The Canadien Champion. Friday, February 12, 1999e 9 Teachers losing students' respiect, sayls parent G ýi wife teaches elementary scbool in the * Catholic systeffi. "The students are losing * tbeir respect for tbeir teachers." * Ian bas bad toi hire a tutor for bis son wbile waiting for a mniracle to end tbe dis- He wornied tbat witb the union bninging in expensive big guns the board can't afford, tbat could take some time. "Tbey've just been outgunned," said Ian. In response, be is trying on a littie fire- power of bis own by joining tbe Parents Action Group, an organization pressing botb sides to resolve tbe dispute. Thougb Bisbop Reding is now closed for business, Ian said be is in favour of tbe board's decision to lock scbool doors. "It's regrettable tbat it bad to corne to tbis but tbe board bad to force tbe band to corne to a resolution," be said. Bisbop Reding OAC students Morgan and Cbelsea said tbey feel tossed aside by tbe board's latest move. "Tbey knew tbere was a 50-50 chance that we wouldn't be in scbool tbe next day," said Chelsea. Sbe said the teacber's work to mile man- ANNOUNCEMENT DONADSON JFI N A NC IAL G ROU P Bob ]Reid Certified Financial Plannr Hlena Donaldson CFP, CLU, HFC of tbe Donaldson C.F.aC. Group is pleased to anounce that Bob Reid bas recent- lyearned bis Certified Financial PannerT< licence from tbe Fnancial Planners Standard Council. bhe letters CFP and Certified Financial Planner identify individ- uals wbo are required to adbere to bigb standards of competence in providing financial planning advice. Only those wbo bave com- pleted the Financial Planners Standards Council's education, examination, experience and ethica requirements are awarded the CFP designation on a yearly ba$is. To find out more about bow tbe CFP credential benefits you, tbe consumer, cal Bob Reid, CFP (905) 875-3366 in Association with ,INVpSTIENT CENTRE CFR Certified Financial Plasaner - A mark of quality and a measure of trust CFp and Centid Finanriat Planner arm awarded by the PPSC iradr licenc waah die CFP Board of Standards. lnc. -We're flot getting what we need, whtch is to get back to normal." The board basn't tumned away from stu- dents, insisted Milton Catbolic scbool Trustee Joe Deoni. Cbaracterizing tbe teachers as being out of toucb witb tbe real world, Mr. Deoni said tbey are balking aI working wbat M i 'X'k4 a A date had led to a 'chautie" scbool environ- ment plagued by low morale. III don't want to basb the teacbers, but tbey aren't bending ait aIl," said Chelsea. Morgan said a tutor can't make up for ton many missed days of scbool. "We're looking for an end to the situa- tion," she said. a Family Mombeoîs: Make a GREAT Milton Chrysier Deal andA eta from Chrysier off you your Gold amnounts Io about 13 extra minutes a day. "Wben you and I talk work, we talk bours. Tbey taIk minutes," be said. ai can't believe bow far off track tbey've become." The lockout occurred after the board decided it couldn't start anotber semester on a work- to-rule basis, he said. sunscreen ~-auto, PS, glass. keyless PB, air, entry & more. -AM/FM Low, Iow kms. & more. SU# 302217 SU# 5%6773 À,995t1 $11.F995t1 119 CHYSE INREI 1996 DOG CA1A Artitcruse 7 passenger, low klts. al ofglass, cass, bug warrnty.3 todeflector, one chooe fom îý îonaner. Bal of 4 Sti 198023, er1 O 205904 &kms. warranty 198032 S#7 3 $19.F995,t 14.995t s a s Il, Oj I SIl 1 Air til, criseLoaded, PW, POL, cass Iaaded, only & more. OnIy 66 000 kms. 60000 kms. SC 273571 St# 640897 r M~ "mu naseeeaOM ew w Ou.MM Near 0% finance tata op ta 48 mnnths. Caranan 2,8% finance tata ap ta 48 monds Speciat finance and bease rates are anaitalte in lieu of RDA discounts. O.A.C t Add for applicable tanes & licence. See dealer for delails. Pull Geoif Derain Ray Rachel Sean Je Creil Rick Clantar Boulet McGIIIvray Dunbar 8Sed Gihaon DeollesIra Martin Dodds m miu-, il Al pissent * Chrysior Owinovs - irtit _____ . 1