The Canadien Champion, Friday, February 12, 1199 - 7 IStudents the ones hurt ini lock out: union head offer to at ieast deiay the lockout. In its announcement of the iockout, the board said: "it is flot prepared to have it secondary school students continue to be subjected to the very punitive effecta of the work-îo-rule sanc- tions imposed by the union througbouî thia whole first semester." Earlier Tuesday, Mr. Pece aaid the terni "par- tial sanctions" was being used to mislead people into thinking teachers are - or will - engage in motating strikes. Notbing is further from the tnitb, he said. He explained union membera are stili teacbing the seven of eight classes as imposed by the board. Their sanctions consiat of simply reftising to do wbat is essentially volunteer work after class. Mr. Pece said if teachers are locked out, it wîll j be thse students who suifer. At minimum they j wiil lose at least two or tbree weeka as back-to- work legisiation is tabled and discussed, prior to tbe teachers finally being forced back to clasa. The entire scenario, said Mr. Pece, plays mbt bis longstanding suspicion tbe board bas wanted to lock teachers out (or force them to strike) 50 that back-to-work legislation could be enacted. Mr. Sherlock - wbo bas denied this ail along -said Tuesday be waa willing to resumne medi- ation talks as soon as possible. On tbe other hand, be is not about to allow studenta to be sub- jected 10 thse "very punitive effecta" of the teacb- ers' sanctions. Mr. Sberlock said pupils bave been denied acceas 10 ail academnic assistance outside regular classes as well as ail extra-cun-icular activities sucb as sports. Mr. Sberlock also bopes to put an end to tbe teachers' "pink-listing" of tbe board, meaning actively discouraging teacbers from seeking employment witbin thse Halton Catbolic Board. Photo by RON KUZYK Teachers plcket outslde the Halton Cathollc District School Board building aller being Iocked out sarlier tbis week. union' s executive and negotiating cornmiitee and take an offer directly 10 the teachers. Mr. Pece said Monday's vote aiso told tbe board t0 stop stalling in their negotiations witb teachers. He maintained tbat by getting tbe province involved, ail the board did was put talks on bold for two weeks. Thse board's lateat offer included a wage increase of 1 per cent effective September 1, 1999, 1 per cent in February, 2000 and 1 per cent in February, 2001. The offer features a teacber workload of 19 full classes over tbe tbree years of thse proposed contract, or 6.33 classes per eigbt perioda of the scbool year. During the five semesters teachers aren't teacbing a fourtb class, preparation time would be a minimum 200 minutes per week. The number of "on-calîs," or limes wben teacbers cover for absenteeism and otber contin- gencies will be a maximum of twice per week. Department beads' on-caîl perioda would drop from two to one. Tbe number of department beads per scbool would be reduced from Il 10 nine effective September 1, 1999. Assistant department beads would be eliminated effcctive September 1. 1999. Mr. Pece said be is uncertain wbat tbe future now bolds but said teacbers are not planning a Earlier Tuesday, before Use board's ultimatum, The teacbers voted 10 reject tbe offer by 99.4 full witbdrawal of tbeir services - an option Mr. Pece said Monday's overwbelming rejection per cent. There were 353 ballots cast out of a tbey bave bad since tbe start of scbool. Tbe sent an unequivocal message 10 botb aides in Use possible 365. A total of 351 teachers voted board also bas tbe legal rigbt 10 lock teacbers dispute. againat Use offer, only two in favour of il. out. "It was a pleasant surprise for Use bargaiing Neither aide was optimistic about a settlement The labour dispute started wilb tbe require- team and Use union executive to gel UsaI kind of goîng mbt Monday's vote, wbicb was super- ment under Bill 160 UsaI teachers' workloads be support" said Mr. Pece. 'Tihis rejection vividly vised by Use Ontario Labour Relations Board at increased 10 1,250 minutes per week. The board indicates Use fact Catholic teacbers in Halton are tbe request of Ibe Hallon Catbolic District interpreted Ibis by telling secondary scbool nul willing 10 seule for a worload UsaI is inferi- Scbool Board. teacbers tbey must teacb seven out of eigbî or to Halton public, Hamilton-Wentworth public Under Minîstry of Labour legisiation, thse classes, instead of Use current six of eigbt as in and Hamilton-Wenîwortb Catholic (boards)." board is allowed only once 10 circumvent tbe past years.