r w Dateline 167 Main Street Bus: (905) 878-4444 Fax: (905) 878-9556 1-800-668-3268' Res: (905) 878-4944 E-Mail. curnie@wodidchat.com Bill Currie Main Street " Better sales Rsepresentaiive Realty - Realtor IY 21 M edS~ NORTH END NISSAN "Serving Milton and Area for 38 Years " 610 Martin Street Milton, Ontario 878-4137 Tor. Lino 821-3513 1JBank Financial Group LEAVER MUSHROOMS 7345 Guelph Une, Campbellvillo, Ont. Retail Store Hours: 8:30-4:00 (M-F) 878-9375 IRI- WHEEL TRUaR ÇTOPÇ 40 Chisolm Dr., Milton 878-8441 Templeton The Toronto-Dominion Bank Templeton international Stock Fund Linked Notes O The Notes are fully RRSP eligible and will flot be Considered foreign property. O An investment in the Notes is intended to allow investors to increase global exposure withîn existing RRSP portfolios. O The return on the Notes will be determined with referenCe. to the ecoflomic performance of the Templeton international Stock Fund. O The Notes rank equally with ail deposit liabilities of TD Bank. O The Notes may be redeemed on a daily basis. O Orders may be placed until April 9, 1999. Further information may be obtained by calling: IHOR DZUBAK, CA, MBA Financial Consultant Merriti Lynch (905) 523-2358 1-800-263-0914 693.1100 ihis otfering; s made by prospectus oniy and a copy ofI t sliouid be obtained anid read carefu5ly prior ta makIng asy investmnent dedson. Net proceeds on redenrpiion may be less tuai, the principal amnounit of thte Note. Unit vaiue and yieids wll flactuate. The Toronto-Domision Bank, tue Issuer of tue Notes, Is a reiated issuer af liD Secuiies Inc.. ose of the agents for the offeiing. Merrili Lynch Canada Inc. Memnber-CIPF -from DATELINE on page 9 Milton parents ot Grade 8 e<dents at Milton District and E.C. Drury high schools at 7 p.m. Geared for parents and students who are planning to attend area high schools in September, 1999, the evenings provide an opportunity for participants to [mnd out more about high school education. Parents should attend the event at their home school (the school designated for their commui. Women interested in breastfeeding information and support are vvelcome to attend the La Leche League meeting at CHER- ISH Famiùly Resource Centre at 8 p.m. For fwrther information, cati 876-0772, 876-3322 or 878-6387. Million Wheels to Meals bouda a luncheon in tbe Community Room of the Loblaws grocery store (upstairs). The cost for tbe bot meal is $5. Transportation and assistance can be arranged for those tbat require it. For furiher information, contact Mary at 878- 6699. Knox Presbyterian Church, 170 Main St. E., hosts the Ash Wednesday Worslsip at 10 a.m. Visitors are invited to begin their Lenten journey by participating in Use brief service of peni- tential prayer and praise and Use persona] option of Use imposition of ashes. Wbeelchair access is available off of Mary Street. The Milton IDA pharmacy hosts the free Diabetes Clinic at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. Tests start at 9 a.m. by appointment or vvalk-in. Cati Sandy, Mamie or Kris at 878-2000 to arrange an appointmerit. Thursday Feb. 18 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., hosts Seniors Cinemas at 1:30 p.m. The cost is $1. Cati 875-1681 for feature performances. The Etectrotysis Cotiege of Canada iec., 550 Ontario St. S., Suite 203, presenits free seminar 'Learn about Ovarian Cancer' from 9:15 to 11:-30 s.m. To register, cati 878-9113 or 878-3945. A show-and-teli session of coins, medats, stamps and ailier cotteetibtes hightights the meeting of the Milton Historicat Society at Hugh Foster Hall tat 8 p.m. Speaker John Crawford offers inisight on coltectibtes. Non-members are wetcome. Admission is free. Cati 875-4588 for more information. Friday Feb. 19 The Milton Commnunity Resource Centre now aceepts registra- tion for its 'March Break Get-Away' for children aged 6 to il years. The program rima daity Usrougb Use week from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Activities inctude skating, swimming, ceramics, games, crafts and a trip to Use Ontario Science Centre. The cost is $70 for Use entire week or register for the trip onty for $25. Cati Teri at 876-1244, ext. 18. see more DATELINE on page 16 TOM DUSMET, CFP 1-800-387-9314 ITIS RRSP TIME Cali me for ail your financial needs: Mutual funds, retirement and estate plans S 1 - inciuding severance package issues. *NESBUTT BURNS i Me uuofd Bank 01 Menru m,.I of Compenl.. MapleLodge family FneraRiMS entrti rl ents Meadowvale Theatre Presn * iras on our stage, Febraary 28,1999 at2:00 pm Judy &David will pertaria sofli la dight the yaunig ai huart. The show wiliteouure sangs tram their lairai rorrdiag Living in a Shse", which won the 1997 Jasa Award for huaI children's album. Ticket Prices Familyýak 4 sias $30.00 orevuriéet Box (fic 905)1821-0090 i )8<g~21 OtMtnihyia SOW 2nmt pnadterIao P inpmdwI5issstessaffil pbmsenhTis5Maiy8ef auspMsa 16315 MeheliNd.atlUlilek Rd.,Mbbfl ýy -fndv"m w -cil For A Limited Time Only.. lobal Exposure 100% RRSP Eligible