIJRY OSPOSIT '30 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ON DEUVERY -3,778 ijoancaPSA. Aodminr FeuExtrifa WAlb $0 daan, maasdy paarpe la $310xphtu) xx - $aOeden deh"ei. 1999 CHEVROLET MALIBU A Quality, Affordable, Mid-size Sedan That Delivers More Value Than You'd Ever Expect * 2.4 ltrea.Tccn Cam ngine e Aclccabc tnansmiscion nit cverdrive * 4-oheel anS.-lcck brakicg sysîcon * NecI Genenalio dual front air hags a PASSLockîc lhelt-deenrnnt svslern * Ain ccndicnicg * Chdseccnily ran doon locks *AM /FM slennc with cassette * TiltWheei0 sleeng * Body colocn mouldings 'I28S'2,295 n4.9% /ooumnNSrcr9]avacicroda n4dwFacxn We'd Rb, vea ta bec mai: Ccne vieil us at your loald dealer, on ouraweaxde at 7mw.gcâcdm or cd/i usaIt 1-900-GM-DRIVE. dil lamaxs have amual kilanetre liniit of20,000 .50 $012 par axesu kalare. PST, GST and caciranae I~ xr.Orreaxcxxaaaex /xshv n nu/cx lbirsngciI %/V 8#V0pra IiCceiNnuaMhw0cr./nnn napoelGA ceed cn/ f00a19/9A9 amrdl t o 200290lr0dlcrr clc cran a00.0102n10 btsi 1y0.05f02 2Oarpynitn/rrd a erqnd cr0ypperadctlbnan ilayeedr r Stae-%É A Lon 0 9 * tionc. Lasti*ng Rela ti.,-Yhip 0000000001 Saturday Feb. 20 - 21 Auditions for the Milton Players Theatre Group' s production of 'The Last of the Red Hot Lovers', written by Neil Simon and directed by Patricia Adams, take place at 295 Alliance Rd., Unit 15, from 2 f0 4 p.m. For more information, calI 853-5709. Sunday Feb. 21 The lst Annual Milton Toy Show and Auction takes place at Halton Grounds Care Equipment, 1589 Steeles Ave. E., from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Food and refreshments are available throughout the day. Admission costs a donation to the Salvation Army food bank. Ail proceeds are donated to thse cause. For further infor- mation, calI 878-2121. Mark Curtis presents 'Lent, Springtime in the Heart' at Ehenezer United Church, 12274 Guelph Line (6 kmn north of Hwy. 401), at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcomne. Mikon Community Heritage Awards celebrations take place at Hughi Foster Hall (beside Town Hall) at 1:30 p.m. with thse premiere showing of a video about Victoria Park followed by thse presentation of the annual awards at 2:15 p.m. The cel- ebration also femmaes award winners' is- plays, a performance by the Sheila Graham Irish Dancers and refreshments. Everyone is welcome f0 attend the free event. Contact Bruce Carlin at 875-4588 for further information. Monday Feb. 22 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre hosto a trip to Casino-Rama in Orillia. The cost, which includes transportation and a buffet lunch, is $7 for members and $12 for non-members. Caîl 875-1681 f0 sign up. The Halton-Peel branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society meets in the lower level of Chinguacousy Branch Lihrary, 150 Central Park Dr., in Brampton at 2 p.m. The guest speaker is Sherilyn Bell, who discusses 'Genealogy and Genefics'. Visitors are welcome. MADD Halfon meets at the Oakville Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Rd., in Oakville ai 7:30 p.m. New volunfeers are welcome. For more information, calI 844- 0096. Tueaday Feb. 23 Help for Parents, a parents' support group, meets at Pinelands Preshyterian Church, 5270 New St., in Burlingfon at 7:30 p.m. The non-denominational, self- support group with trained leaders helps parents of children in trouble at home, at school or with the law, or are abusive or taking drugs. Caîl 1-800-488-5666 for more information. Wednesday Feb. 24 Halton Healthcare Services, the amalga- mated corporation of Milton District and Oakvilie-Trafalgar Memorial hospitals, presents free seminar 'Wosnen and Heart Disease' af the Ramada Inn in Oakville at 7 p.m. Dr. Andrew Zawadowski, cardiolo- gist, and Nicola Simmons, emergency edu- cation specialist, make participants aware of their nisk of heart disease and stroke and provide strategies on how f0 reduce if. Cail 338-4379 to reserve a seat. The Milton Road Safety Commiffee meets in the Community Room of the Halton Regional Police station, 490 Chiids Dr., at 7 p.m. TMe committee was formed to identify road safety issues in Milton and develop strategies to reduce the incidence of deafhs and injuries due to mofor vehicle crashes. Everyone is welcomne.